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   Запрос: a001="BY-NLB-ar53239"
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1998   ATLAS barrel hadron calorimeter : General manufacturing concepts for 300000 absorber plates mass production
2000 Бандурин, Дмитрий Владимирович (физик) Jet energy scale setting with "γ + Jet" events at LHC energies. Generalities, selection rules : Presented at the "XV ISHEPP", September 25-29, 2000, Dubna, Russia / D. V. Bandourin, V. F. Konoplyanikov, N. B. Skachkov
1999   ATLAS Barrel Hadron Tile Calorimeter: spacers plates mass production / [Auth.] : A. M. Artikov, J. A. Budagov, J. Khubua et al
1999 Прокошин, Ф. В. Стенд для измерения размеров спейсерных пластин "TILE"-калориметра АТЛАС / Ф.В.Прокошин, В.В.Шевцов
1998 Кульчыцкі, Юрый Аляксандравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук) Analytical representation of the longitudinal hadronic shower development
2000 Кульчыцкі, Юрый Аляксандравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук) Hadronic shower development in Tile iron-scintillator calorimetry : Talk pres. at the VIII Intern. Conf. on Calometry in High Energy Physics, 1999, Lisbon / Y.A.Kulchitsky
1996   Experimental study of the effect of hadron shower leakage on the energy response and resolution of ATLAS hadron barrel prototype calorimeter / [Auth.]:J.A.Budagov,Y.A.Kulchitsky,V.S.Rumyantsev a.o
2000 Бандурин, Дмитрий Владимирович (физик) Jet energy scale setting with "γ+Jet" events at LHC energies. Minijets and cluster suppression and Pₜγ - PₜJet disbalance : Presented at the "XV ISHEPP", September 25-29, 2000, Dubna, Russia / D. V. Bandourin, V. F. Konoplyanikov, N. B. Skachkov
1999 Кульчыцкі, Юрый Аляксандравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук) Longitudinal hadronic shower development in a combined calorimeter : Pres. at the Intern. ATLAS Collab. Conf., Sept. 1999, Geneva / Y.A.Kulchitsky, M.V.Kuzmin, V.B.Vinogradov
1995   Electron response and e/h ratio of ATLAS barrel hadron prototype calorimeter / [Auth.]:J.A.Budagov,Y.A.Kulchitsky,V.B.Vinogradov a.o
1997   Some auxiliary technology equipment for ATLAS hadron calorimeter module and submodule manipulations and the quality control of the assembled module / [Auth.]:J.Budagov,Yu.Kulchitsky,A.Lebedev a.o. ; Budagov J.*Kulchitsky Yu.*Lebedev A
2000 Бандурин, Дмитрий Владимирович (физик) Jet energy scale setting with "γ + Jet" events at LHC energies. Selection of events with a clean "γ + Jet" topology and Pₜγ - PₜJet disbalance : Presented at the "XV ISHEPP", September 25-29, 2000, Dubna, Russia / D. V. Bandourin, V. F. Konoplyanikov, N. B. Skachkov
1999 Пляскин, Василий Васильевич Исследование электрослабых взаимодействий с помощью детектора Л3 на ЛЭП : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. д-ра физ.-мат. наук : 01.04.16 / Гос. науч. центр Рос. Федерации, Ин-т теорет. и эксперим. физики
1991 Румянцев, Виктор Семенович (кандидат физико-математических наук, физик ; 1995—2003) Energy resolution of the hadron calorimeter and the wavelength shifter performances / V. S. Rumyantsev
1996   Identification of b-jets with a low pT muon using ATLAS tile calorimeter simulation data and artificial neural networks technique / [Auth.]:A.Astvatsaturov,J.Budagov,V.Shigaev a.o
1995   Improvement in separation of isolated muons and pions at low pt in ATLAS hadron calorimeter using artificial neural networks technique / [Auth.]:A.Astvatsaturov,J.Budagov,I.Chirikov-Zorin a.o
1995   ATLAS barrel hadron calorimeter : JINR-group activity,July-September 1995 / [Auth.]:J.Budagov,Y.Kulchitsky,A.Lebedev a.o. ; Budagov J.auth.*Kulchitsky Y. auth.*Lebedev A. auth
2000 Кульчыцкі, Юрый Аляксандравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук) On the parametrization of the longitudinal hadronic shower profiles in combined calorimentry / Y.A.Kulchitsky, V.B.Vinogradov
1997   ATLAS barrel hadron calorimeter 0-module assembly technology / [Auth.]:J.Budagov,Y.Kulchitsky,A.Lebedev et al
2000 Бандурин, Дмитрий Владимирович (физик) Jet energy scale setting with "γ + Jet" events at LHC energies. Event rates, Pₜ structure of Jet : Presented at the "XV ISHEPP", September 25-29, 2000, Dubna, Russia / D. V. Bandourin, V. F. Konoplyanikov, N. B. Skachkov
1997   Radioactive sources for ATLAS hadron tile calorimeter calibration / [Auth.]:J.Budagov,M.Cavalli-Sforza,Yu.Ivanioushenkov a.o
2000   Hadron energy reconstruction for the ATLAS barrel prototype combined calorimeter in the framework of the non-parametrical method / Y.A.Kulchitsky, M.V.Kuzmin, J.A.Budagov et al
1997   Study of the hadron shower profiles with the ATLAS tile hadron colorimeter / [Auth.]: J. A. Budagov, Y.A. Kulchitsky, V. S. Rumyantsev a. o
1999 Кульчыцкі, Юрый Аляксандравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук) Non-compensation of the ATLAS barrel tile hadron module-0 calorimeter
2000 Кульчыцкі, Юрый Аляксандравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук) Hadron energy reconstruction for ATLAS barrel combined calorimeter using non-parametrical method / Yu.A.Kulchitsky
2002   The e/h ratio of the ATLAS hadronic tile calorimeter : Pres. at the Intern. ATLAS Collab. Conf., 2001, CERN, Geneva / J.A.Budagov, Y.A.Kulchitsky, M.V.Kuzmin, V.B.Vinogragov
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