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Дата Автор Заглавие
2003 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders. — Vol. 58: July 1, 2003 ― December 31, 2003
2011 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Multilateralization of the nuclear fuel cycle : the first practical steps / editor: Yury Yudin
2006 Организация Объединенных Наций. Международное агентство по атомной энергии Справочник по ядерному праву / [Карлтон Стойбер [и др.]
2003   Енергетичне законодавство : збірник правових актів Європейського Союзу : (станом на 1 грудня 2002 р.) : у 2 т. / Інститут держави i права iм. В. М. Корецького, Нацiональноï академiï наук Украïни, Мiнiстерство палива та енергетики Украïни ; за загальною редакцiєю Ю. С. Шемшученка, В. П. Нагребельного. — Т. 1
1999 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders. — Vol. 50: July 1, 1999 ― December 31, 1999
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. Handbook of nuclear law / Carlton Stoiber, Alec Baer, Norbert Pelzer, Wolfram Tonhauser ; United Nations
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Международное агентство по атомной энергии Гарантии МАГАТЭ. Глоссарий / ООН ; ЦНИИАТОМИНФОРМ
2006   Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Managament and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Managament
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Nuclear security: global directions for the future : proceedings of an international conference, 16-18 March 2005, London / United Nations
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. Advances in destructive and non-destructive analysis for environmental monitoring and nuclear forensics : Proc. of an intern. conf. on advances in destructive and non-destructive analysis for environmental monitoring and nuclear forensics organized by the Intern. Atomic Energy Agency convened jointly with the Inst. for Transuranium Elements hosted by the Government of Germany and held in Karlsruhe, 21-23 Oct. 2002 / United Nations
2004 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders. — Vol. 60: July 1, 2004 ― December 31, 2004
2006   Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Disposal of low activity radioactive waste : proceedings of an international symposium, 13-17 December 2004, Cordoba, Spain / United Nations
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. Independence in regulatory decision making : A report by the Intern. Nuclear Safety Advisory Group / United Nations
1999 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders. — Vol. 49
2008 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders. — Vol. 67: January 1, 2008 ― June 30, 2008
1992   МАГАТЭ:политико-правовой статус / А.И.Вавилов,А.И.Иойрыш,Е.С.Молодцова ; РАН,Ин-т государства и права,Ядер.о-во
2003   Енергетичне законодавство : збірник правових актів Європейського Союзу : (станом на 1 грудня 2002 р.) : у 2 т. / Інститут держави i права iм. В. М. Корецького, Нацiональноï академiï наук Украïни, Мiнiстерство палива та енергетики Украïни ; за загальною редакцiєю Ю. С. Шемшученка, В. П. Нагребельного. — Т. 2
2009 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Multilateralization of the nuclear fuel cycle : assessing the existing proposals / Yury Yudin
2002 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders. — Vol. 55: January 1, 2002 ― June 30, 2002
2006 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders. — Vol. 64: July 1, 2006 ― December 31, 2006
2007 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders. — Vol. 66: July 1, 2007 ― December 31, 2007
2007 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders. — Vol. 65: January 1, 2007 ― June 30, 2007
2011 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Multilateralization of the nuclear fuel cycle : a long road ahead / Yury Yudin
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