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2004 Кукарина, Юлия Михайловна (кандидат исторических наук ; документоведение) Формирование и развитие понятия "электронный документ" в зарубежном и российской законодательстве : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук : 05.25.02 / Кукарина Юлия Михайловна ; [Российский государственный гуманитарный университет]
1995 Мохаммад, Дауд Законодательные акты эмира Амануллы-Хана как исторический источник (1919-1929) : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. ист. наук : 07.00.03 / Моск. пед. гос. ун-т им. В.И.Ленина
2005   БиблиоСертПлюс [Электронный ресурс] : сборник законодательных и нормативных документов по сертификации, стандартизации и техническому регулированию : полнотекстовая база данных. — 2005, январь ― июнь
1942   Die deutsche Hochschulverwaltung : Samml. der das Hochschulwesen betreffenden Gesetze, Verordnungen und Erlasse / Hrsg.: G.Kasper, H.Huber, K.Kaebsch, F.Senger. — Bd. 1
1997   Halsbury's laws of England : Cumulative supplement, 1997 / Ed.: Jan Jastrzebski et al. — Pt. 2: Volumes 22-52
1991   Налогообложение и бухгалтерский учет: законодательные и инструктивные документы / Союз юристов БССР, Центр социально-правовой информации и обучения. — Ч. 2: Единые нормы амортизационных отчислений на полное восстановление основных фондов народного хозяйства СССР
1935   Deutscher Gesetzesanzeiger : Sammlung von Fundstellen des geltenden Reichsrechts in systematischer und alphabetischer Ordnung mit Schlagwortregister / herausgegeben von Georg Volkhardt
2004   Міжнаціональні відносини і національні меншини України : стан, перспективи : [збірнік / упорядники Р.Чілачава, Т.Пилипенко ; за редакцією Рауля Чілачави
1994   Полицията в България, 1991-1994 : Сборник законодателни и нормативни актове / Съст. : Х. Иванов ; Висш инст. за подготовка на офицери и научноизследователска дейност - МВР. Фак. "Нац. полиция". — Том 2
2005 Haupt, Stefan Urheberrecht und DEFA-Film / Stefan Haupt ; herausgegeben von der DEFA-Stiftung
1998 Lazarus, Edward Closed chambers : The first eyewitness account of the epic struggles inside the Supreme Court / Edward Lazarus
2002   Учетная политика организации : Рекомендации по ее формированию и осуществлению для целей бухгалт. учета и налогообложения : Законодат.-норматив. акты. Проф. коммент. специалистов / Ред.-сост. М.И.Посошкова
2002   Deutsche Reichstagsakten: Reichsversammlungen, 1556―1662 : der Reichstag zu Augsburg 1566 / bearbeitet von Maximilian Lanzinner, Dietmar Heil. — Teilbd. 1
1923   Wechselordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 3. Juni 1908 / Kommentar von J. Stranz und M. Stranz
2001   Информационно-библиотечная сфера: международные акты и рекомендации : Сб. справ.-норматив. и рек. материалов / М-во культуры Рос. Федерации, Рос. нац. б-ка ; [Сост.: Е.И.Кузьмин, В.Р.Фирсов]
2005   Encyklopedia prawna "Rzeczpospolitej" [Электронны рэсурс] : [stan prawny na 31 marca 2006 r.]
2005   United States Code, 2000 edition. Supplement 3 : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States, enacted during the 108th congress, first session: Jan. 2, 2001 to January 19, 2004 / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U.S. Code, section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 3: Title 21 - Food and drugs to title 39 - Postal service
1973   Справочник юрисконсульта : Законодат. акты : По состоянию на 1 янв. 1973 г. / М-во юстиции БССР
2007 Ивошевић, З. М. Коментар Закона о раду / Зоран М. Ивошевић, Милан З. Ивошевић
2008   United States Code, 2006 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 109th Congress : (ending January 3, 2007, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2007) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 10: Title 16 - Conservation §§ 791 to title 17 - Copyrights
2008   United States Code, 2006 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 109th Congress : (ending January 3, 2007, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2007) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 9: Title 16 - Conservation §§ 1—785
1932 Година, Дионис. Приручник новог закона о извршену и обезбеhуну : са обрасцима судских поднесака, предлога, заклучака, тужби и т.д. / Година Дионис
1929 Dąbrowska, Wanda (1884―1974) Nowoczesne ustawodawstwo w zakresie bibljotek publicznych = The modern public library legislation / Wanda Dąbrowska
1860   Volumina legum : prawa, konstytucie y przywileie Krolestwa Polskiego, Wielkiego Xięstwa Litewskiego y wszystkich prowincyi należących na walnych seymiech koronnych od seymu wiślickiego roku pańskiego 1347 aż do ostatniego seymu uchwalone : przedruk zbioru praw staraniem XX. Pijarow w Warszawie, od roku 1732 do roku 1782 wydanego. — T. 7: ab anno 1764 ad annum 1768
1841   Zbior praw litewskich od roku 1389 do roku 1529, tudzież Rozprawy sejmowe o tychże prawach od roku 1544 do roku 1563 / [wydał i przedmową opatrzył A. T. Działyński ; tłumaczył Leon Rogalski]
2008   United States Code, 2006 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 109th Congress : (ending January 3, 2007, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2007) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 25: Title 42 ― The public health and welfare $$ 1441―4395
2008   United States Code, 2006 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 109th Congress : (ending January 3, 2007, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2007) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 32: Tables. Statutes at large (1971―1994)
