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2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Fishers' knowledge in fisheries science and management / edited by Nigel Haggan, Barbara Neis and Ian G. Baird
2005 Knowledge economy forum "Business environment and knowledge for private sector growth" (4 ; 2005 ; Istanbul) Business environment and knowledge for private sector growth : knowledge economy forum IV, Istanbul, Turkey, March 22―24, 2005 : final report / organized by the World Bank and the Government of Turkey
2006 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Managing nuclear knowledge : proceedings of a workshop on managing nuclear knowledge organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in cooperation with the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics and the World Nuclear University and held in Trieste, 22―26 August 2005
1996 Лобанов, Александр Павлович (доктор психологических наук ; род. 1958) Систематизация знаний как фактор формирования научных понятий у подростков : Дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. психол. наук : 19.00.07 / Белорус. гос. пед. ун-т им. М.Танка
1995 Шкуратов, Владимир Александрович Историческая психология в развитии психологического знания : Дис.на соиск.учен.степ.д-ра психол.наук в форме науч.докл. : 19.00.01 / Ин-т психологии Рос.АН
2005 Авдонин, Александр Николаевич Обоснование первичных теоретических объектов и развитие знания : онтологический и гносеологический аспекты : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора философских наук : 09.00.01 / Авдонин Александр Николаевич ; [Башкирский государственный педагогический университет]
2005 Аржанов, Юрий Николаевич Представления о знании в пятикнижии и книгах пророков : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата философских наук : 09.00.13 / Аржанов Юрий Николаевич ; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
1992 Колеченко, Александр Кузьмич Развивающаяся личность и педагогические технологии : Метод.рекомендации / Санкт-Петербург.гос.ун-т пед.мастерства,Каф.педагогики и психологии
1998   Nowa encyklopedia powszechna PWN / [Red.]: Barbara Petrozolin-Skowronska. — T. 4: М-Р
1863   Encyklopedyja powszechna. — T. 12: (Hof.―Jan.)
1872   Encyklopedya ogólna wiedzy ludzkiéj : wydawana staraniem redakcyj Tygodnika Illustrowanego i Wędrowca. — T. 1―2
1860   Encyklopedyja powszechna. — T. 2: Ap―Bąk
2005 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Museums, libraries and cultural heritage : democratising culture, creating knowledge and building bridges : report of the workshop held at the CONFINTEA V Mid-term Review Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2003 / editor: Jutta Thinesse-Demel ; UNESCO Institute for Education
1999   Encyklopedia PWN w trzech tomach / [Red.]: Andrzej Krupa. — T. 1: A-I
2006   Ilustrowana encyklopedia powszechna. A - Z / redaktor prowadzący Jadwiga Marcinek ; zespół redakcyjny: Anna Borowiec [et al.]
2002 The British Library From knowledge to innovation : 29th annual report and accounts, 2001/2002
2004   Nowa encyklopedia powszechna PWN / Red.: Bartlomiej Kaczorowski ; [Wyd.: Andrzej Krupa]. — [T.] 7: Pri-Sud
2004   Nuevo espasa ilustrado, 2005 / [directora editorial: Marisa Javierre Gonzalez
2000   Wissensmanagement : zwischen Wissen und Nichtwissen / herausgegeben von Klaus Götz
2002   Hrvatska enciklopedija. — [T.] 4: Fr―Ht
2000   Towards the information society : The case of Central and Eastern Europ. countries / Ed.: G.Banse et al
2003   Wissenskulturen : Beitraege zu einem forschungsstrategischen Konzept / herausgegeben von Johannes Fried und Thomas Kailer
2002   Wielka encyklopedia PWN / [Red.]: Jan Wojnowski. — T. 12: Iglesias - Joanna d'Arc
2003   Wielka encyklopedia PWN / [Red.]: Jan Wojnowski. — T. 15: Kretenska kultura - limitatio
2006   Literatura i wiedza / pod redakcją Włodzimierza Boleckiego i Elżbiety Dąbrowskiej
2003   Wielka encyklopedia PWN / [Red.]: Jan Wojnowski. — T. 14: Klasztor - Kreta
1997 Council of Europe Languages for work and life : the Council of Europe and vocationally oriented language learning (VOLL) / Education Comm., Council for Cultural Coop. ; Ed. : Gerd Egloff, Anthony Fitzpatrick
2000 United Nations University Annual report, 2000
1962   Encyklopedia popularna PWN : A―Z
1992   In search of paradigm / edited by Anna Zambrzycka-Kunachowicz ; translated from Polish by Krzysztof Kwaśniewicz ; Jagiellonian University, Department of Ethnology
