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Дата Автор Заглавие
2010 Wiik, Jenny Journalism in transition : the professional identity of Swedish journalists / Jenny Wiik
2009 Philpot, Elizabeth Old Testament apocryphal images in European art : [dissertation] / Elizabeth Philpot
2013 Bennerstedt, Ulrika Knowledge at play : studies of games as members' matters : [akademisk avhandling] / Ulrika Bennerstedt
2013 Baldwin, Richard (адукацыя ; нар. 1960) Changing practice by reform : the recontextualisation of the Bologna process in teacher education : [academic thesis in educational practices] / Richard Baldwin
2018 McCallum, David N. G. Glitching the fabric : strategies of new media art applied to the codes of knitting and weaving : [thesis for the degree of doctor of Philosophy in Digital Representation at Valand Academy, Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg] / David N. G. McCallum
2010 Bergviken Rensfeldt, Annika "Opening higher education" : discursive transformations of distance and higher education government / Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt
2010 Fridén, Gunnar National theatre and the 20th century Irish dream play : [dissertation for Ph. D. in English] / Gunnar Fridén ; Göteborg University, Department of Languages and Literatures
2014 Стремковская, Вера Валентиновна (писательница ; адвокат) Bravo ― bravissimo! : [noveller] / Vera Stremkovskaya ; översättning av Per-Olof Andersson
2017 Bylund Melin, Charlotta Wooden objects in historic buildings : effects of dynamic relative humidity and temperature / Charlotta Bylund Melin
2011 Andersson, Pierre Actitudes hacia la variedad caló : un estudio sociolingüístico de adolescentes andaluces : [doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Gothenburg] / Pierre Andersson
2007 Göteborgs universitet The University of Gothenburg's main building. 100 years, 1907—2007 [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / text: Åke Pettersson
2019 LaBontee, Richard A. Strategic vocabulary learning in the Swedish second language context / Richard A. LaBontee
2010 Nilsson, Marco War and unreason : bounded learning theory and war duration / Marco Nilsson
2010 Mannergren Selimovic, Johanna Remembering and forgetting after war : narratives of truth, justice and reconciliation in a Bosnian town : [dissertation] / Johanna Mannergren Selimovic
2008   At home in the world : essays and poems in honour of Britta Olinder / edited by Chloé Avril and Ronald Paul
2011 Nilsson, Per Anders A field of possibilities : designing and playing digital musical instruments : [a thesis in musical performance and interpretation at the Academy of Music and Drama : The Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts at University of Gothenburg has granted permission for the public oral defense of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy] / Per Anders Nilsson
2011 Muñoz, Adriana From curiosa to world culture : the history of the Latin American collections at the Museum of World Culture in Sweden : [doctoral thesis] / Adriana Muñoz
2013   Language, football and all that jazz : a Festschrift for Sölve Ohlander / editors: Gunnar Bergh, Rhonwen Bowen, Mats Mobärg
2009   Media and monarchy in Sweden / edited by Mats Jönsson & Patrik Lundell
2011 Larsdotter, Kersti Military interventions in internal wars : the study of peace or the study of war? : [doctoral thesis] / Kersti Larsdotter
2014   Preindustrial commercial history : flows and contacts between cities in Scandinavia and North Western Europe / editors: Markus A. Denzel, Christina Dalhede
2011 Leander, Hans Discourses of Empire : the Gospel of Mark from a postcolonial perspective : [doctoral dissertation in religious studies at the University of Gothenburg, December 9, 2011] / Hans Leander
1972   Sverigekontakt : en tidning för all världens svensktalande
1997 Pham, Van Bich The changes of the Vietnamese family in the Red River delta / Pham Van Bich ; Sociologiska Instit. Goteborgs Univ
2012 Bjerling, Johannes The personalisation of Swedish politics : party leaders in the election coverage, 1979―2010 : [doctoral dissertation] / Johannes Bjerling
2012 Stajic Löfgren, Tia Immortality through art : the evolution of a decadent theme in four novels within and beyond the fin de siècle : doctoral dissertation to be publicity defended in University of Gothenburg for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy / Tia Stajic Löfgren ; University of Gothenburg, Department of Languages and Literature
2017 Стремковская, Вера Валентиновна (писательница ; адвокат) Advokaten från Minsk / Vera Stremkovskaya ; översättning från ryska av Per-Olof Andersson
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