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1959 Steinhaus, Hugo (матэматык ; 1887—1972) Kaleidoskop der Mathematik / Hugo Steinhaus ; [autorisierte Übersetzung von Herbert Karl]
2013   Nine chapters on the art of mathematics / with the annotations by Liu Hui and notes and annotations of Li Chunfeng and associates ; a critical edition and English translation based upon a new collation of the ancient text and modern Chinese translation by Guo Shuchun ; English critical edition and translation, with notes by Joseph W. Dauben and Xu Yibao. — [Vol.] 3
2019 Железко, Борис Александрович (род. 1955) Management information systems : учебно-методическое пособие для студентов учреждений высшего образования, обучающихся по экономическим специальностям II ступени получения высшего образования / Boris Zhalezka, Olga Gulina, Volha Siniauskaya ; Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Belarus State Economic University
2011 Kolman, Vojtĕch Idea, číslo, pravidlo : prolegomena k analytické filozofii, která se nechce stát přísnou vědou / Vojtěch Kolman
2013   Nine chapters on the art of mathematics / with the annotations by Liu Hui and notes and annotations of Li Chunfeng and associates ; a critical edition and English translation based upon a new collation of the ancient text and modern Chinese translation by Guo Shuchun ; English critical edition and translation, with notes by Joseph W. Dauben and Xu Yibao. — [Vol.] 2
1968 Schmutzer, Ernst (физик ; 1930—2022) Relativistische Physik (klassische Theorie) / Ernst Schmutzer
2014 Аладзьеў, Віктар Захаравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук ; нар. 1942) General statistics [Электронны рэсурс] / V. Z. Aladjev and V. A. Vaganov ; International Academy of Noosphere
1977   Mathematisches Mosaik / [Autoren: Béla Andrásfai [et al.] ; [ins Deutsche übertragen von Günther Eisenreich]
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