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2006 Некрасов, Денис Евгеньевич Расово-этнический экстремизм : (криминологический аспект) : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук : 12.00.08 / Некрасов Денис Евгеньевич ; [Академия права и управления Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний]
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития The politics of land distribution and race relations in Southern Africa / Sam Moyo
2002 Авдеев, Владимир Борисович Метафизическая антропология / В.Б.Авдеев
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Race et histoire. Race et culture / Claude Levi-Strauss
2000   Гендерные исследования в Африканистике = Gender research in african studies : [Материалы VIII конф. африканистов / Сост. и ред.: Н.Л.Крылова, Н.А.Ксенофонтова
2001 Steinberg, Stephen Turning back : The retreat from racial justice in American thought and policy / Stephen Steinberg
2009 Darby, Derrick (нар. 1967) Rights, race, and recognition / Derrick Darby
2010   Race and ethnicity : cultural roles, spiritual practices and social challenges / editor: Jonathan K. Crennan
1990 Rose, Peter I. They and we : racial and ethnic relations in the United States / Peter I. Rose
2012   Postcolonial Italy : challenging national homogeneity / edited by Cristina Lombardi-Diop and Caterina Romeo
2013 Coleman, Arica L. That the blood stay pure : African Americans, native Americans, and the predicament of race and identity in Virginia / Arica L. Coleman
2016   Rethinking American emancipation : legacies of slavery and the quest for Black freedom / edited by William A. Link, James J. Broomall
1934 Berenger, Henry M Hitler et Israel : La Bataille des races / Henry M.Berenger
1996   Межрасовые и межнациональные отношения в Европе и Америке, XIX-XX вв. : Сборник / Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т всеобщ. истории ; [Отв. ред. Р.Ф.Иванов]
1937 Valentin, Hugo Antisemitenspiegel : der Antisemitismus ― Geschichte, Kritik, Soziologie / Hugo Valentin ; aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt von Hans Hellwig
2007 Thompson, Julius E. Lynchings in Mississippi : a history, 1865-1965 / Julius E. Thompson
2000   Gale encyclopedia of multicultural America / contributing editor: Robert von Dassanowsky ; editor: Jeffrey Lehman ; introduction: Rudolph J. Vecoli. — Vol. 3: Oneidas―Yupiat
2008   Identidades ambivalentes en América Latina (siglos XVI―XXI) / editors: Verena Stolcke y Alexandre Coellо
2010 Oliver, J. Eric The paradoxes of integration : race, neighborhood, and civic life in multiethnic America / J. Eric Oliver
1995   Instructor's manual for Joseph F. Healey's "Race, ethnicity, gender, and class: the sociology of group conflict and change"
2017   Dominion of race : rethinking Canada's international history / edited by Laura Madokoro, Francine McKenzie, and David Meren
2014   In media res : race, identity, and pop culture in the twenty-first century / edited by James Braxton Peterson
2005 Гюнтер, Ганс Ф.К Избранные работы по расологии : перевод с немецкого / Ганс Ф.К. Гюнтер ; [вступительная статья В.Авдеева, А.Иванова, Ю.Ригера, с. 3-61]
1987 Kendall, Frances After apartheid : the solution for South Africa / Frances Kendall, Leon Louw ; Institute for Contemporary Studies
1929 Schmitz, Oscar A.H Wespennester : Zweite folge / Oscar A.H.Schmitz
2005   Handbook of racial-cultural psychology and counseling / editor: Robert T.Carter. — Vol. 1: Theory and research
2008 Winkiel, Laura Modernism, race, and manifestos / Laura Winkiel
2012 Partridge, Damani J. Hypersexuality and headscarves : race, sex, and citizenship in the new Germany / Damani J. Partridge
2013 Peterson, Christopher (нар. 1972) Bestial traces : race, sexuality, animality / Christopher Peterson
2013 Ellis, Mark Race harmony and black progress : Jack Woofter and the interracial cooperation movement / Mark Ellis
2015 Powell, John Anthony Racing to justice : transforming our conceptions of self and other to build an inclusive society / John A. Powell ; foreword by David R. Roediger
1998   The boisterous sea of liberty : A doc. history of Amer. from discovery through the Civil War / [Ed.]: David Brion Davis, Steven Mintz
1935 Congres International pour l'Etude des Problemes Resultant du Melange des Races (1935; Bruxelles) Compte rendu ; Bruxelles
2000   Расовый смысл русской идеи : [Сб. ст. / Редкол.: В. Б. Авдеев и др.]. — Вып. 1
2007 Thobani, Sunera (нар. 1957) Exalted subjects : studies in the making of race and nation in Canada / Sunera Thobani
2004 Lie, John Modern peoplehood on race, racism, nationalism, ethnicity, and identity / John Lie
1977 Kluger, Richard Simple justice : the history of Brown v. Board of Education and black America's struggle for equality / Richard Kluger
1995 Healey, Joseph F. (нар. 1945) Race, ethnicity, gender, and class : the sociology of group conflict and change / Joseph F. Healey
2013 Joseph, Ralina Landwehr (нар. 1974) Transcending Blackness : from the new millennium mulatta to the exceptional multiracial / Ralina L. Joseph
1984 Williamson, Joel The crucible of race : black-white relations in the American South since emancipation / Joel Williamson
1984 Lincoln, Charles Eric Race, religion, and the continuing American dilemma / C. Eric Lincoln
1997 Daniels, Jessie White lies : Race, class, gender and sexuality in white supremacist discourse / Jessie Daniels
2002   Der Alteritaetsdiskurs des Edlen Wilden : Exotismus, Anthropologie und Zivilisationskritik am Beispiel eines europaeischen Topos / Herausgeber: Monika Fludernik, Peter Haslinger, Stefan Kaufmann
1930 Oppenheimer, Franz (эканаміст ; сацыёлаг ; 1864―1943) Rassenprobleme / Franz Oppenheimer
2000 Чертина, Зоя Сергеевна (кандидат исторических наук ; 1946—2022) Плавильный котел? = Melting pot? : Парадигмы этнич. развития США / З.С.Чертина ; Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т всеобщ. истории
1939 Farbstein, David Die Stellung der Juden zur Rassen- und Fremdenfrage / David Farbstein
1892 Strack, Hermann Leberecht (1848―1922) Le sang et la fausse accusation du meurtre rituel / H.-L. Strack
1918 Brunner, Constantin Der Judenhass und die Juden / Constantin Brunner
1996   Feminism and history / edited by Joan Wallach Scott
1986 Malinowski, Marek J. Białe mocarstwo czarnego lądu / Marek J. Malinowski
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