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2002 Geological and geodynamic evolution of the Apennines, scientific meeting (2000 ; Foligno) Proceedings of Scientific meeting "Geological and geodynamic evolution of the Apennines" held in Foligno (Pg), February 16th-18th 2000 in memory of Giampaolo Pialli / guest ed. : Massimiliano Rinaldo Barchi, Simonetta Cirilli, Giorgio Minelli. — Pt 2: Stratigraphy and palaeography ; Structural analysis ; Extensional tectonics in the Tyrrhenian area ; Recent and active tectonics
2002   Large-scale vertical movements and related gravitational processes : Intern. workshop, Camerino - Rome, 21th - 26 th June, 1999 : proceedings / Univ. degli Studi di Camerino, Dip. di Scienze della Terra ; ed.: F. Dramis, P. Farabollini, P. Molin
1845 Brocchi, Giovanni Battista Conchiologia fossile subappennina con osservazioni geologiche sugli Appennini e sul suolo adjacente : con atlante di 16 tavole / di Gio. Batista Brocchi. — Vol. 1
2002 Geological and geodynamic evolution of the Apennines, scientific meeting (2000 ; Foligno) Proceedings of Scientific meeting "Geological and geodynamic evolution of the Apennines" held in Foligno (Pg), February 16th-18th 2000 in memory of Giampaolo Pialli / guest ed. : Massimiliano Rinaldo Barchi, Simonetta Cirilli, Giorgio Minelli. — Pt 1: Geophysical data and modelling ; Geodynamics and crustal structures ; Themes of regional geology ; Foredeep and piggyback basins
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