2006   Knowledge media design : Theorie, Methodik, Praxis / Herausgeber: Maximilian Eibl [et al.]
1909   Ottův slovník naučný : illustrovaná encyklopædie obecných vědomostí. — D. 28: Doplňky
1994   The World Book encyclopedia : [in 22 volumes / publisher: William H. Nault]. — Vol. 2: B
1994   The World Book encyclopedia : [in 22 volumes / publisher: William H. Nault]. — Vol. 21: W―X―Y―Z
2008   Енциклопедија српског народа / [главни и одговорни уредник Радош Љушић]
2009 Komenský, Jan Amos (1592—1670) Janua linguae latinae reserata aurea / Johannes Amos Comenius ; [szerkesztette Varga Bernadett]
2004-2010 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO-UNEP study on the role of intellectual property rights in the sharing of benefits arising from the use of biological resources and associated traditional knowledge / prepared by Anil K. Gupta
2008   Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija / [mokslinė redakcinė taryba: Juozas Tumelis (pirmininkas) [et al.]. — [T.] 14: Magdalena―México
1930   Ottův slovník naučný nové doby : dodatky k Velikému Ottovu slovníku naučnému / redakci vede B. Němec. — D. 1, sv. 1: A—Bo
1933   Ottův slovník naučný nové doby : dodatky k Velikému Ottovu slovníku naučnému / redakci vede B. Němec. — D. 2, sv. 2: Gao—Isk
1935   Ottův slovník naučný nové doby : dodatky k Velikému Ottovu slovníku naučnému / redakci vede B. Němec. — D. 3, sv. 2: Konkurs—Majo
1997   Human rights education for the twenty-first century / edited by George J. Andreopoulos and Richard Pierre Claude ; foreword by Shulamith Koenig
1936-1937   Hutchinson's pictorial encyclopaedia : art, biography, economics, geography, health, history, inventions, law, literature, music, nature, all sciences etc. etc. / edited by Walter Hutchinson ; assisted by Athelstan Ridgway and E. J. Holmyard. — Pt. 18: Ca—Ca
1936-1937   Hutchinson's pictorial encyclopaedia : art, biography, economics, geography, health, history, inventions, law, literature, music, nature, all sciences etc. etc. / edited by Walter Hutchinson ; assisted by Athelstan Ridgway and E. J. Holmyard. — Pt. 32: El—Eo
1936-1937   Hutchinson's pictorial encyclopaedia : art, biography, economics, geography, health, history, inventions, law, literature, music, nature, all sciences etc. etc. / edited by Walter Hutchinson ; assisted by Athelstan Ridgway and E. J. Holmyard. — Pt. 39: Gl—Gr
1936-1937   Hutchinson's pictorial encyclopaedia : art, biography, economics, geography, health, history, inventions, law, literature, music, nature, all sciences etc. etc. / edited by Walter Hutchinson ; assisted by Athelstan Ridgway and E. J. Holmyard. — Pt. 42: Ha—Hi
1936-1937   Hutchinson's pictorial encyclopaedia : art, biography, economics, geography, health, history, inventions, law, literature, music, nature, all sciences etc. etc. / edited by Walter Hutchinson ; assisted by Athelstan Ridgway and E. J. Holmyard. — Pt. 46: In—Ir
1936-1937   Hutchinson's pictorial encyclopaedia : art, biography, economics, geography, health, history, inventions, law, literature, music, nature, all sciences etc. etc. / edited by Walter Hutchinson ; assisted by Athelstan Ridgway and E. J. Holmyard. — Pt. 73: Sp—Su
1936-1937   Hutchinson's pictorial encyclopaedia : art, biography, economics, geography, health, history, inventions, law, literature, music, nature, all sciences etc. etc. / edited by Walter Hutchinson ; assisted by Athelstan Ridgway and E. J. Holmyard. — Pt. 77: Tu—Ve
2012   Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija / [mokslinė redakcinė taryba: Juozas Tumelis (pirmininkas) [et al.]. — [Т.] 22: Sko—Šala / [mokslinė redakcinė taryba: Stasys Vaitekūnas (pirmininkas) [et al.]
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