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2017 Муртада, Тайсир (экономист) Higher education in Lebanon: the reward system and its impact on quality assurance : autoreferat of the dissertation for the scientific degree of PhD in Economics : specialty 08.00.05 ― Economics and national economy management (specialization ― economics, organization and management of enterprises, branches, complexes) / Mourtada Tayssir ; scientific adviser: Alexander Gedranovich ; Educational Institution "Belarus State Economic University"
2016 Муртада, Тайсир (экономист) Higher education in Lebanon: the reward system and its impact on quality assurance : dissertation for the scientific degree of PhD in Economics : specialty 08.00.05 ― Economics and national economy management (specialization ― economics, organization and management of enterprises, branches, complexes) / Mourtada Tayssir ; scientific adviser: Alexander Gedranovich ; Educational Institution "Minsk Innovation University"
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