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2002 Нічик, Валерія Михайлівна (доктар філасофскіх навук ; 1928—2002) Симон Тодорський і гебраістика в Киево-Могилянській академіі / Валерія Нічик
1900-1940   Choice and valuable books and manuscripts : incunabula, early French books, woodcut books, fine bindings, judaica & hebraica, geography, Americana including a fine and early MS. of Firdousi's book of kings; the unpublished MS. of Speckle's architectur; Richenthal's Concilium zu Constanz, 1483; Rodericus's Spiegel des menschlichen Lebens, 1479; Dante's Commedia, Milan 1478; specimens from the first printed books; fine and early French and German woodcut books; a magnificent binding executed by Grolier's binder; interesting Hebrew MSS.; the only MS. of the trial of the Jews of Trent, 1475, in German; rare Americana; fine atlases, &c. &c
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