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2005 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. International Bureau of Education. International Conference on Education. Session (47 ; 2004 ; Geneva) Une éducation de qualité pour tous les jeunes : réflexions and contributions issues de la 47-e Conférence Internationale de l'Éducation de l' UNESCO, Genève, 8-11 septembre 2004
2007 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Information economy report, 2007―2008 : science and technology for development : the new paradigm of ICT / prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat
2001 Nations Unies. Organisation internationale du travail. Vie au travail et economie de l'information : Rapp. sur l'emploi dans le monde, 2001 / Dep. de la Communication BIT
2003 United Nations. International Labour Organization Key indicators of the labour market
2000 United Nations. International Labour Organization Tripartite Meeting on the Social and Labour Impact of Globalization in the Manufacture of Transport Equipment, Geneva, 8-12 May, 2000 : Note on the proceedings
2002 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development E-commerce and development report 2002 / Prep. by the UNCTAD secretariat
1999 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Socio-economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Finland / Jarl Lindgren, Anneli Miettinen, Mauri Nieminen ; Population Activities Unit, The Population Research Inst. of Vaestoliito
2000 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Committee for Trade, Industry and Enterprise Development Electronic commerce for transition economies in the digital age : Forum proceedings, 19-20 Jun. 2000, Geneva / in coop. with the Europ. Electronic Messaging Assoc
2002 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Quantification of non-tariff measures / Bijit Bora, Aki Kuwahara, Sam Laird
2002 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Electronic commerce and music business development in Jamaica : A portal to the new economy?
2004 United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Istanbul Protocol : Manual on the effective investigation and doc. of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
2004 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Commodities under neoliberalism : The case of cocoa / Irfan ul Haque
2000 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Social indicators and welfare monitoring / Gosta Esping-Andersen
2001 United Nations. International Labour Organization Internet guide for employers' organizations : The case of BIA NET / Written by Bojidar Danev, Bisser Tzonev and the Working Team of BIA ; Bureau for Employers' Activities
2005 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development International trade in GMOs and GM products : national and multilateral legal frameworks / Simonetta Zarrilli
2009 United Nations Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods : manual of tests and criteria
1933 United Nations. International Labour Organization. International Labour Conference. Session (17 ; 1933 ; Geneva) Les modes de repos et d'alternance des équipes dans les verreries à vitres automatiques : quatrième question à l'ordre du jour
2010 United Nations. International Labour Organization. Sectoral Activities Programme Preparatory Tripartite MLC, 2006, Committee : background paper, Geneva, 20―22 September 2010
2010 Организация Объединенных Наций. Международная организация труда. Международная конференция труда. Сессия (100 ; 2011 ; Женева) Доклад 4 (1) : Достойный труд для домашних работников : четвертый пункт повестки дня
2008 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification of March 24, 1971, as amended on September 28, 1979
2010 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization World intellectual property indicators, 2010
2005 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Official catchword index to the eighth edition (2006) of the International Patent Classification
2006 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Managing creative enterprises / Xavier Greffe
1994 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Guide to the Rome Convention and to the Phonograms Convention
2010 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Guide to the international registration of industrial designs under the Hague Agreement : (updated April 2010)
2008 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization International Classification for Industrial Designs : (Locarno Classification)
2009 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization The economics of intellectual property in South Africa
2004-2010 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO-UNEP study on the role of intellectual property rights in the sharing of benefits arising from the use of biological resources and associated traditional knowledge / prepared by Anil K. Gupta
2009 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization The international patent system yearly review : developments and performance in 2009
2007 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO guide on managing intellectual property for museums / Rina Elster Pantalony
2006 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Implications of the TRIPS agreement on treaties adminstered by WIPO
2010 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) done at Washington on June 19, 1970, amended on September 28, 1979, modified on February 3, 1984, and on October 3, 2001, and Regulations under the PCT (as in force from July 1, 2010)
2010 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization The Hague Agreement concerning the international registration of industrial designs : main features and advantages
2008 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods of April 14, 1891 : act revised at Washington on June 2, 1911, at The Hague on November 6, 1925, at London on June 2, 1934, and at Lisbon on October 31, 1958; additional act of Stockholm on July 14, 1967 : (translation by WIPO)
2004-2010 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization From artist to audience : how creators and consumers benefit from copyright and related rights and the system of collective management of copyright / International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers ; International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations
2010 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Environmental performance reviews : Georgia : second review
2010 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development International accounting and reporting issues, 2009 review : report by the Secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
2010 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Science, technology and innovation policy (STIP) : review of Mauritania
2010 United Nations. International Labour Organization. Sectoral Activities Programme Developments and challenges in the hospitality and tourism sector : issues paper for discussion at the Global Dialogue Forum for the Hotels, Catering, Tourism Sector (23―24 November 2010, Geneva)
2009 United Nations. International Labour Organization. Sectoral Activities Programme Tripartite Meeting on Promoting Social Dialogue and Good Industrial Relations from Oil and Gas Exploration and Production to Oil and Gas Distribution (Geneva, 11―14 May 2009) : note on the proceedings
2010 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe United Nations framework classification for fossil energy and mineral reserves and resources, 2009
2010 United Nations. International Labour Organization. Sectoral Activities Programme Safety in the supply chain in relation to packing of containers : report for discussion at the Global Dialogue Forum on Safety in the Supply Chain in Relation to Packing of Containers (21―22 February 2011)
2011 United Nations. International Labour Organization. International Labour Conference. Session (100 ; 2011 ; Geneva) Report 3 (Pt. 1B) : General Survey concerning social security instruments in light of the 2008 Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization : third item on the agenda: infromation and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations : report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)
2011 United Nations. International Labour Organization. International Labour Conference. Session (100 ; 2011 ; Geneva) Report 3 (Pt. 2) : Information document on ratifications and standards-related activities (up to 31 December 2010) : third item on the agenda: information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations
2001 Міжнародная арганізацыя па стандартызацыі Electronic imaging ― human and organizational issues for successful Electronic Image Management (EIM) implementation = Imagerie électronique ― aspects humains et organisationnels pour la mise en œuvre réussie de la gestion d'image électronique
2011 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Multilateralization of the nuclear fuel cycle : the first practical steps / editor: Yury Yudin
2010 United Nations. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention Review of management and administration in the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) / prepared by Yishan Zhang, Papa Louis Fall, Tadanori Inomata
2010 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks : report for 2010
2011 United Nations. International Labour Organization Emprowering Africa's peoples with decent work : 12th African Regional Meeting, Johannesburg, 11―14 October 2011 : report of the Director-General
2011-2012 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2011 : supplements
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