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2005 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии Towards integrated social policies in Arab countries : framework and comparative analysis / United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
1992 Council of Europe The situation of young people between school and employment in certain member states of the Council of Europe : Rep. / Consult.: Maryse Huet
1937 Simpson, George Conflict and community : a study in social theory : dissertation / George Simpson
1982 Council of Europe Prevention of juvenile delinquency: the role of institutions of socialisation in a changing society : Rep. pres. to the 14th Criminological Research Conf., 1980 / Europ. Comm. on Crime Problems
1988 Council of Europe Conference of Saarbruecken [on] Youth employment, [2-3 June 1986, Saarbruecken] : Proceedings / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
2001 United Nations. International Labour Organization Youth unemployment and employment policy : A global perspective / Niall O'Higgins
1997 Council of Europe Framework for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of data on the ageing of people with disabilities / Prep.: D.L.McLellan in collab. with the Netherlands delegation a. Working Group on the Ageing of Persons with Disabilities
1993 Council of Europe Methods of assessment and the index of occupational characteristics
2000 ООН. Международная организация труда. Международная конференция труда. Сессия (88;2000) Доклад V : Подготовка кадров и обеспечение занятости: содействие социальной интеграции, повышению производительности и занятости молодежи : Развитие людских ресурсов и подготовка кадров : профориентация и профессиональная подготовка : Пункт 5 повестки дня
2000 ООН. Генеральная Ассамблея. Сессия (24, специальная) Официальные отчеты : дополнения. — Доп. 3: Доклад Специального комитета полного состава двадцать четвертой специальной сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи
2009 Mau, Steffen Die Sozialstruktur Europas / Steffen Mau, Roland Verwiebe
2008 Loriaux, Michael European Union and the deconstruction of the Rhineland frontier / Michael Loriaux
2010   Bukowina : integracja społeczno-kulturowa na pograniczu / redakcja naukowa: Helena Krasowska [et al.] ; Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk ; Katedra Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego ; Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego ; Pilski Dom Kultury
2012 Полулященко, Юрій Михайлович Соціальна інтеграція людей з обмеженими можливостями засобами фізичної культури і спорту в умовах регіонального реабілітаційного середовища : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата педагогічних наук : спеціальність 13.00.05 Соціальна педагогіка / Полулященко Юрій Михайлович ; Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Державний заклад Луганський національний університет ім. Т. Шевченка
2012   Sąsiedztwo i pogranicze — między konfliktem a współpracą / pod redakcją Roberta Łosia i Jacka Reginii-Zacharskiego. — T. 1
2014   Baden-Württemberg ― eine Zuwanderungsgeschichte / herausgegeben von Mathias Beer
1995   Journal for mental changes : perspective of economic, political and social integration
2016 Abbott, Pamela The decent society : planning for social quality / Pamela Abbott, Claire Wallace and Roger Sapsford
2019   Kultura spojuje! : sociální začleňování: kreativní partnerství kultury s dalšími sektory = Culture connects! : social inclusion: creative partnerships of culture with other sectors : [sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference, Praha, 2.―3. 10. 2019]
2000 Council of Europe Legislation to counter discrimination against persons with disabilities : Report drawn up by the Working Group on Legislation against Discrimination of Persons with disabilities (P-RR-LADI) / Heinz-Dietrich Steinmeyer
1984 Council of Europe The criminal record and rehabilitation of convicted persons / Europ. Comm. on Crime Problems
2000 Leicht, Michael A reformed European model ― social capital as competitive advantage : dissertation / Michael Leicht ; Faculty of Arts of the University of Zurich
2002 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Curriculum change and social inclusion : Perspectives from the Baltic and Scandinavian countries: Final report of the regional seminar held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 5-8 Dec. 2001 / Ed.: Sobhi Tawil ; Intern. Bureau of Education ; Open Society Fund Lithuania
1997 Council of Europe Vocational training and rehabilitation of people with disabilities : a comparative analysis / [Auth.] : Rene Luyckx ; Comm. on the Rehabilitation a. Integration of People with Disabilities
