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2010 Chirinian, Lévon Gh. 1918. L'Arménie en flammes et fin de la Première Guerre mondiale (La force militaire arménienne) / Lévon Gh. Chirinian ; Université arménienne pédagogique d'état Kh. Abovian ; Institut de philosophie, de sociologie et de droit de l'Académie nationale des sciences de la République d'Arménie
2012   The eternity of writing [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [album-catalogue of the] exhibition on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Armenian printing / [texts: Iveta Mkrtchyan [et al.] ; translations: Aida Frunjyan, Aida Charkchyan]
2014 Ереванский государственный университет Materials of Conference devoted to 80th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law of the Yerevan State University / [editorial board: Gagik Ghazinyan, Armen Haykyants, Yeghishe Kirakosyan]
2022   Historical and cultural heritage of Armenia [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [translated from Armenian] / [editor: Khachik A. Harutyunyan] ; Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Republik of Armenia, Scientific Research Center of Historical and Cultural Heritage
2011   The tale of the сopper town : Alaverdi ― industry, culture, society : the 240th anniversary of Alaverdi copper smelter / [Armenian text by Hrachya Papinyan ; English translation and editing by Vardan Partmyan]
2012 Drost-Abgarjan, Armenuhi (нар. 1955) Schriftkunst und Bilderzauber [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : eine deutsch-armenische Festgabe zum 500. Jubiläum des armenischen Buchdrucks : [herausgegeben zur Ausstellung im Gutenberg-Museum vom 8. Dezember 2012 bis 17. März 2013; im Kunstforum Halle vom 17. April bis 20. Mai 2012] / Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan, Meliné Pehlivanian
1999   Export directory [of] Armenia 2XXX : information on 106 Armenian companies : the companies are conventionally distributed into 9 sectors: chemical and pharmaceuticals, electronics, electro-techniques and electro-mechanics, food and beverages, jewellery and diamond processing, machinery and machine tools, research and development, software engineering, textiles, carpets and clothing, various / Armenian Development Agency ; United Nations Development Programme
2022 Kortoshian, Raffi The endangered Christian Armenian heritage of Artsakh [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Raffi Kortoshian ; editor: Talinn Grigor ; [translator: Gayane Movsissian]
1999 Harutyunyan, Gagik Constitutional review and its development in the modern world : A comparative constitutional analysis / Gagik Harutyunyan, Arne Mavcic
2010   Robert Elibekyan, Ara Shiraz, Edouard Kharazyan [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [coordinator: Robert Elibekyan ; translator: Gourgen Gevorgyan] ; Museum of Modern Art of Armenia
2009   Komitas Vardapet (1869—1935) [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / edited by Gurgen Gasparian ; [translated from the Armenian by Aram Topchyan]
2010   Culture of the Armenian khachkar (cross-stone) / editor: Gayane Mkrtchyan ; translator of the English text: Karine Gevorgyan
2012 Национальная библиотека Армении (Ереван) Treasures of the National Library of Armenia [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [this album is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and the 180th anniversary of the foundation of the National Library of Armenia] / [compiler: R. Ghazaryan] ; [translated into English: G. Aleksanyan]
2021 Hovhanisyan, Alis In the footsteps of Raffi / Alis Hovhanisyan ; translated by Arminé Tamrazian
2002 Оганесян, Николай Оганесович (доктор исторических наук ; род. 1930) The Armenian genocide ― Armenocide : causes, commission, consequences / Nikolay Hovhannisyan ; [translated from Armenian by Svetlana Mardanyan] ; National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Institute of Oriental Studies
2011   Silberbeschlagene Handschriften aus dem Matenadaran [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [Aufbearbeitung der Ausgabe: Gayane Eliasjan] ; [Übersetzung aus dem Armenischen: Arusjak Israjeljan, Wanagh Abgarjan]
2012 Туманян, Аванес Тадэвосавіч (пісьменнік ; 1869—1923) Fairy tales / Hovhannes Tumanyan ; illustrated by Arthur Karagyan ; [translation by Karine Khachikyan]
2004 Azatyan, Henry Vital agreements for Armenia = Судьбоносные договора / Henry Azatyan ; National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Institute of History
2009   Basic facts about Karabakh conflict : [for discussions on Karabakh conflict / implemented by: G. Iskandaryan [et al.]
2013   New millenium constitutionalism : paradigms of reality and challenges / published on the initiative and with a foreword of G. G. Harutyunyan
2014   Armenian ceramics IX—XIII cc. [from] Dvin, Ani [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [concept of the exhibition and the catalogue by Anelka Grigoryan] ; [edited by Anelka Grigoryan and Iveta Mkrtchyan] ; History Museum of Armenia
2018 Пелешян, Артавазд Ашотович (кинорежиссер ; род. 1938) My universe and unified field theory / Artavazd Peleshyan ; [translated from Russian by Meruzhan Harutyunyan]
2017 Galichian, Rouben History of Armenian cartography up to the year 1918 : a study of the birth and evolution of Armenian cartography / Rouben Galichian
2021 Ketibian, Ara Forced conversions in Ottoman Turkey : reports from the U. S. press (1895—1920) / Ara Ketibian
2006 Bakhchinyan, Artsvi Armenia — Sweden : historical and cultural relations = Armenien ― Sverige : historiska och kulturella förbindelser / Artsvi Bakhchinyan
2013   Armenia's foreign and domestic politics : development trends / [edited by Mikko Palonkorpi and Alexander Iskandaryan] ; [translations by Nina Iskandaryan]
2014 Suvaryan, Yuri Public administration : theory and history / Yu. Suvaryan, V. Mirzoyan, R. Hayrapetyan ; National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics
2010 Демоян, Гайк Анушаванович (кандидат исторических наук) Mercenaries, extremists and Islamist fighters in the Karabakh war : how international terrorist networks penetrated post-Soviet Azerbaijan / Hayk Demoyan
2018-2019   The Armenian Genocide: prelude and aftermath : as reported in the U. S. press / compiled and edited by Vahan Ohanian, Ara Ketibian
2004-2009   Local self-government reforms in Armenia (2007 and 2008) / edited by David Tumanyan ; Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative ; Communities Finance Officers Association
2022 Walker, Christopher J. (1942―2017) Armenia : a very brief history / Christopher J. Walker ; [edited by Rouben Galichian]
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