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Дата Автор Заглавие
2019 Duffield, Mark Post-humanitarianism : governing precarity in the digital world / Mark Duffield
1977   Online : the magazine of online information systems
2018 Scheuerman, William E. (нар. 1965) Civil disobedience / William E. Scheuerman
2018 Lowenthal, Mark M. The future of intelligence / Mark М. Lowenthal
2018 Mikler, John The political power of global corporations / John Mikler
2018 Pullum, Geoffrey K. (нар. 1945) Linguistics / Geoffrey K. Pullum
2018 Archibugi, Daniele Crime and global justice : the dynamics of international punishment / Daniele Archibugi and Alice Pease
2018 Bertram, Christopher Do states have the right to exclude immigrants? / Christopher Bertram
2010 Sauers, Michael P. Blogging and RSS : a librarian's guide / Michael P. Sauers
2018 Fiorino, Daniel J. Can democracy handle climate change? / Daniel J. Fiorino
2018 Dauvergne, Peter Will big business destroy our planet? / Peter Dauvergne
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