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Дата Автор Заглавие
2012 United Nations. Research Institute for Social Development An institutional analysis of biofuel policies and their social implications : lessons from Brazil, India and Indonesia / Mairon G. Bastos Lima ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
2014   Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society, and biodiversity in Japan, 2014 / Ministry of the Environment [of Japan]
1998 United Nations. World Bank Market-based instruments for environmental policymaking in Latin America and the Caribbean : lessons from eleven countries / Richard M. Huber, Jack Ruitenbeek, Ronaldo Serôa da Motta
2018 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Environmental performance reviews : Albania : third review
2019 Duan Juan Ecological civilization of contemporary China / Duan Juan
2012   Sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus based on "green" economy principles : national report [was drawn up by the staff of the Scientific-Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of Belarus with financial and organizational assistance from the United Nations Development Program Office in Belarus / prepared by: Victor Pinigin [et al.]
2014   The value of the forests : payments for ecosystem services in the green economy
1995 United Nations. World Bank Applying environmental economics in Africa / Frank J. Convery
2017 Навроцький, Руслан Леонідович Економічне стимулювання запровадження екологічних інновацій у регіоні : (на прикладі Рівненської області) : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук : спеціальність 08.00.06 Економіка природокористування та охорони навколишнього середовища / Навроцький Руслан Леонідович ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування
2018 "Профсоюзы и "зеленые" рабочие места", международный форум (2 ; 2018 ; Минск) "Green" economy, trade unions and creating jobs : compendium on the results of the II International Forum "Trade unions and "green" jobs", 19—20 April 2018, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus
2017 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Innovation for sustainable development review of Belarus
2018 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Measuring the value of forests in a green economy / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
2019 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy : mid-term review / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
2012 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Investment policy framework for sustainable development
2012 United Nations. Research Institute for Social Development Sustainable development through policy integration in Latin America : a comparative approach / Laura Rival ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
2016 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Environmental performance reviews : Belarus : third review
2019 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Environmental performance reviews : North Macedonia : third review
2012 United Nations. Research Institute for Social Development Payment for ecosystem services markets on aboriginal land in Cape York Peninsula : potential and constraints / Michael Winer, Helen Murphy and Harold Ludwick ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
2008 Qu Ge Ping Xunhuan jingji lüse zhi qi = Circular economy ― a banner for green development / Qu Ge Ping, Yan Min
2016-2017 United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus 16 pilot initiatives [of the] project "Supporting the transition to a green economy in the Republic of Belarus" funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme / thematic coordinator of the project: Piotr Sachek
2019 Naidoo, Shalinee Encyclopedia of environmental science / Shalinee Naidoo. — Vol. 7: Environmental economics
2018   Striving for more robust drivers : a historic leap-forward to high-quality development / chief editor: Chi Fulin ; deputy editors: Kuang Xianming, Fang Shuanxi, Xia Feng
2023 Yu Xiang China's green development / Yu Xiang, Zhuang Guiyang
2012 United Nations. Research Institute for Social Development The political economy of green growth in India / Payal Banerjee and Atul Sood ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
2013 Федотова, Юлія Володимирівна Формування кластерних структур та їх вплив на соціально-економічний розвиток регіонів : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук : спеціальність 08.00.05 Розвиток продуктивних сил і регіональна економіка / Федотова Юлія Володимирівна ; Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Харківська національна академія міського господарства
2012   Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society, and the biodiversity in Japan, 2012 / Ministry of the Environment of Japan
2013   Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society, and the biodiversity in Japan, 2013 / Ministry of the Environment [of Japan]
2014 Xiao Yinong Looking for the Mu Us desert : a green legend of China's desert / Xiao Yinong
2014   Rovaniemi action plan for the forest sector in a Green economy
2016   Annual report on the environment in Japan, 2016 : [digest of parts of Japan's Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society, and biodiversity] / Ministry of the Environment [of Japan]
2017 United Nations Association-UK Climate 2020 : new leaders, new approaches
2018 "Профсоюзы и "зеленые" рабочие места", международный форум (2 ; 2018 ; Минск) 2nd International Forum "Trade unions and green jobs", April 19―20, 2018, Minsk / Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus
2020 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Environmental performance reviews : Uzbekistan : third review
2013   Overview and case studies on green factory in R. O. C., 2013 / Asian Productivity Organization, Center of Excellence on Green Productivity ; Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service
2013   Overview and case studies on resource recycling in R. O. C., 2013 / Asian Productivity Organization, Center of Excellence on Green Productivity ; Taiwan Green Productivity Foundation
2017   Annual report on the environment in Japan, 2017 : [digest of parts of Japan's Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society, and biodiversity] / Ministry of the Environment [of Japan]
2018 "Профсоюзы и "зеленые" рабочие места", международный форум (2 ; 2018 ; Минск) Trade unions and "green" jobs : summary report [of the] following discussion at II International Forum, April 19—20, 2018, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus
2018 Xie Zhenhua China's road of green development / Xie Zhenhua, Pan Jiahua
2018 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Environmental performance reviews : Bosnia and Herzegovina : third review
2012 United Nations. Research Institute for Social Development The emerging policy for green economy and social development in Limpopo, South Africa / Agnes Musyoki ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
2012 United Nations. Research Institute for Social Development Green economy or green society? : contestation and policies for a fair transition / Sarah Cook, Kiah Smith and Peter Utting ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
2014 Ясинский, Владимир Адольфович Modern water management in the CIS countries / Vladimir Yasinskiy, Alexander Mironenkow, Tulegen Sarsembekov
2015 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Environmental performance reviews : Serbia : third review
2015   Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society, and biodiversity in Japan, 2015 / Ministry of the Environment [of Japan]
2017   Green capitalism? : business and the environment in the twentieth century / edited by Hartmut Berghoff and Adam Rome
2018 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Environmental performance reviews : Mongolia
2019   Ecologically oriented forestry development in Belarus in the context of climate change / [authors: I. V. Voitau [et al.] ; [edited by I. V. Voitau, V. G. Shatravko] ; [translated from the Russian by O. Stepaniuk] ; Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, Educational Institution "Belarusian State Technological University"
2019   Annual report on the environment in Japan, 2019 : [digest of parts of Japan's Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society, and biodiversity] / Ministry of the Environment [of Japan]
2007   Environmental policy : legal and economic instruments / authors: Børge Klemmensen [et al.]
2013   Overview and case studies on green energy in R. O. C., 2013 / Asian Productivity Organization, Center of Excellence on Green Productivity ; Industrial Technology Research Institute
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