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2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Fishers' knowledge in fisheries science and management / edited by Nigel Haggan, Barbara Neis and Ian G. Baird
2007 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Our waters : joining hands across borders : first assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters / Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
2007 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Advances in isotope hydrology and its role in sustainable water resources management (IHS-2007) : proceedings of an international symposium on advances in isotope hydrology and its role in sustainable water resources management (IHS-2007) organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 21―25 May 2007 : in two volumes. — Vol. 1
2002 United Nations Environment Programme Environmental impact assessment training resource manual / editors: Barry Sadler and Mary McCabe ; prepared by The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Centre for Environmental Assessment and Management ; Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, Economics and Trade Branch ; Environment Australia
2003 United Nations. World Bank Water resources in Europe and Central Asia. — Vol. 2: Country water notes and selected transboundary basins
2000 United Nations Environment Programme. International Environmental Technology Centre Environmentally sound management of lake Erhai and the Xi'er river basin / UNEP Div. of Technology, Industry and Econ., China Intern. Center for Econ. and Techn. Exchanges (CICETE) etc
1998 United Nations. World Bank Priorities for environmental expenditures in industry : Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union : a report for the Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe / Mark Ambler and John Marrow ; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1998 United Nations. World Bank Ukraine : ozone depleting substances phaseout project
2003 United Nations. World Bank Ukraine's road to effective environmental management : an environmental public expenditure review = Путь Украины к эффективному управлению окружающей средой : обзор государственного финансирования защиты окружающей среды
1999 United Nations. World Bank An integrated approach to wastewater management : deciding where, when, and how much to invest / Manuel Mariño, John Boland
1999 United Nations. World Bank Cultivating peace : conflict and collaboration in natural resource management / edited by Daniel Buckles ; International Development Research Centre
2001 Щеглова, Наталия Романовна Системы экологического менеджмента в рекреационном регионе: специфика и экономические условия формирования : На материалах Кавк. Минер. Вод : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. экон. наук : 08.00.05 / Щеглова Наталия Романовна ; [Сев.-Кавк. науч.-исслед. ин-т экон. и соц. проблем Рост. гос. ун-та]
2006 Данилюк, Наталія Іванівна Екологічний компонент менеджменту транснаціональних корпорацій в умовах глобалізації : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук : 08.05.01 / Данилюк Наталія Іванівна ; Київський національний економічний університет ім. Вадима Гетьмана
2001   Strategy of sustainable development for the Hajnowka poviat for the period ending 2015 : synthesis / [prepared: Bazyli Poskrobko [et al.] ; [editor: Janina Sawicka-Demianowicz]
1996 Council of Europe Environment and local and regional autorities : Rep. by the Steering Comm. on Local and Regional Authorities (CDLR) and recommendation of the Comm. of Ministers / Steering Comm. on Local and Regional Authorities (CDLR)
1999 Серов, Геннадий Петрович (доктор юридических наук ; кандидат технических наук) Экологический аудит : Учеб.-практ. пособие
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии A study on the evaluation of environmental impact assessment in selected ESCWA countries
1997 Council of Europe The challenges facing European society with the approach of the year 2000 : Strategies for the sustainable development of Europe states in the Mediterranean basin: Rep. of the colloquy, Athens, 25-27 Apr.1996 / Organised by the Council of Europe in the framework of the Europ. Conf. of Min. responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT) in collab. with the Min. of Regional Planning of Greece
2002 UNESCO. International Co-ordinating Council of the Programme on Man and the Biosphere. Session (17; 2002; Paris). Final report, Paris, 2002
2001 UNESCO. International Hydrological Programme Ecohydrology : Hydrological and geochemical processes in large river basins: A summ. of the projects pres. to the Intern. Symposium, Manaus, Brazil, 15-19 Nov. 1999 / Ed.: Michael E.McClain, Maciej Zalewski
2004 Залесский, Лев Борисович Экологический менеджмент : Учеб. пособие для вузов / Л.Б.Залесский
1996 Council of Europe Guidelines to be followed in the design of plant conservation or recovery plans / Auth.: P.S.Wyse Jackson, J.R.Akeroyd ; [Standing Comm. of the Convention on the Coservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats]
2002 UNESCO. International Co-ordinating Council of the Programme on Man and the Biosphere. Session (17; 2002; Paris). Seventeenth session [of the] International Co-ordinating Council of the Programme on Man and the Biosphere, 18-22 March 2002, Paris : final report ; Paris. ; 2002
