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2005 Рашед, аль-Адвани Кувейтско-российские отношения в общем контексте исторического процеса и международной политики : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук : 07.00.15 / Рашед аль-Адвани ; Дипломатическая академия МИД России
2004 Meakins, Robin H Sea turtles of Kuwait / Robin H. Meakins, Salim Y. Al-Mohanna
2004   Kuwait from above / photos by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
2005 Slot, B. J. Mubarak Al-Sabah : founder of modern Kuwait, 1896—1915 / B. J. Slot
????   Demarcation of the international boundary between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Iraq by the United Nations / Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
1998 Jamal, Mohammed Abdul-Hadi (нар. 1942) History of postal services in Kuwait / Mohammed Abdul-Hadi Jamal ; translated by Ahmad Saher Gouda ; Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
1994 Сархан, Абдул Карим Мох д Становление и развитие прессы Кувейта (1928-1990 гг.).Историко-типологический и предметно-функциональный анализ : Автореф.дис.на соиск.учен.степ.канд.филол.наук : 10.01.10 / Рост.гос.ун-т
1997   Devastating Kuwait's oil wells : Facts revealed by Iraqi documents / Prep.: Centre for Research and Studies on Kuwait
2000 al-Ghunaim, Abdullah Yousuf Demarkation der kuwaitisch-irakischen Grenze : Der historische Anspruch und der Wille der Weltgemeinschaft / [Red.]: A.Y.Al-Ghunaim ; Zentrum fuer Kuwait-Forschungen und -Studien
1993   Demarcation of the international boundary between the Republic of Iraq and the State of Kuwait [Карты]
2011   Power and politics in the Persian Gulf monarchies / edited by Christopher M. Davidson
1997   Doing business in Kuwait
2000 Музей Тарэг-Раджа (Эль-Кувейт) The harmony of letters [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : Islamic calligraphy from the Tareq Rajab Museum : [catalogue of the exhibition] / introduction and catalogue entries by Nabil F. Safwat ; with contributions from Gèza Fehèrvàri, Mohamed Zakariya ; Asian Civilisations Museum
1998 Slot, B. J. The origins of Kuwait / B.J.Slot ; Centre for Research and Studies on Kuwait
2000 Al-Ghunaim, Yacoub Yousuf Kuwait faces avidity / Yacoub Yousuf Al-Ghunaim ; [Transl.]: El-Sayed Issawi Ayoub ; Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
1997   Who looted Kuwait? : Reading in Iraqi documents / Prep.: Centre for Research and Studies on Kuwait
2001   The State of Kuwait : Landmine monitor report, 2000: Country report / A.Y.Al-Ghunaim, S.A.Mahfouz, R.F.Misak ; Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
1996   The Iraqi aggression on Kuwait : The truth... and the tragedy / Prep., ed.: Abdullah Yousef Al-Ghunaim et al. ; Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
2001   La demarcation de la frontiere Koweito-Irakienne : Droit historique et volonte intern. / [Red.]: A.Y.Al-Ghunaim ; Le Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Koweit
1999   Iraqi aggression : On Kuwait Inst. for Sci. Research: Effects and repercussions / Prep.: Nat. Sci. and Techn. Inform. Center. [Kuwait Inst. for Sci. Research] ; Centre for Research and Studies on Kuwait
2003   Kuwait in the eyes of others : features and characteristics of Kuwait's society before oil / prepared by Yousuf Abdulmoati ; translated by Elsayed Issawi Ayoub ; Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
2018   Стагоддзе аднаўлення Незалежнасці Польшчы. Святкуе ўвесь свет [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : 2019 : [насценны перакідны] каляндар / Польскі інстытут
1996 Фадель, Аль-Мувейль Художественно-творческое воспитание младших школьников средствами любительского детского театра в Кувейте : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. пед. наук : 13.00.05 / Киев. гос. ин-т культуры
2000   Wer hat Kuwait ausgeraubt? : Ein Blick in die irakischen Unterlagen / Bearb.: Zentrum fuer Kuwait-Forschungen und-Studien
1997   Les criminels de guerre iraqiens et leurs crimes perpetres pendant l'occupation du Koweit : Une lecture jur. dans les doc. des crimes de guerre iraqiens contre le Koweit et le peuple koweitien / Prep.: H.I.Malallah ; Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Koweitiennes
1997   Devastating oil wells as revealed by Iraqi documents : Economic and environmental damage and Kuwaiti efficacy in protecting oil wealth / [Ed.]: A.Y.Al-Ghunaim
1994   Kuwait-Iraq boundary demarcation : Hist. rights and intern. will / Prep. by a panel of specialists ; Supervised, rev.: Abdullah Yusuf al-Ghunaim ; Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
2000   Koweit : Realite et frontieres: Faits objectifs et allegations iraqiennes / [Prep., red.]: A.Y.Al-Ghunaim ; Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Koweitiennes
2001 Jaman, Sharon K. Biodiversity of animals in Kuwait / written by Sharon K. Jaman, Robin Meakins ; illustrated by Sharon K. Jaman
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии Profile of the information society in the State of Kuwait / Prep.: Madar Research Group in the United Arabic Emirates
2000   Oil trenches and environmental destruction in Kuwait : One of Irag's crimes of aggression / Dhari Al-Ajmi, Marzoug Al-Ghunaim, Raafat Misak, Said Mahfooz ; Transl.: El-Sayed Issawi Ayoub ; Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. Radiological conditions in areas of Kuwait with residues of depleted uranium : Rep. by an intern. group of experts / United Nations
1994   Kuwaiti resistance as revealed by Iraqi documents / Comp.: A.A.-L.Khalifouh ; Comment.: Y.Abdul-Moa'ti
2006 Al-Maghribi, Salwa Traditional female costumes in old Kuwait / Salwa al-Maghribi ; translated by Sayed Issawi Ayoub ; Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
1999   Landmines and the destruction of the environment of Kuwait : One of the crimes of the Iraqi aggression / Prep.: R.Misak et al. ; Gen. supervisor: Abdullah Yousuf Al-Ghunaim ; Transl.: Ahmad Saher ; Centre for Research and Studies on Kuwait
1999   Kuwait : Statehood and boundaries: Objective facts and Iraqi claims / [Red.]: A.Y.Al-Ghunaim ; Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait
1997 Музей Тарэг-Раджа (Эль-Кувейт) Tareq Rajab Museum [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
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