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2005 Lamb, Andy (1947―) Marine life of the Pacific Northwest : a photographic encyclopedia of invertebrates, seaweeds and selected fishes / Andy Lamb, Bernard P. Hanby
2011 Kittlitz, Friedrich Heinrich von (1799—1874) Denkwürdigkeiten einer Reise nach dem russischen Amerika, nach Mikronesien und durch Kamtschatka / Friedrich Heinrich von Kittlitz ; herausgegeben von Viola König. — Bd. 1
1939 זשיװ, .י (публіцыст) רוסישע רײַזעס ארומ דער װעלט / י. זשיװ = Русские путешествия вокруг света / И. Жив
1927 Люкнэр, Фелікс фон (1881— 1966) "Марскі Чорт" : [прыгоды нямецкага паруснага крэйсера] / Люкнэр ; [пераклад з нямецкай мовы, прадмова Б. Старко]
1994 Arctic Science Conference (45;25-27 Aug.,1994;Anchorage;29 Aug.-2 Sept.,1994;Vladivostok) Bridges of the science between North America and the Russian Far East : Abstracts / Far East Branch-RAS.Amer.Assoc.for Advancement of Science.Arct.and Pacific Div. — B.1
1982 Prange, Gordon William At dawn we slept : The untold story of Pearl Harbor / Gordon William Prange in collab. with D.M.Goldstein, K.V.Dillon
2001 Stanton, Doug In harm's way : the sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the extraordinary story of its survivors / Doug Stanton
2010   Амерыка вачыма беларусаў [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : My America : 2011 : [насценны перакідны каляндар] / United States Embassy, Minsk, Belarus
1920 Stevenson, Robert Louis (пісьменнік ; 1850—1894) Dans les mers du Sud : récit d'expériences et d'observations faites dans les îles Marquises, les Pomotou et les Gilbert au cours de deux croisières sur le yacht "Le Casco" (1888) et le schooner "L'Équateur" / Robert-Louis Stevenson ; [traduction de M. L. Des Garets, seule autorisée]
1999 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры El Canal de Panama = The Panama Canal : Del transpaso del Canal de Panama = Transfer of the Panama Canal / Texts : O. J. Suarez, C. A. Alvarado N., C. A. Vargas, A. J. Adames ; Panama Canal Commiss
1991 Newcomb, Richard Fairchild Opuścić okręt! / Richard F. Newcomb ; tłumaczyli Maria Janina i Andrzej Michejdowie
2019 Xu Chen Jiaolong's sea explorations / Xu Chen
1992   A field guide to the Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Circum-Pacific bio- and geololgical events : [Reports prep.for the] Intern.Field Conference on Permian-Triassic biostratigraphy and tectonics,6-12 Sept.,1992 ; Vladivostok / RAS.Far-Eastern Branch.Far-Eastern Geol.Inst. ; Ed.:Yu.D.Zakharov,I.V.Panchenko,A.I.Khanchuk
1836 Domeny de Rienzi, Grégoire Louis (1789―1843) Océanie, ou Cinquième partie du monde : revue géographique et ethnographique de la Malaisie, de la Micronésie, de la Polynésie et de la Mélanésie / par M. G. L. Domeny de Rienzi. — T. 2
1999 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры El Nino : Realite et fiction / Bruno Voituriez, Guy Jacques ; Commiss. oceanographique intergouv. (COI)
1990   Pacific annual,89-90.Pt.2 / RAS.Far-Eastern Branch ; Ed.Pacific Science Assoc
1994 Arctic Science Conference (45;25-27 Aug.,1994;Anchorage;29 Aug.-2 Sept.,1994;Vladivostok) Bridges of the science between North America and the Russian Far East : Abstracts / Far East Branch-RAS.Amer.Assoc.for the Advancement of Science.Arct.a.Pacific Div. — B.2
1957 Heyerdahl, Thor (1914―2002) The Kon-Tiki expedition by raft across the south seas / Thor Heyerdahl ; translated by F. H. Lyon
2009 Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan (нар. 1966) Allies against the rising sun : the United States, the British nations, and the defeat of imperial Japan / Nicholas Evan Sarantakes
2011 Kittlitz, Friedrich Heinrich von (1799—1874) Denkwürdigkeiten einer Reise nach dem russischen Amerika, nach Mikronesien und durch Kamtschatka / Friedrich Heinrich von Kittlitz ; herausgegeben von Viola König. — Bd. 2
1986 Warner, Peggy The coffin boats : Japanese midget submarine operations in the Second World War / Peggy Warner and Sadao Seno
1958 Хеердал, Тур (1914—2002) Падарожжа на "Кон-цікі" : На плыце ад Перу да Палінезіі : Для сярэд. і ст. ўзросту / Тор Хейердал ; [Навук. рэд. С.В.Обручава ; Пер. С.Міхальчука ; Маст.: Ф.Лемкуль, А.Сапетка]
1994 Egorov, Roman Recent Ancistrolepidinae (Buccinidae)
1837 Domeny de Rienzi, Grégoire Louis (1789―1843) Océanie, ou Cinquième partie du monde : revue géographique et ethnographique de la Malaisie, de la Micronésie, de la Polynésie et de la Mélanésie / par M. G. L. Domeny de Rienzi. — T. 3
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