2006 Неверов, Александр Васильевич (доктор экономических наук ; 1945—2023) Экологический менеджмент : учебное пособие для студентов специальности "Охрана окружающей среды и рациональное использование природных ресурсов" учреждений, обеспечивающих получение высшего образования / А.В.Неверов, Л.Н.Мороз, В.Н.Марцуль
1996 European Communities. European Commission Environmental protection: a shared responsibility : Booklet
2002   Bio-syllabus for European environmental education : A textbook for the better understanding and appreciation of the bio-environment / Ed.: Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis ; Biopolitics Intern. Organisation
2004 International Atomic Energy Agency. Remediation of sites with dispersed radioactive contamination / United Nations
2003   Political ecology : an integrative approach to geography and environment-development studies / edited by Karl S. Zimmerer and Thomas J. Bassett
2000 Чернышов, Владислав Иванович Методическое пособие для изучения раздела "Государственный экологический менеджмент на предприятии" дисциплины "Экологическое управление и экономика природопользования" : Для студентов экол. фак. / В.И.Чернышов
1995 Council of Europe Rural landscapes in Europe: principles for creation and management / Sebastien Giorgis ; Steering Comm. for the Conservation and Management of the Environment and Natural Habitats
2001 Blättel-Mink, Birgit Wirtschaft und Umweltschutz : Grenzen der Integration von Ökonomie und Ökologie / Birgit Blättel-Mink
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Internationally shared (Transboundary) aquifer resources management : Their significance and sustainable management: A framework document / Ed.: Shammy Puri ; UNECE ; International Hydrological Programme ; FAO
2004   Руководящие указания по аудиту систем менеджмента качества и/или систем экологического менеджмента = Кіруючыя ўказанні па аўдыту сістэм менеджменту якасці і/альбо сістэм экалагічнага менеджменту : СТБ ИСО 19011-2003
2000 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Committee on Environmental Policy Environmental performance reviews : Bulgaria : Second rev
2000 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Committee on Environmental Policy Environmental performance reviews : Kyrgyzstan
1982 Организация Объединенных Наций. Программа по окружающей среде Ежегодный обзор, 1978 : перевод с английского
1999 United Nations Environment Programme Report on new projects, 1999
2009 United States. Marine Corps Commander's guide to environmental management
2010   The state of environment in the Republic of Belarus : national report / [prepared by: O. V. Kadatskaya [et al.] ; translator: E. I. Buglak] ; The Ministry of Natural Resources and Enviromental Protection of the Republic of Belarus ; State Scientific Establishment "Institute of Natural Management [of the] National Science Academy of Belarus"
2010 United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus Methodical recommendations for ecological rehabilitation of damaged mires and prevention of disturbances to the hydrological regime of mire ecosystems in the process of drainage / Alexander V. Kozulin, Nina I. Tanovitskaya, Irina N. Vershitskaya ; [translation from the Russian: Ilya Danshyn] ; Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus ; Institute for Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Scientific and Practical Center for Bio Resources ; Global Environment Facility ; Royal Society for Protection of Birds ; Ахова птушак Бацькаўшчыны
2007 United Nations Environment Programme Environment and security. Transforming risks into cooperation : the case of Eastern Europe: Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine / editorial and project manager: Nickolai Denisov ; United Nations Development Programme ; United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ; Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ; Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe ; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
2015 Мартинчук, Іван Володимирович Управління лісокористуванням в умовах радіоактивного забруднення : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук : спеціальність 08.00.06 Економіка природокористування та охорони навколишнього середовища / Мартинчук Іван Володимирович ; Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування
1999 United Nations. World Bank The global environmental benefits of land degradation control on agricultural land : global overlays program / Stefano Pagiola
1997 United Nations. World Bank Phasing out lead from gasoline in Central and Eastern Europe : health issues, feasibility, and policies / edited by Madga Lovei
1998 United Nations. World Bank Environmental management and institutions in OECD countries : lessons from experience / Magda Lovei, Charles Weiss
1996 United Nations. World Bank Freshwater biodiversity in Asia : with special reference to fish / Maurice Kottelat, Toni Whitten
1997 United Nations. World Bank Urban air quality management strategy in Asia : guidebook / edited by Jitendra J. Shah, Tanvi Nagpal, Carter J. Brandon
1997 United Nations. World Bank Urban air quality management strategy in Asia : greater Mumbai report / edited by Jitendra J. Shah, Tanvi Nagpal
2000 United Nations. World Bank Costa Rica : forest strategy and the evolution of land use / Ronnie de Camino [et al.]
2002 United Nations. World Bank Managing the marine and coastal environment of Sub-Saharan Africa : strategic directions for sustainable development / Indu Hewawasam
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