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2006 United Nations. International Labour Organization Meeting the employment challenge : Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico in the global economy / Janine Berg, Christoph Ernst, and Peter Auer ; United Nations. International Labour Organization
2006 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Implicações do financiamento do Banco Mundial para as respostas das ONGs e OBCs ao HIV/Aids no sul e sudeste do Brasil / Elisabete Inglesi com a colaboração de Anna Lucia Weinstein [et al.]
1892 Chełmicki, Zygmunt (1851―1922) W Brazylii : notatki z podróży / Zygmunt Chełmicki. — T. 1
1892 Chełmicki, Zygmunt (1851―1922) W Brazylii : notatki z podróży / Zygmunt Chełmicki. — T. 1―2
2001 UNESCO. International Hydrological Programme Ecohydrology : Hydrological and geochemical processes in large river basins: A summ. of the projects pres. to the Intern. Symposium, Manaus, Brazil, 15-19 Nov. 1999 / Ed.: Michael E.McClain, Maciej Zalewski
2000   Slownik biograficzny Polonii brazylijskiej = Dicionario biografico da Comunidade Polonica no Brasil / Zest.: Zdzislaw Malczewski
2000 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development ATAS XII: Advanced Technology Assessment System : The role of publicly funded research and publicly owned technologies in the transfer and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies
1936 Duroure, J. Sur le fleuve de la mort / J. Duroure
1893 Castro, Livio de A mulher e a sociogenia : obra posthuma / Livio de Castro ; publicada sob a direcção de Manoel da Costa Paes
2012 United Nations. Research Institute for Social Development An institutional analysis of biofuel policies and their social implications : lessons from Brazil, India and Indonesia / Mairon G. Bastos Lima ; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
1924 Łaganowski, Stefan Obszary podbiegunowe ; Lasy strefy gorącej i umiarkowanej / St. Łaganowski
2014   Ювілейний рік великого Кобзаря [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Celebrating the great kobzar's anniversary year : 2014 : [насценны перакідны каляндар]
1996 United Nations. World Bank Institutional and entrepreneurial leadership in the Brazilian science and technology sector : setting a new agenda / edited by Lauritz Holm-Nielsen, Michael Crawford, Alcyone Saliba
2015 Польска-бразільскае таварыства імя Тадэвуша Касцюшкі (Курытыба, Бразілія) Sociedade Polono-Brasileira Tadeusz Kościuszko : 125 anos de contribuição para a construção do Brasil = Stowarzyszenie Polsko-Brazylijskie im. Tadeusza Kościuszki : 125 lat uczestnictwa w budowaniu Brazylii / organizadoras: Schirlei Mari Freder, Denise Sielski ; [pesquisa e texto: Tatiana Dantas Marchette, Vidal Antonio Azevedo Costa] ; [tradução em polonês: Aleksandra Pluta]
1826   Le Pilote du Bresil, ou description des côtes de l'Amerique Méridionale, situées entre l'île Santa-Catarina et celle de Maranhaõ, cartes et plans de ces côtes, et instructions pour naviguer dans les mers du Bresil [Карты] : composé sur les documents recueillis dans la campagne hydrographique entreprise par ordre du Roi sous le Ministére de M.le B-on Portal, et exécutée en 1819 et 1820, sur la Corvette la Bayadère et le Brig le Favori par M. le B-on Roussin, contre-admiral... commandant de l'expéditioné / publiésous le Ministère de M. le C.te de Chabrol de Crouzol, pair de France, Ministre de la marine et des colonies
2016   Migration / [herausgegeben von Hans-Christian Petersen, Matthias Weber]
2004 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development International accounting and reporting issues : 2003 review: Rep. by the secretariat
1984 Museu Nacional de Belas Artes Arte brasileira seculo XX : [Catalogo da] Galeria Eliseu Visconti: Pinturas e esculturas / Apres.: Eduardo Fortes de Oliviera ; Texto: M.E.Santos Peixoto ; Introd.: Alcidio Mafra de Souza
1964 Araujo, Alceu Maynard Folclore nacional / Alceu Maynard Araujo ; desenhos de Oswaldo Storni, Osny Azevedo, do Autor e de outras fontes. — Vol. 1: Festas, bailados, mitos e lendas
2010 United Nations. World Bank Competitiveness and growth in Brazilian cities : local policies and actions for innovation / editor: Ming Zhang
1925 Konopnicka, Maria (пісьменнік ; 1842—1910) Pan Balcer w Brazylji / Marja Konopnicka ; opracował Jan Czubek
1945-1999   Brasil folclore.Cena gauchesca,denominada "Carreirada" [Изоматериал] : [Открытка]
1960-1990   Invitation to dance [Звукозапись] / Исполн.: Gustav Brom Orchestra
2013 Paquette, Gabriel B. (гісторык ; нар. 1977) Imperial Portugal in the age of Atlantic revolutions : the Luso-Brazilian world, c. 1770―1850 / Gabriel Paquette
2014   С Приветомъ изъ Минска [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : каляндар на 2015 год / Regula
2015   Fascism and criminal law : history, theory, continuity / edited by Stephen Skinner
2000 United Nations. World Bank Brazil : forests in the balance: challenges of conservation with development / Uma Lele [et al.]
