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2007 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Challenges faced by technical and scientific support organizations in enhancing nuclear safety : proceedings of an International Conference on Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations in Enhancing Nuclear Safety organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency, hosted by the Government of France and held in Aix-en-Provence, 23―27 April 2007
2002 United Nations Environment Programme Environmental impact assessment training resource manual / editors: Barry Sadler and Mary McCabe ; prepared by The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Centre for Environmental Assessment and Management ; Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, Economics and Trade Branch ; Environment Australia
2003 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank annual report, 2003. — Vol. 2: Financial statements and appendixes
2003 United Nations. World Bank Annual review, 2003 : small business activities / World Bank Group, International Finance Corporation
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Capacity-building for curriculum specialists in East and South-East Asia : Final report of the training seminar, Bangkok, Thailand 12-16 Dec. 2000 / Ed.: Lucille C.Gregorio, Isabel Byron ; UNESCO Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific ; Intern. Bureau of Education ; Thai Min. of Education ; Jap. Funds-in-Trust
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Европейская экономическая комиссия Упрощение процедур торговли : Распределение выгод от процесса глобализации в новых условиях безопасности / [Ред.]: Карол Косгроув-Сакс, Марио Апостолов
2004   International technical assistance to the Republic of Belarus : Questions and answers / Comp.: A. V. Pinigin, E. V. Laevskaya
2003 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Sharing the gains of globalization in the new security environment : The challenges to trade facilitation
2001 Многостороннее агентство по гарантиям инвестиций Annual report, 2001
2005 Міжнародная фінансавая карпарацыя Report to the Donor Community, 2005 : IFC donor-supported technical assistance programs
2002 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Is your trade support network working? / Intern. Trade Centre. Executive Forum ; State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
???? Council of Europe Integrated heritage conservation / Directorate of Education, Culture and Sport. Cultural Heritage Department
1993 Council of Europe Technical assistance to the town Tropea (Italy) : Rep. prep. after a Council of Europe techn. co-op. and consultancy mission, 12 Sept. 1990
2005 ООН. Международная организация труда. Европейское региональное совещание (7; 2005; Будапешт). Доклад Генерального директора. — Т. 1: Сотрудничество в условиях перемен : Деятельность МОТ в 2001-2004 г.г
2005 ООН. Международная организация труда. Европейское региональное совещание (7; 2005; Будапешт). Доклад Генерального директора. — Т. 2: Справляясь с переходными процессами : Управление как средство обеспечения достойного труда
2001 United Nations. Office of Legal Affairs. Treaty Section Treaty handbook
2009 United Nations. World Bank Una guía del Banco Mundial
2013   Study on human resources development projects in African countries : final report, January 2013 / International Development Center of Japan ; Japan International Cooperation Agency
2003 ООН. Всемирный банк Годовой отчет, 2003. — Т. 1: Обзор деятельности за год
2004 ООН. Всемирный банк Справочник-путеводитель по Всемирному банку = A guide to the World Bank / [Пер. с англ.]: Н.Л.Некрасова ; [Ред.]: Т.В.Кирсанова
2005 Многостороннее агентство по гарантиям инвестиций Annual report, 2005
1995 Council of Europe Technical assistance to the city of Safranbolu (Turkey) : Report drawn up by experts appointed by the Council of Europe, Dec. 1992
???? ООН. Всемирный банк Группа Всемирного банка. Избавим мир от бедности
2004   Международная техническая помощь Республике Беларусь, 1999-2001 = International technical assistance to the Republic of Belarus, 1999-2001
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Peasant associations in theory and practice / Nora McKeon, Michael Watts, Wendy Wolford
????   Международная техническая помощь Республике Беларусь, 1992 - 1996 = International technical assistance to the Republic of Belarus : [Отчет / Ред. И.Соломевич, Н.Купченя ; Пер. на англ. яз. А.Пискунов, Э.Кейн
2004   Международная техническая помощь Республике Беларусь в вопросах и ответах / Сост.: А.В.Пинигин, Е.В.Лаевская
2004 ООН. Всемирный банк Справочник-путеводитель по Всемирному банку = A guide to the World Bank / перевод с английского: Н.Л.Некрасова ; [редактор: Т.В.Кирсанова]
2001 Westminster Foundation for Democracy (Лондан) WFD annual report, 2000―2001
2004   Japan's official development assistance : white paper, 2004 : accomplishments and progress of 50 years / Ministry of Foreign Affairs [of Japan], Economic Cooperation Bureau
2005   Assessment of Environmental "Hot Spots" in Iraq
2001 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization National education policies and programmes and international cooperation : what role for UNESCO? / Lucila Jallade, Mohamed Radi and Serge Cuenin
1994 Council of Europe Technical assistance to the city of Banska Stiavnica (Slovak Republic) : Rep. established by the experts nominated by the Council of Europe, Oct. 1992
2005   Rebuilding Fiscal Institutions in Postconflict Countries : Sanjeev Gupta...[et al.]
2000 ООН. Международный валютный фонд Setting up treasuries in the Baltics, Russia, and other countries of the former Soviet Union : An assessment of IMF technical assistance / Barry H.Potter, Jack Diamond ; United Nations
1991 United Nations. International Monetary Fund Technical assistance and training services of the International Monetary Fund
2001 Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе Annual report, 2001 : on interaction between organizations and institutions in the OSCE area, (1 Nov. 2000 - 31 Oct. 2001)
1992 Council of Europe Use of the international classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps (ICIDH) in the assessment of technical aids / Consult.: Albert Tricot
2000   Международная техническая помощь Республике Беларусь, 1997-1998 = International technical assistance to the Republic of Belarus, 1997-1998 : Отчет
2004 United Nations Development Programme Международная техническая помощь Республике Беларусь, 1999-2001 = International technical assistance to the Republic of Belarus, 1999-2001 / [Пер. на англ.]: В.Велент ; Представительство ООН/ПРООН в Республике Беларусь ; Мин-во экономики РБ
1994 Council of Europe Technical assistance to the city of Orange (France) : Rep. established by the experts nominated by the Council of Europe, Oct. 1993
2000 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии 1998-1999 report
2013 UNESCO. International Institute for Educational Planning The IIEP Advanced Training Programme in Educational Planning and Management : diploma and master 2012/2013 session, 3 September 2012 ― 28 June 2013
2014   Climate change, 2014 : impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability : Working Group II contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change : summaries, frequently asked questions, and cross-chapter boxes / edited by Christopher B. Field [et al.] ; World Meteorological Organization ; United Nations Environment Programme
2001 United Nations. World Bank Global public policies and programs : implications for financing and evaluation : proceedings from a World Bank workshop / edited by Christopher D. Gerrard, Marco Ferroni, Ashoka Mody
2006 Новиков, Максим Викторович Иностранный капитал в советской электротехнической промышленности сильных токов: формы привлечения и результаты использования (в 1920-1932 гг.) : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата экономических наук : 08.00.01 / Новиков Максим Викторович ; [Волгоградский государственный университет]
1995 Council of Europe Technical assistance to the city of Telc (Czech Republic) : Report drawn up by experts appointed by the Council of Europe, Oct. 1993
2000 Council of Europe Europe, a common heritage : Campaign guide
1998   Проекты технического содействия и инвестиций в Беларуси / Междунар. финансовая корпорация (IFC)
2005   Global capacity-building initiative for parliaments on sustainable development : Inaugural conference, Paris 22-23 April 2005
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