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2023   Backbone [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / written and edited by Li Tiejun and Huang Huiping ; photomicrographed by Li Tiejun
2011 "BAKS Galerie", галерэя сучаснага мастацтва (Германія) Art & science [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : scientific microphotography in modern interior : the collection of the microphotos of Katja Skorb, Daria Andreeva-Bäumler and Nicolás Pazos Pérez
1933   Handbuch der wissenschaftlichen und angewandten Photographie / herausgegeben von Alfred Hay ; weitergeführt von M. v. Rohr. — Bd. 6: Wissenschaftliche Anwendungen der Photographie. T. 2, Mikrophotographie / bearbeitet von T. Péterfi
1994 Baranov, V. I. Multi-plane photomicrography of 3-D objects in nuclear emulsions
2022   Life: a poem, a song [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : four seasons of life under the microscope / photomicrographed by Li Tiejun ; writing, editing and translating by Li Tiejun and Huang Huiping
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