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   Запрос: a001="BY-NLB-ar43687"
   Записи: 1 - 27 из 27 (стр. 1 из 1)

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Дата Автор Заглавие
2006   Die blutige Spur des armenischen Terrorismus = Кровавый след армянского терроризма / veröffentlicht laut den Materialien des Staatlichen Komitees für Kriegsgefangenen, Geisel und Verschollenen im Auftrag vom Ministerium für Kultur und Tourismus der Republik Aserbaidschan
2012   Looted cultural heritage and destroyed libraries : victims of Armenian aggression / compiled by Latifa Mammadova, Samir Abbasov
2016 Ismaïlov, Faïg Damage to the historical and cultural monuments in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan / Faig Ismayilov ; Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute on Law and Human Rights ; International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation ; National Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan for UNESCO
2006 Orucova, Esmira Bizi әsirlikdәn qurtarın = Release us from captivity / Esmira Orucova
2018 Eyvazlı, Elşad The keepsakes of Khojaly : the children that did not grow up, 25—26 February 1992 / Elşad Eyvazlı ; translated into English by Lale Özdemir ; The Council on State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2022 Məmməd, Rahil (пісьменнік ; паэт ; нар. 1951) Müqəddəs savaş / Rahil Məmməd
2005 Machmudov, Yaqub Qarabağ [Электронны рэсурс] = Garabagh : real tarix, faktlar, sәnәdlөr / Yaqub Machmudov, Kәrim Şükürov
1999   Karabakh [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [authors of text: Arif Abbasov [et al.] ; author and head of the project: Fatma Abdullazadeh]
2006 Mammadova, Havva Khodjaly : martyrs and witnesses : Armenian terrorism as an integral part of the international one / Havva Mammadova ; Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2006 Budaqov, Budaq Əbdüləli oğlu (доктар геаграфічных навук ; нар. 1928) Thirst for motherland : (the XX century Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan) / Budag Budagov ; [translated into English by Ali Efendiyev] ; The Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, The Acad. H. A. Aliyev Institute of Geography
2014 Мегтіэв, Раміз Нагiрний Карабах: історія, прочитана за джерелами / Раміз Мегтієв ; [переклад: І. Сосновчик]
2003 Алиев, Джалал Алирза оглы (доктор биологических наук ; 1928—2016) Genocide of historical truth : Turks, Azerbaijanians, Armenians / Jalal Aliyev, Budag Budagov ; [translated from the Azerbaijanian by Ali Efendiyev]
2005 Mahmudov, Yaqub Mihayil oğlu (гісторык ; нар. 1939) Garabagh [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : real history, facts, documents = Qarabağ : real tarix, faktlar, sənədlər / Yagub Mahmudov, Karim Shukurov
2015 Samadov, Eldar Terror : events, facts, evidence / Eldar Samadov
1991 Гаибов, Б. Undeclared war [in Nagorny Karabakh] / authors of the booklet: B. Gaibov, A. Sharifov ; compiled by B. Gaibov ; translated by Yuksel Rahimov
2018 Ismaïlov, Faïg Les dégâts causés aux monuments historiques et culturels qui se trouvent sur les territoires occupés de l'Azerbaïdjan / Faïg Ismaïlov ; Académie nationale des sciences d'Azerbaïdjan, Institut de droit et des droits de l'homme ; International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation ; National Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan for UNESCO
2022   İkinci Qarabağ müharibəsi və yeni geosiyasi reallıqlar / Azərbaycanda vətəndaş cəmiyyətinin inkişafına yardım Assosiasiyası ; [seriyanin tәrtibçisi vә elmi redaktoru Fuad Babayev]
2011 Мусаев, Тофик Фуад оглы Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on Kosovo and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict : comparative analysis / Tofig F. Musayev
2009   Basic facts about Karabakh conflict : [for discussions on Karabakh conflict / implemented by: G. Iskandaryan [et al.]
2002 Novruzoglu, Rovshan (нар. 1954) Karabakh: uncontrolled zone… : from the series of international terrorism. Armenian terror / Rovshan Novruzoglu, Yunus Oguz
2003 Алиев, Джалал Алирза оглы (доктор биологических наук ; 1928—2016) Das Genozid an der historischen Wahrheit : Türken, Aserbeidshaner und Armenier / Dshalal Alijev, Budag Budagov ; [Übersetzung aus dem Aserbeidshanischen von Tscherkes Gurbanly]
2008 Müslümqizi, Sәriyyә Xocalidan gәlәn var = Guest from Khojaly : [onlar heç vaxt böyümәyәcәklәr] / Sәriyyә Müslümqizi
2007   The Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Karabakh from history to future peace prospects / [project director: Tale Heydarov]
2013   Armenia's foreign and domestic politics : development trends / [edited by Mikko Palonkorpi and Alexander Iskandaryan] ; [translations by Nina Iskandaryan]
2004 Алиев, Джалал Алирза оглы (доктор биологических наук ; 1928—2016) Le génocide de la vérité historique : les Turcs et les Arméniens / Djalal Aliyev, Boudag Boudagov ; [traduit en français par R. Djabbarov]
2010 Демоян, Гайк Анушаванович (кандидат исторических наук) Mercenaries, extremists and Islamist fighters in the Karabakh war : how international terrorist networks penetrated post-Soviet Azerbaijan / Hayk Demoyan
2021 Aranli, Şirxan (пісьменнік) Yurd Hәsrәti : (roman) / Şirxan Aranli. — H. 1
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