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Дата Автор Заглавие
2004 Wangwenchang Lacan Tibetan economy / Wangwenchang Lacan
2006   Zhongguo Xizang: shishi yu shuzi, 2006 = China's Tibet: facts & figures, 2006
2008 Brahm, Laurence J. (эканаміст ; нар. 1961) Shambhala : the road less travelled in Western Tibet / Laurence J. Brahm
2009 Cha Bu Man Yang laoshi de gaoyuan meng = My path leads to the plateau / Cha Bu Man, Shi Chan, Kai Wei
2018 Carducci, Lisa (пісьменніца ; нар. 1943) My Tibetan daughter : followed by Qinghai children are my children / Lisa Carducci
2008 Lei Fengxing The railroad to the top of the world : from dream to reality / by Lei Fengxing ; translated by Zhu Jiantig, Li Li and He Yunzhao
1997   Population development in Tibet and related issues / chief editor: Zhang Tianlu ; translated by Chen Guansheng, Li Peizhu
2015 Li Keyong A river of time in Tibet / Li Keyong ; [translated by Liu Yanling]
1997   Волшебное сокровище : Сказки и легенды Тибета : [Сборник : Перевод / Сост., предисл. и коммент. С.А.Комиссарова
2002   Collections of Tibetan folk works of art [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [compiler: Ye Xingsheng] ; compiled by Information Office of the State Council [of the] People's Republic of China
2003   Zhongguo xizang cü you zhinan = Travel guide to Tibet of China
2011 An, Caidan Xizang: shishi yu shuzi = Tibet: facts and figures, 2011 / An Caidan, Xin Sen
2019 Bressler, Sonia Deep into Tibet / Sonia Bressler ; [translated by Calder Ferguson]
1994 Дэви-Неел, Александра Посвящения и посвященные в Тибете / Предисл.А.Бреславец
2007   Population of the Tibet Autonomous Region / Foreign Culture Exchange Association of Tibet Autonomous Region
2009   Report on the economic and social development of Tibet / China Tibetology Research Center
2006   An auspicious road [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : the Qinghai-Tibet Railway / text by Chi Yuzhou and Leng Ku ; photos by Xin Hua [et al.] ; chief editor Fang Yongming ; translated by Liu Zongren
2002 Li, Tao Xizang minsu / Li Tao, Jiang Hong Ying
2010 An, Caidan Xizang: shishi yu shuzi, 2010 = Tibet: facts and figures, 2010 / An Caidan
2018 Shan Shi My path leads to the plateau / Shan Shi, Michael L. Cavey & John James Chapman
2004 Zhou Aiming Tibetan education / Zhou Aiming
2004 Epstein, Israel Tibet transformed / Israel Epstein
2003   Xizang lüyou shouce
2009   Zhongguo Xizang: shi shiyu shuzi, 2009 = China's Tibet: facts and figures, 2009
2005 Wang Guozhen Zhongguo Xizang, 2005 : shishi yu shuzi / Wang Guozhen
2001 Chen, Qingying (1941―) Xizang lishi / Chen Qingying
2020 Bressler, Sonia Discovering Tibet / Sonia Bressler
2019   Democratic reform in Tibet ― sixty years on, March 2019 / The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
2003   Nature reserves of the Tibet autonomous region / compiled by Information Office of People's Goverment of Tibet Autonomous Region
2003 An, Caidan Tibetan tourism / An Caidan
2006   Tibet : roof of the world
2008 Luo Li (нар. 1965) The economy of Tibet : transformation from a traditional to a modern economy / Luo Li
2001 An, Caidan Xizang lüyou / An Caidan
2002 Zhou Aiming Xizang jiaoyu / Zhou Aiming
2003   Guide to travel in Tibet / compiled by Information Office of People's Government of Tibet Autonomous Region
2007   Zhongguo Xizang: shishi yu shuzi, 2007 = China's Tibet: facts & figures, 2007
2004 Zhang Xiaoming Jianzheng bai nian Xizang / Zhang Xiaoming
2006   Man made marvels [Видеозапись] : the world's highest railway
2011   Living on the Roof of the World / compiled by Jin Zhiguo
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