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1998 Seidl, Hans D Stalin's eagles : An ill. study of the Soviet aces of World War II and Korea / Hans D.Seidl ; Forew.: G.Rall, V.Popkov
2000 Joh, W. Y. An English-Korean illustrated history of Korean war / W.Y.Joh
2006 Chung Hyung-Min Modern Korean ink painting / Chung Hyung-Min ; [edited by Raymond W. Furse]
2006 Choi Joon-sik Soul in Seoul : a cultural journey / Choi Joon-sik
2004   Dictionary of Korean art and archeology / edited by Roderick Whitfield
1998   Koreans and Korean business interests in Central Europe & CIS countries / Editors Chung-Si Ahn, Tai-Hwan Kwon
2002 Choi, Woun Sik Modern Korea / Korea educational development inst. ; Woun Sik Choi, Douglas H. Gordon
1997 Nam, D. W. Korea's economic growth in a changing world / D.W.Nam ; Samsung Econ. Research Inst
2001 Chung, Chai-Sik Korea, religious tradition, and globalization / Chai-Sik Chung ; Institute for modern Korean Studies, Yonsei University
1994 United Nations. Department for Development Support and Management Services The role of the public sector in promoting the economic development of developing countries : Proc. of a United Nations Interregional Seminar, Nairobi, [9-15 Jan. 1991]
2007 Kim, Lena Buddhist sculpture of Korea / Kim Lena
2000 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры World order and peace in the new millennium : Proc. of the Intern. conf., Seoul, 2000 / Ed.: Tai-joon Kwon, Dong-Sung Kim ; The Korean Nat. Commiss. for UNESCO, The Korean Assoc. of Intern. Studies
1992   Democracy in Korea : The Roh Tae Woo Years: Papers from the conf., 22 June, 1992 / Choi Chang Yoon, Gaston J.Sigur, Donald S.Macdonald et al. ; [Ed.]: Christopher J.Sigur
1999 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Congres international sur l'enseignement technique et professionnel, 2e, 26-30 avril 1999, Seoul : Document de travail principal
1999 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education, 2nd, 26-30 April 1999, Seoul : Main working document
2005   Peace building on the Korean peninsula and the new world order / edited by Yoon Bae Kim, Young Jae Kim ; Cheongju University
2010   Gateway to Korean universities, 2011 : interested in studying abroad? Try South Korea! / Korean Council for University Education
2010   The Korean economy : six decades of growth and development / edited by Il SaKong and Youngsun Koh ; The Committee for the Sixty-Year History of the Korean Economy
2010 Chang Kyung-Sup South Korea under compressed modernity : familial political economy in transition / Chang Kyung-Sup
2006 Нацыянальны музей Карэі (Сеул) 100 highlights [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
1998   Korea and vicinity [Карты] / Comp. : The Nat. Geography Inst.(NGI), Min. of Construction a. Transportation of the Republic of Korea
2012 Нацыянальны этнаграфічны музей Карэі (Сеул) Annual report of the National Folk Museum of Korea, 2011 / publisher: Cheon Jingi
2008 Jung, Ji-youn Bong Joon-ho / written by Jung Ji-youn ; translated by Colin A. Mouat
2012   South Korea advances toward a multicultural society / Eun Mee Kim [et al.]
2009 Song Jesook (нар. 1969) South Koreans in the debt crisis : the creation of a neoliberal welfare society / Jesook Song
2009 Kendall, Laurel Shamans, nostalgias, and the IMF : South Korean popular religion in motion / Laurel Kendall
2013   Kim Dae-jung and history of Korean opposition parties / edited by Sang-young Rhyu, Sam-woong Kim, Ji-yeon Shim
2012   Ethnobotany and useful resource plants of Dokdo and Ulleung Island in Korea = Этноботаника и растительные ресурсы острова Уллындо и островов Токто Южной Кореи / [edited by Kwang-Woo Park [et al.]
2014   Intellectual and institutional trends of Korean studies in North America, 2013 / edited by Center for International Affairs
2014 Jungdae Suh Korean small businesses : development, current situation and priorities for the future / Jungdae Suh
1988 United Nations. World Bank Korea : the management of external liabilities
1972   Korea newsreview
1970   The Korean journal of international studies
2008   Korea : opening a communicative space between Korea and the world
2012   Templestay
1983   Business Korea
1989 Amsden, Alice H Asia's next giant : South Korea and late industrialization / Alice H. Amsden
2000 United Nations. World Bank Management and resolution of banking crises : lessons from the Pepublic of Korea and Mexico / Jose De Luna-Martinez
2016 Нацыянальны этнаграфічны музей Карэі (Сеул) Annual report, 2015 / publisher: Cheon Jingi
2017 Прыгодзіч, Зіновій Кірылавіч (кандыдат філасофскіх навук ; пісьменнік ; нар. 1944) Далёкае-блізкае : кніга падарожжаў / Зіновій Прыгодзіч
2017   Korean society : an introduction / edited by Andrew Eungi Kim
2017 Cho Yong-Hee Korean culture in 100 keywords : [bilingual reading material for learners of Korean] / writers: Cho Yong-Hee, Han Yumi, Tcho Hye-young
2019   Doing business in Korea / Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency
2018 Elliott, Oliver The American Press and the Cold War : the rise of authoritarianism in South Korea, 1945—1954 / Oliver Elliott
2017 Fuhr, Michael (музыказнавец ; нар. 1975) Globalization and popular music in South Korea : sounding out K-pop / Michael Fuhr
2007 Schleicher, Matthias Vorstand, Vorstandsmitglieder und Aufsichtsräte von Aktiengesellschaften koreanischen Rechts : [Dissertation] / Matthias Schleicher
2007 Кан Ден Сік Політико-системний аспект об'єднання країни в стратегії Республіки Корея : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата політичних наук : 23.00.04 / Кан Ден Сік ; Національна академія наук України, Інститут світової економіки і міжнародних відносин
2007 Погорєлова, Інна Сергіївна Корейське питання в зовнішній політиці США (90-і рр. XX - початок XXI ст.) : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук : 07.00.02 / Погорєлова Інна Сергіївна ; Київський національний університет ім. Тараса Шевченка,
2000   Korean art book. — [Vol.] 3
2001   Korea investment handbook : Investment guide: Autumn 2001 / Korea Inform. Service
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