2008   United States Code, 2006 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 109th Congress : (ending January 3, 2007, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2007) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 36: General index: R―Z
2009   United States Code, 2006 edition. Supplement 2 : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States, enacted during the 110th Congress, January 4, 2007 to January 5, 2009 / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 3: Title 28 — Judiciary and judicial procedure to Title 42 — The public health and welfare
1917 Касцюшка, Тадэвуш (1746—1817) Napomknienia względem poprawy losu włościan i Uniwersał Połaniecki / Tadeusz Kościuszko ; z przedmową Ignacego Baranowskiego
2011   United States Code, 2006 edition. Supplement 4 : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted during the 110th Congress and 111th Congress, January 4, 2007, to January 7, 2011 / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 6: Title 42 — The public health and welfare §§ 6201-end to Title 51 — National and commercial space programs
2011   United States Code, 2006 edition. Supplement 4 : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted during the 110th Congress and 111th Congress, January 4, 2007, to January 7, 2011 / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 4: Title 26 — Internal revenue code to Title 41 — Public lands
1864   Doba 2: Od počátku XI. do konce XIII. století
2010   Zhongguo chuantong falü wenhua yanjiu. — T. 1: Li yu fa : Zhongguo chuantong falü wenhua zong lun
1931   J. von Staudingers Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch und dem Einführungsgesetz / herausgegeben von Theodor Löwenfeld [et al.]. — Bd. 6: Einführungsgesetz. T. 2, Art. 7―31 (Internationales Privatrecht) / erläutert von Leo Raape
2013   United States Code, 2012 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 112th Congress : (ending January 2, 2013, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2013) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 15: Title 21 — Food and drugs to Title 22 — Foreign relations and intercourse §§ 1—2141f
2013   United States Code, 2012 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 112th Congress : (ending January 2, 2013, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2013) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 19: Title 26 ― Internal revenue code §§ 441—3241
1956 Grimm, Jacob (філолаг ; пісьменнік ; 1785—1863) Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer / Jacob Grimm. — Bd. 1
1957 Kowecki, Jerzy Uniwersał Połaniecki i sprawa jego realizacji / Jerzy Kowecki
2013   United States Code, 2012 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 112th Congress : (ending January 2, 2013, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2013) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 17: Title 23 — Highways to Title 25 — Indians
2013   United States Code, 2012 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 112th Congress : (ending January 2, 2013, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2013) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 25: Title 39 ― Postal service to Title 42 ― The public health and welfare §§ 1―299c-7
2014   United States Code, 2012 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 112th Congress : (ending January 2, 2013, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2013) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 34: Title 50 ― War and national defense to Title 51 ― National and commercial space programs
2014   United States Code, 2012 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 112th Congress : (ending January 2, 2013, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2013) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 35: Popular names and tables : revised titles, revised statutes 1878, and statutes at large (1789―1966)
2014   United States Code, 2012 edition : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 112th Congress : (ending January 2, 2013, the last law of which was signed on January 15, 2013) / prepared and published under authority of Title 2, U. S. Code, Section 285b, by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives. — Vol. 38: General index. A―C
2014 Ереванский государственный университет Materials of Conference devoted to 80th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law of the Yerevan State University / [editorial board: Gagik Ghazinyan, Armen Haykyants, Yeghishe Kirakosyan]
1948 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Forty-First Conference, held at Cambridge in the Old Schools, August 19th to 24th, 1946
1955 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Forty-Sixth Conference, held at Edinburgh, August 8th to 14th, 1954
1982 Ассоциация международного права Report of the Fifty-Ninth Conference held at Belgrade, August 17th, 1980, to August 23rd, 1980
1789   Journal des débats et loix du pouvoir legislatif et des actes du gouvernement
1995   Collier pamphlet edition, 1995. — Pt. 1: Bankruptcy Code : including text and legislative history of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, as amended; including amendments made by the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994; with accompanying practice aids / explanatory comments by Asa S. Herzog, Lawrence P. King and Amy R. Wolf
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