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Дата Автор Заглавие
2014   Беларусь у рэгіёне краін Усходняга партнёрства (1992—2012) : стратэгія міждзяржаўных дачыненняў. Палітычная і эканамічная роля ў рэгіёне / Інстытут палітычных даследаванняў "Палітычная сфера", Цэнтр еўрапейскай трансфармацыі ; [А. Казакевіч, А. Валодзькін, А. Філіпаў]
2013 Kuzņecova, Irina From the Vilnius summit to the Riga summit : challenges and opportunities of the Eastern Partnership / Irina Kuzņecova, Diāna Potjomkina, Martiņš Vargulis ; Latvian Institute of International Affairs
2019 "10 лет "Восточному партнерству": итоги и перспективы", экспертный семинар (2019 ; Минск) Eastern Partnership at 10: results and ways forward / Minsk Dialogue, Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Belarus, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
2011   Poland's Development Co-operation and the Eastern Partnership (2009―2010) : Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia = Polska współpraca na rzecz rozwoju a Partnerstwo Wschodnie (2009―2010) : Ukraina, Gruzja, Azerbejdżan, Białoruś, Mołdawia, Armenia / prepared by Anna Fundakowska ; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Development Co-operation Department
2015   Eastern Partnership revisited : associated countries in focus / [editors: Grzegorz Gromadzki, Bastian Sendhardt]
2018 "Усходняе партнёрства", праект Investing in SMEs in the Eastern Partnership : EU4Business annual report, June 2018
2019   CSO Meter : assessing the civil society environment in the Eastern Partnership countries / authors: Olga Smolianko, Yury Chavusau
2014 Казакевіч, Андрэй (палітолаг) Belarus in the region of the Eastern Partnership countries (1992―2012) : interstate relations strategy; political and economic role in the region / authors: Andrei Kazakevich, Andrei Valodzkin, Aliaksandr Filipau ; [translated from Belarusian by Andreï Bursaŭ] ; Political Sphere, Institute of Political Studies ; supported by Centre for European Transformation
2013   Eastern Partnership : a new opportunity for the neighbours? / edited by Elena Korosteleva
2012 "Усходняе партнёрства", праект Eastern Partnership = Partnerstwo Wschodnie / [editing: Marcin Dzierżanowski]
2017   Handbook for internationalisation / [contributing author: Michael Joris] ; [editors: Alexander Markarov, Bridget Middlemas, Alexander Rytov] ; PICASA (Promoting Internationalization of HEIs in Eastern Neighborhood Countries through Cultural and Structural Adaptations) ; co-funded by the Tempus Programme of the European Union
2012 Добржанська, Оксана Олександрівна Ініціатива "Східне партнерство" в реалізації зовнішньої політики Європейського Союзу : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата політичних наук : спеціальність 23.00.04 Політичні проблеми міжнародних систем та глобального розвитку / Добржанська Оксана Олександрівна ; Чернівецький національний університет ім. Юрія Федьковича
2012 European Communities. European Commission Guidelines for Integrated Border Management in the European Commission External Cooperation : workshop material for the National Workshop on Integrated Border Management modalities of the State Border and State Customs Committees of the Republic of Belarus, 22 October 2012, Minsk : extracted version / International Centre for Migration Policy Development
2014   From Eastern Partnership to the Association : a legal and political analysis / edited by Naděžda Šišková ; [preface by Štefan Füle]
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