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2000 Топалов, Ставри Атанасов (нар. 1939) Information about the unknown types of early Thracian tribal and ruler's coins, minted in the 6th—4th C. B. C., kept in private collections and the studies made their basis / Stavri Atanasov Topalov
2017 Топалов, Ставри Атанасов (нар. 1939) Contribution to the study of the earliest anepigraphic coins minted in Southwestern Thrace : (middle of 6th century BC — first quarter of 5th century BC) / Stavri Topalov, Peter Balabanov, Svetozar Stojanov
2004 Топалов, Ставри Атанасов (нар. 1939) Нови приноси към проучване монетосеченето и историята на ранното Одриско царство в земите на древна Тракия = New contributions to the study of the coinage and history of the early Odrysian Kingdom in the lands of ancient Thrace / Ставри Топалов
2005 Topalov, Stavri Atanasov (1939―) Urban bronze coins of small denomination from the Propontis area with images of a conical vessel with two handles, dynastic symbol of the coinage of the early Odrysian kings of the 5th―4th centuries B. C. ; Genealogy of the Odrysian dynasty from the end of the 6th to the 3rd quarter of 4th century B. C. ; Catalogue of early Thracian tribal coins of 6th―5th century B. C., anepigraphic types of coins minted on the territory of the early Odrysian kingdom and early Odrysian regal coins of 5th―4th century B. C. / Stavri Atanasov Topalov
1994 Топалов, Ставри Атанасов (нар. 1939) The Odrysian Kingdom from the late 5th to the mid-4th C. B. C. : contributions to the study of its coinage and history = Одриското царство от края на V до средата на IV в. пр. н. е. : приноси към проучване на монетосеченето и историята му / Stavri Topalov
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