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2006 United Nations. World Bank Trade, Doha, and development : a window into the issues / editor: Richard Newfarmer
2002 Норберг, Юхан (род. 1973) In defence of global capitalism : [the book that changed the globalization debate] / Johan Norberg ; [English translation: Roger Tanner]
2007 Molendowski, Edward Liberalizacja wymiany handlowej krajów Europy Środkowowschodniej w okresie transformacji : ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem doświadczeń krajów CEFTA / Edward Molendowski
2009 United Nations. Research Institute for Social Development Trade, regionalism and the politics of policy making in Nicaragua / Gloria Carrión
2007 United Nations. World Bank Reforming agricultural trade for developing countries / editors: Alex F. McCalla, John Nash. — Vol. 2: Quantifying the impact of multilateral trade reform
1998 United Nations. World Bank Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1997 : trade: towards open regionalism : proceedings of a conference held in Montevideo, Uruguay / edited by Shahid Javed Burki, Guillermo E. Perry, Sara Calvo
2007 United Nations. World Bank Services trade and development : the experience of Zambia / edited by Aaditya Mattoo and Lucy Payton
2018 Menéndez, Lucía Bárcena Trade and investment : a guide to the movements against free trade and investment agreements in Europe / Lucía Bárcena Menéndez & Pablo Sánchez
2005 United Nations. International Monetary Fund Central America : global integration and regional cooperation / edited by Markus Rodlauer and Alfred Schipke ; United Nations
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии Free trade areas in the Arab region : Where do we go from here?
2001 Gawande, Kishore Exclusions for sale : Evidence on the Grossman-Helpman model of free trade agreements / Kishore Gawande, Pablo Sanguinetti, Alok K.Bohara
2009 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Assessment of trade policy trends and implications for the economic performance of the ESCWA region
2003   Regional integration and development / Maurice Schiff and L. Alan Winters
2006 Valev, Hristo General equilibrium view on the trade balance dynamics in Bulgaria / Hristo Valev
2007   Whose Canada? : continental integration, fortress North America, and the corporate agenda / edited by Ricardo Grinspun and Yasmine Shamsie ; Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
1996 United Nations. World Bank Economic integration and trade liberalization in Southern Africa : is there a role for South Africa? / Merle Holden
1996 United Nations. World Bank The Uruguay Round : statistics on tariff concessions given and received / J. Michael Finger, Merlinda D. Ingco, Ulrich Reincke
1999 United Nations. World Bank Trade, global policy, and the environment / editor: Per G. Fredriksson
2001   Commodity market reforms : lessons of two decades / edited by Takamasa Akiyama [et al.]
2005 Nations Unies. Institut de recherche des Nations Unies pour le developpement social. Le commerce equitable / Murat Yilmaz
2005 United Nations. World Bank Lessons from NAFTA for Latin America and the Caribbean / Daniel Lederman, William F. Maloney, Luis Servén
2003 Бастиа, Фредерик (1801—1850) Кобден и Лига : Движение за свободу торговли в Англии / Фредерик Бастиа ; Пер. с фр. Ю.А.Школенко
1994 European Communities. European Commission Questions and answers about the European Union
2010 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Towards SADC services liberalization : balancing multiple imperatives
2016   Promoting dynamic & innovative growth in Asia : the cases of special economic zones and business hubs / edited by Hyung-Gon Jeong and Douglas Zhihua Zeng
2002 Костюнина, Галина Михайловна (доктор экономических наук) Азиатско-Тихоокеанская экономическая интеграция / Г.М.Костюнина ; Моск. гос. ун-т междунар. отношений (ун-т)
1998 Orchard, David Hors des griffes de l'aigle : Quatre siecles de resistance canad. a l'expansionnisme amer. / David Orchard ; Trad.: M.Perrin d'Arloz
1997 European Communities. European Commission Seven key days in the making of Europe : Booklet
1996 European Communities. European Commission The single market
2009 United Nations. World Bank Accelerating trade and integration in the Caribbean : policy options for sustained growth, job creation, and poverty reduction / Yvonne Tsikata, Emmanuel Pinto Moreira, Pamela Coke Hamilton ; Organization of American States
2006 United Nations. World Bank Agricultural trade reform and the Doha development agenda / edited by Kym Anderson and Will Martin
2007 United Nations. World Bank Reforming agricultural trade for developing countries / editors: Alex F. McCalla, John Nash. — Vol. 1: Key issues for a pro-development outcome of the Doha Round
1873   Pogadanki z ekonomji społecznej : kredyt, wolność handlu, konkurencya, lichwa i procent / przełożył z francuskiego Feliks Mierzejewski
2014 Кваша, Катерина Сергіївна Регулювання зовнішньоекономічної діяльності аграрного сектору в умовах формування зони вільної торгівлі Україна — ЄС : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук : спеціальність 08.00.03 Економіка та управління національним господарством / Кваша Катерина Сергіївна ; Національна академія аграрних наук України, Національний науковий центр «Інститут аграрної економіки»
2001 United Nations. World Bank Free trade area membership as a stepping stone to development : the case of ASEAN / Emiko Fukase, Will Martin
2002 United Nations. World Bank Transport policies for the Euro-Mediterranean free-trade area : an agenda for multimodal transport reform in the Southern Mediterranean / Daniel Müller-Jentsch
2001   Three investment stories under free trade : Portfolio, direct and cross border M & A / Ed.: William B.Z.Vukson
2005   Korea-Japan FTA: toward a model case for East Asian economic integration / edited by Choong Yong [et al.]
2001 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Regional trade agreements and developing countries : The case of the Pacific islands' proposed free trade agreement / Robert Scollay
1996 European Communities. European Commission How is the European Union running the single market? : What are my rights as a consumer?
2009 United Nations. World Bank Trade preference erosion : measurement and policy response / edited by Bernard Hoekman, Will Martin, and Carlos A. Primo Braga
2010 United Nations. World Bank Vulnerable places, vulnerable people : trade liberalization, rural poverty and the environment / edited by Jonathan A. Cook [et al.] ; World Wildlife Fund
1993 United Nations. World Bank ''Fortress Europe'' and other myths about trade : policies toward merchandise imports in the EC and other major industrial economies (and what they mean for developing countries) / Jean Baneth
2000 United Nations. World Bank Trade policy developments in the Middle East and North Africa / editors: Bernard Hoekman, Hanaa Kheir-El-Din
2018 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Trade and development report, 2018 : power, platforms and the free trade delusion : report by the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
2000   Agricultural trade liberalization in a new trade round : perspectives of developing countries and transition economies / edited by Merlinda Ingco, L. Alan Winters
2001 MacArthur, John R The selling of "Free trade" : NAFTA, Washington, and the Subversion of American Democracy / John R.MacArthur
2008   Los nuevos enfoques de la integración : más allá del regionalismo / compiladora: Grace Jaramillo
1997 United Nations. World Bank Competition policy and MERCOSUR / Malcolm Rowat, Michele Lubrano, Rafael Porrata
2003 United Nations. World Bank Domestic regulation and service trade liberalization / editors: Aaditya Mattoo, Pierre Sauvé
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