2002 United Nations. World Bank Brazil: managing water quality : mainstreaming the environment in the water sector / Sergio Margulis [et al.]
2014   Investment guide to Brasil, 2014 / Government of Brazil
2005 Verhaalen, Marion Camargo Guarnieri, Brazilian composer : a study of his creative life and works / Marion Verhaalen ; with a preface by José Marie Neves
2021   Biographical dictionary of refugees of nazi fascism in Brazil / coordinator: Israel Beloch ; consultant: Fábio Koifman ; translated by Hugo Moss. — Vol. 1: A to L
2005 United Nations. World Bank Access to financial services in Brazil / a study led by Anjali Kumar
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Peasant associations in theory and practice / Nora McKeon, Michael Watts, Wendy Wolford
1935 Ван Мін (рэвалюцыянер ; 1904—1974) Аб рэвалюцыйным руху ў каланіяльных і поўкаланіяльных краінах і тактыцы кампартый : З прамовы на пасядж. 7 жн. 1935 г. / Ван Мін ; VII сусвет. кангрэс камунiст. iнтэрнацыянала
1945-1999   Indios.Indios pescando com arco e flechas [Изоматериал] : [Открытка]
1945-1999   Museu Eugenio Teixeira leal.O Banco economico apresenta sua historia [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [Плакат]
1993 Mauro, Frédéric Życie codzienne w Brazylii za czasów Pedra II, 1831―1889 / Frédéric Mauro ; przełożyła Eligia Bąkowska
2013 Маркес, Ренато Луис Родригес (дипломат ; род. 1944) Memorábilia / Renato L. R. Marques
1998 United Nations. World Bank Impact evaluation report : building institutions and financing local development: lessons from Brazil and the Philippines
2004 United Nations. World Bank Brazil : equitable, competitive, sustainable : contributions for debate
2013 Geisthövel, Wolfgang (нар. 1940) Brasilien : eine literarische Reise / Wolfgang Geisthövel
1900 Siemiradzki, Józef (геолог ; 1858—1933) Szlakiem wychodźców : wspomnienia z podróży po Brazylii, odbytej z polecenia Galicyjskiego Wydziału Krajowego / Józef Siemiradzki ; z przedmową Juliana Ochorowicza. — T. 1
2021   Biographical dictionary of refugees of nazi fascism in Brazil / coordinator: Israel Beloch ; consultant: Fábio Koifman ; translated by Hugo Moss. — Vol. 2: M to Z and after 1946
2008 United Nations. World Bank The investment climate in Brazil, India, and South Africa : a comparison of approaches for sustaining economic growth in emerging economies / Qimiao Fan [et al.]
1956 Freyre, Gilberto The masters and the slaves : A study in the development of Brazil. civilization / Gilberto Freyre ; Transl. from the Portug.: Samuel Putnam
1892 Chełmicki, Zygmunt (1851―1922) W Brazylii : notatki z podróży / Zygmunt Chełmicki. — T. 2
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Distance education in the E-9 countries : The development and future of distance education programmes in the nine high-population countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan / Auth.: Charlotte Creed, Hilary Perraton ; Ed.: Wolfgang Vollmann
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития The political economy of corporate responsibility in Brazil : Social and environmental dimensions / Paola Cappellin, Gian Mario Giuliani
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. Appraisal for Brazil of the safety of the transport of radioactive material / United Nations
2001 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Can flexible excange rates still "work" in financially open economies? / Ilan Goldfajn, Gino Olivares ; Center for Intern. Development. Harvard Univ
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