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2007 Firdawsi, Abu'l-Kasim (паэт ; каля 940—1020 ці 1030) Zal and Rudabeh : the crown jewel of Persian love stories in Shahnameh / calligrapher: Mahmud Hakim Ebn Vesal Shirazi
1990 Mohaghegh, M. Duvumin bist guftar : Twenty treatises on Persian literature, Islamic philosophy, theology and history of science in Islam with a bio-bibliogr. / M.Mohaghegh ; McGill Univ. ; Inst. of Islamic studies. ; Tehran Univ
2006 Amini, Ebrahim (нар. 1925) Woman's rights in islam / Ayatullah Ebrahim Amini ; English translation: Syed Athar Husain Rizvi ; [editor: Hamid Farnagh]
2002 Тамимдари, Ахмад (род. 1944 или 1945) A history of Persian literature : schools, periods, styles and literary genres / Ahmad Tamīmdārī ; translated by Ismā'īl Salāmī ; Organization for Islamic Culture and Communications, Center for International Cultural Studies
2005 Tabataba'i, Allamah (1892—1981) Ali and the philosophy of the divine / Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai ; translated by Fazel Asadi Amjad, Mehdi Dasht Bozorgi
2008 Arfaee, Abdolmajid Persepolis fortification tablets : fort. and teh. texts / Abdolmajid Arfaee
1999 Shabistari, Mahmud The secret garden / Mahmud Shabistari ; translated by Johnson Pasha
2006 Fallahzadeh, Mohammad Hadi A glimpse of the Islamic Republic of Iran / Mohammad Hadi Fallahzadeh, Mehdi Eskandarian, Ghasem Simiarian ; translated by Hadi Azimi ; edited by Sadroddin Moosavi
2002   The genius of Buzdjân : the selected articles on Abu al-Wafâ-Buzdjâni / Abolgâsem Qorbâni [et al.] ; compiled by Mohsen Heydarniâ ; Organization for Islamic Culture and Communication, Deputy of Research and Education, Center for Cultural-International Studies
2009 Ansari, Mohammad Hamid (государственный деятель ; род. 1937) The narrative of awakening : a glance at Imam Khomeini's ideological, intellectual and political biography (from birth to heavenly departure) / written by Hamid Ansari ; translated from the Farsi and edited by Seyed Manoochehr Moosavi
2013 Хамейні, Рухала Мусаві (палітычны дзеяч ; 1900—1989) The position of women from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini : (may Allah grant him peace) / [translators: Juliana Shaw, Behrooz Arezoo]
2014 Jamshīdī, Muhammad Husayn Shining torch of the Islamic Revolution of Iran : (a survey of the conduct and political works of Imām Khomeinī) / Muhammad Husayn Jamshīdī ; [translator: Husayn Karamyar]
1993   Le vrai visage du christianisme / [traducteurs: Hossein et Zahra Karimy] ; Rédaction de l'association "Sur le chemin de la vérité" (Dar rahe haq)
2005 Sha'bani, Reza A selection of the history of Iran / Reza Sha'bani ; translated by Mahmood Farrokhpey ; Organization for Islamic Culture and Communications, Center for International Cultural Studies
2009   The Holy Qur'ān / translation with commentary by Tahereh Saffarzadeh
2003 Мутаххари, Муртаза (философ ; 1919—1979) Noble character of the holy prophet of Islam (Sira-i-Nabawi) / Martyr Murtaza Mutahhari ; translated by Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi
2007 Сепехри, Сохраб (1928—1980) The lover is always alone : selected poems / Sohrab Sepehri ; translated from the Persian by Karim Emami
2007   The Holy Qur'ān / translation with commentary by Tahereh Saffarzadeh
2009 Kermani, Touba Mullā Sadrā and transcendent philosophy / Touba Kermani
2009 Makari, Charles Samson Imam Khomeini, the dynamic star that never sets / Charles Samson Makari
2010 University of Tehran University of Tehran, 2010―2011 [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / project manager: Mohammad A. Mousavi
2014 Ansari, Mohammad Hamid (государственный деятель ; род. 1937) The narrative of awakening : Imam Khomeini's ideological, intellectual and political biography at a glance (from birth to heavenly departure) / written by Hamid Ansari ; [translator: Seyyed Manoochehr Moosavi]
2014 Хамейні, Рухала Мусаві (палітычны дзеяч ; 1900—1989) Complete poetical works of Imam Khomeini (s) / [translator: Bahram Afrasiabi] ; The Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imām Khomeinī's Works, International Affairs Department