1994 Council of Europe Measures to promote the social integration of mentally disabled people
???? Storch, Oliver La fracture numerique / Oliver Storch ; Fond. Robert Schuman
1998 Council of Europe Security of residence of long-term migrants : A comparative study of law and practice in European countries / Kees Groenendijk, Elspeth Guild, Halil Dogan
1999 Dietz, Barbara Kinder aus Familien mit migrationshintergrund : Kinder in Aussiedlerfamilien und Asylbewerberfamilien - alleinstehende Kinderfluchtlinge / Barbara Dietz, Renate Holzapfel ; Dt. Jugendinst
1999 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры L'integration dans l'education prescolaire et l'enseignement primaire : Etudes de cas
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Inegalites sociales a l'ecole et politiques educatives / Marie Duru-Bellat ; Inst. Intern. de Planification de l`Education
2003 ООН. Международная организация труда. Международная конференция труда. Сессия (91; 2003) Доклад IV (2): Обучение и подготовка к трудовой деятельности в обществе, основанном на знаниях: позиции трехсторонних участников : Пункт 4 повестки дня ; 2003
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Inclusive schools & community support programmes : Phase two, 1998-2001: Report / [Comp.: James Lynch ; Forew.: John Daniel]
2002   Europa — wohin? / Herausgeber: Karl Acham
2010 Oliver, J. Eric The paradoxes of integration : race, neighborhood, and civic life in multiethnic America / J. Eric Oliver
2013 Ананенко, Алексей Александрович (социальный педагог) The house of hope : from the experience of organization of residence and employment of young people with disabilities in departments of accompanied residing in house-boarding institutions in the Republic of Belarus / А. А. Ананенко, И. А. Бокаева, И. В. Миронова] ; Сharitable public association "World without borders"
2007 Council of Europe Reconciling labour flexibility with social cohesion ― the experiences and specificities of Central and Eastern Europe = Concilier flexibilité du travail et cohésion sociale ― les expériences et les enjeux spécifiques en Europe centrale et orientale
2004   Perspectives on economic, political and social integration : journal for mental changes
2000 Council of Europe Employment strategies to promote equal opportunities for persons with disabilities on the labour market
2004 United Nations. World Health Organization Community based rehabilitation (CBR) : a strategy for rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities, poverty reduction and social inclusion of people with disabilities : joint position paper, 2004
2006 Куропятник, Марина Степановна Коренные народы в процессе социокультурных изменений : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата социологических наук : 22.00.06 / Куропятник Марина Степановна ; [Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет]
1997 Council of Europe The participation of young people / Europ. Steering Committee for Intergov. Coop. in the Youth Field (CDEJ), Youth Directorate
1998 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Public policies concerning Roma and Sinti in the OSCE region : OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Oct. 1998: Background paper / Nicolae Gheorghe, Jennifer Tanaka ; Office for Democratic Inst. and Human Rights
1997 Council of Europe Resolution AP (95) 3 on a charter on the vocational assessment of people with disabilities and glossary
1995 Council of Europe Use and usefulness of the ICIDH for policy and planning of public authorities / Prep. : W. J. Van Minnen
1996 Council of Europe The transition from sheltered to ordinary employment = Le passage de l'emploi protege a l'emploi ordinaire
1989 Council of Europe Report on the integration of disabled children into their family and society / Steering Comm. on Social Policy ; Prep. by a comm. of experts
2006 Maddox, Sam Paralysis resource guide / Sam Maddox ; Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center
1997 Council of Europe Migrants and minorities in the community : A challenge for local and regional gevernment and training organisations: [Proc. of the 9th Seminar of the Europ. Network of training organisations for local and regional authorities, Budapest, Nov. 1996]
1993 Council of Europe Accessibility: principles and guidelines : Adaption of buildings in an accessible built environment
1992 Council of Europe Europe, 1990-2000: Multiculturalism in the city the intagration of immigrants : Working documents and Frankfurt Declaration towards a new municipal policy for multicultural integration in Europe, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1991 / Standing Conference of local and regional authorities of Europe
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