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2006   Development of democracy : experience in the Baltic states and Taiwan : proceedings and materials of the international conference on 21―22 August 2006, in Riga, Latvia / [editor: Antra Legzdiņa] ; Latvian Academy of Sciences ; Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
1994   Тайвань : Крат. справ. данные / Ин-т Дальнего Востока РАН, Центр по изуч. Тайваня, Отдел систем. анализа, науч. информации и документации. — Ч. 3 /... Центр тайван. исслед., Информбанк ; [Подгот.: Л. М. Гудошников, В. И. Антонов]
???? Wang, Edward Q. (нар. 1958) Writing history in Taiwan : Tradition and transformation, 1950-2000 / Edward Q. Wang
1998 Торопцев, Сергей Аркадьевич (доктор исторических наук ; кандидат филологических наук ; род. 1940) Кинематография Тайваня / С.Торопцев ; Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т Дал. Востока
1997   A brief introduction to the Republic of China / Publ.: David Tawei Lee
????   Taiwan : Visitor's guide / Publ.: Tourism Bureau. Min. of Transportation and Communications, Rep. of China ; [Text]: David L.Gagniere ; Ed.: Earl Wieman et al
1999   The legacy of the Taiwan relations act : A compendium of authoritative: 20th anniversary assessments
2000   Constitution Republic of China / Gov. Inform. Office Rep. of China
2003   Tonglong Taiwanese dictionary. — [Vol. 1]: A-K
2000   A visit into Taiwan's history & culture / Comp.: Taiwan Provincial Government ; Publ.: Chang Po-ya
2006   Taiwanese female prose writings for the past half century, 1950-2000 / [edited by Fang-Ming Chen and Rui-Fen Chang]. — Vol. 2: Criticism
2004   A history of Taiwan in comics / [editor Robin J. Winkler]. — [Vol.] 1: Ancient times : Austronesian origins
2005   A history of Taiwan in comics / [editor Robin J. Winkler]. — [Vol.] 8: The Japanese era (II) : the age of awakening
1997 Joei, Bernard T.K In search of justice : the Taiwan story / Bernard T. K. Joei
2006 Zhang Renjie Taiwan shehui shenghuo shi : xiuxian youqi, richang shenghuo yu xiandaixing / Zhang Renjie
2006 Zhou Gu Waijiao miwen : 1960 niandai Taibei huafu waijiao mi xin / Zhou Gu
2002 Zhang Bohe Taiwan chuantong gongyi zhi mei : Taiwan gongyi lun. Yuan zhumin gongyi jishu / Zhang Bohe, Xu Shaoren
2006   20 shiji Taiwan wenxue zhuanti / Chen Dawei, Zhong Yiwen zhubian. — [T.] 2: Chuanzuo leixing yu zhuti
2006   Ming Qing Taiwan dang'an huibian : di yi ji. — [T.] 29: Qing Qianlong si shi ba nian jiu yue zhi wu shi yi nian shi er yue
2007   The development of international trade in the Republic of China (Taiwan), 2007―2008 / Republic of China, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bureau of Foreign Trade
2007   Treasures from the working of nature [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : eight thousand years of antiquities / editor-in-chief: Chi Jo-hsin ; [translators: Donald E. Brix, Denise Chu]
2007   Exhibition of paper craft in Taiwan [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Council for Cultural Affairs
2012 National Museum of Taiwan History (Тайнань) Our land, our people : the story of Taiwan : guide book [to the] National Museum of Taiwan History / [chief editor: Ming-Shan Chiang] ; [translator: Tzu-Hsuan Wu]
2012   White papers of the Chinese Government (1991―1999) / Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
2013 Kun-Liang Chiu Performance space and sacred space, audiences and believers : anthology of theatre and ritual in Taiwan / Kun-Liang Chiu
2013   Geoparks of Taiwan [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Executive Yuan, Council of Agriculture, Forestry Bureau ; National Taiwan University, Department of Geography
2014   The development of traditional Chinese medicine in Taiwan / [editor: Yi-Tsau Huang]
2014   Taipei filmmakers [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : distinguished 66 directors x 36 producers + executive producers with films from 2007 / publisher: Hau Lung-bin ; Taipei City's Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei Film Commission
2014   Picturing contemporary Taiwanese animation [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
2014 Lin Chih-hsin (мастак ; нар. 1936) Formosa the Beautiful [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : images of Taiwan in the 1950s / paintings by Lin Chih-hsin ; [editorial board: Liao Hsiao-ling [et al.] ; Kaohsiung City Government, Bureau of Cultural Affairs
2014   Island, quake, rebirth [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : 15th anniversary exhibition of 921 earthquake
2014   Yes, Taiwan ― 2014 Taiwan Biennial [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : сollected papers from the аrt forum / [chief editor: Ming-Hsien Lin]
2014   Books from Taiwan : inaugural issue, winter 2014 / editor: Anna Holmwood ; Republic of China, Ministry of Culture
2013   Urban evolution of Taipei : retrospect and prospect, 1945―2013 / Taipei City Government, Department of Urban Development
2005   Financial statistics monthly. Republic of China (Taiwan) = Zhonghua Minguo jin rong tong ji yue bao
2011   Rebuilding a sustainable homeland with innovation and united efforts / [chief editor: Chern Jenn-Chuan]
2015 China. Bureau of Cultural Heritage Annual report, 2012
2015   The development of international trade in the Republic of China (Taiwan), 2015―2016 / The Republic of China, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bureau of Foreign Trade
2016   Report on citizens living conditions intentions survey, Republic of China, 2016 : period of survey: June 20 to July 9, 2016 / Republic of China, Ministry of the Interior, Department of Statistics
2018   Cultural statistics, 2016—2017 / Republic of China, Ministry of Culture
1995   Premier Lien : a man of pragmatism / [publisher: Jason C. Hu]
2008   30 antique bar, 2008 [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [editor-in-chief: Serena Hung]
2018 Нацыянальная цэнтральная бібліятэка (Тайбэй) Cultural heritage, knowledge innovation / [publisher: Tseng Shu-hsien]
2018   Taiwan at a glance, 2018―2019 / [editors: Lester Liyen Yang [et al.]
2006 Стадниченко, Володимир Якович (публіцыст ; кандыдат гістарычных навук ; нар. 1936) Лоно Дунаю : мовчання природи стає дедалі голоснішим / Володимир Стадниченко
2000 Чэнь, Чжао-Лин Фонетические аспекты постановки русского произношения китайцами : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. филол. наук : 10.02.19 / С.-Петерб. гос. ун-т
2003 Deane, Hugh Good deeds & gunboats : two centuries of American-Chinese encounters / Hugh Deane
1995   Тайвань : Крат. справ. данные / Ин-т Дальнего Востока РАН, Центр по изуч. Тайваня, Отдел систем. анализа, науч. информации и документации. — Ч. 4 /... Центр тайван. исслед., Центр науч. информ. и банка данных ; [Подгот. Л. М. Гудошников]
1998   A visit into Taiwan's history & culture / Publ. by Chen Li-na ; Taiwan Provincial Administration Information Hall
2000 Михеев, Владимир Викторович Хождение на Тайвань : "Островная цивилизация" глазами рус. журналиста / Владимир Михеев
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