2015 Хамейні, Рухала Мусаві (палітычны дзеяч ; 1900—1989) Islamic government : governance of the jurist / Imām Khomeini ; [translator: Hamid Algar]
1996 Хамейні, Рухала Мусаві (палітычны дзеяч ; 1900—1989) Рай : речь Имама Хомейни во время общественной молитвы
1993 Tehran International Biennale of Illustrations (3 ; 1993) The world of secrets and mysteries [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [organized and classified by: Hadi Taqavi [et al.] ; translated by Mahvash Behnam]
2007 Farbod, Mohammad Sadegh Religious mourning ceremonies in Iran / Mohammad Sadegh Farbod ; translated by Ali Khazaee Far
2007 Баба Тахер Орьян (поэт ; около 1000—после 1055) The rubaiyyat of Baba Taher "Oryan" : (Persian sufi 990 A. D.) / translated by M. S. Tajar
2008   The breeze of cognition : the genuine and the profound sagacity in accurate and concise words / compiled by Sa'eed Azarmi ; translated by Bahram Afrasiabi
2009 Bagheri Noaparast, Khosrow (нар. 1957) The idea of a religious social science / written by Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast
2005 Tabataba'i, Allamah (1892—1981) A series of Islam and Shia : Shia, Quran in Islam, a Shi'ite anthology : [translated from the Persian by the group of translators] / Allama Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i
2015 Islāmī, Sayyid Hasan Imām Khomeinī, ethics and politics / Sayyid Hasan Islāmī ; translator: Mansoor L. Limba
2012 Fādil al-Nūrī, Sayyid (нар. 1956) Imam Khomeini : the embodiment of Islamic morals / Sayyid Fādil al-Nūrī ; translated by Safiullah Khan
1995 Хамейні, Рухала Мусаві (палітычны дзеяч ; 1900—1989) Kauthar : an anthology of the speeches of Imam Khomeini (s. a.) including an account of the events of the Islamic Revolution / The Institute for Compilation and Publication of the Works of Imam Khomeini, International Affairs Division
1998 Keshavarz, F. Formal letters of Firouz Mirza Farmanfarma / F.Keshavarz ; Iran National Archives Organization. Records Research Center
1997 Хафиз (около 1325—1389 или 1390) Hafez in 4 languages : German, English, Arabic, Persian
2011 Amoozgar, Jaleh Mythological history of Iran / Jaleh Amoozgar
2003   The Holy Qur'an / calligraphy and illumination: Bahram Saleki ; [прадмова: Mahdi Abedini, Seyyed Hossein Nasr]
2015 Хамейні, Рухала Мусаві (палітычны дзеяч ; 1900—1989) Imām Khomeinī and the Muslim world : a collection of articles / [translator: Mansoor Limba]
2011 Хамейні, Рухала Мусаві (палітычны дзеяч ; 1900—1989) The last message : [the political and divine will of His Holiness Imam Khomeini's]
2018 Рюмшина, Анжела Блаженні чисті серцем / Анжела Рюмшина ; [translation to Persian: Kamran Fallahi] ; [miniatures & illumination by Mahmoud Farshchian]
2014   Mahmoud Farshchian [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : selected paintings
2006 Руми, Джалалиддин (поэт ; философ ; 1207—1273) Masnavi : [паэма] / Mowlana Jalaloddin Mohammad Mowlavi [Маўлан Джалаліддзін Румі] ; calligraphy by Vesal Shirazi ; Association of Iranian Calligraphers ; Academy of Arts (of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
2008 Акадэмія навук Ісламскай Рэспублікі Іран (Тэгеран) The Academy of Sciences [of the] Islamic Republic of Iran, 2007―2008
1996   Encyclopaedia of the world of Islam = Dānešnāme-ye Jahān-e Eslām : (in Persian)
2010 National Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Тэгеран) The National Library of Iran
2009 Sadeghi Neshat, Amir Introduction to the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran / Amir Sadeghi Neshat ; translated by Nasrollah Ebrahimi
2012   The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
2010 Баба Тахер Орьян (поэт ; около 1000—после 1055) The divan of Baba Taher / calligraphy: Ebrahim Suliemani ; Persian paintings: Alireza Aghamiri, Amir Tahmasebi ; [English text: Edward Herron Allen]
2008 Shafiei Kadkani, Mohammad-Reza (нар. 1939) In the mirror of the stream : selected poems / Shafi'i Kadkani ; translations and paintings by Pari Azarm Motamedi ; edited by Alan Williams
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