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2005 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization National Commissions for UNESCO : learning from one another : four pilot interregional and sub-regional projects
2001 UNESCO. Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference of the 50 National Commissions for UNESCO of the Europe Region (13; 2001; Montreal). 13th Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference of the 50 National Commissions for UNESCO of the Europe Region, 4-8 July 2001, Montreal, Canada : final report
2008 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Austrian Commission for UNESCO (Vienna) Jahrbuch, 2008 = Annual report, 2008
2010 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission (Bonn) Shaping cultural diversity : Recommendations for Action from Civil Society for the Implementation in and by Germany of the UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) : white paper
2008 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO and civil society
1970 Камісія БССР па справах ЮНЕСКА Boletin / Comisióon de la RSS de Bielorrusia para la UNESCO
2013 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO (Гаага) Annual report, 2013 = Jaarverslag, 2013
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Annual report of the Secretary-General, 2004 = Rapport annuel du Secretaire general, 2004 / Canadian Commission for UNESCO
2001 UNESCO. Israel National Commission for UNESCO. Bi-annual report, 2000-2001
2009 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Involving national commissions for UNESCO in United Nations common country programming
2009 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission (Bonn) UN Programme de partenariat avec l'Afrique : renforcement des capacités des commissions nationales pour l'UNESCO
1970 Камісія БССР па справах ЮНЕСКА Bulletin / Commission of the Byelorussian SSR for UNESCO
1970 Камісія БССР па справах ЮНЕСКА Bulletin / Commission de la RSS de Biélorussie pour l'UNESCO
2018 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization National Commissions for UNESCO : annual report, 2018 = Commissions nationales pour l'UNESCO : rapport annuel, 2018
2017 Turkish National Commission for UNESCO Experience for UNESCO : Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, 1949—2017
2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission (Bonn) German Commission for UNESCO
2009 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Israel National Commission for UNESCO (Иерусалим) Biannual report, 2008—2009
2000 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) for promoting education for peace, human rights, democracy and international understanding : list of participating institutions by region = Réseau du Système des Écoles Associées de l'UNESCO (réSEAU) pour la promotion de l'éducation en faveur de la paix, des droits de l'homme, de la démocratie et de la compréhension internationale : liste des établissements participants par région = Plan des Escuelas Associades de la UNESCO (RedPEA) para el fomento de la educación por la paz, los derechos humanos, la democracia y la comprención internacional : lista de instituciones participantes por region
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Youth in action at the Canadian Commission for UNESCO = Etre jeune a la Commission Canadienne pour l`UNESCO / Canad. Commiss. for UNESCO
2001 UNESCO. Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference of the 50 National Commissions for UNESCO of the Europe Region (13; 2001; Montreal). Creating a knowledge society in the information age : the role of national commissions = Creation d'une societe du savoir a l'ere de l'information : le role des commissions nationales : 13th Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference of the 50 National Commissions for UNESCO of the Europe Region, 4-8 July, 2001, Montreal, Canada : provisional programme
2001 UNESCO. Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference of the 50 National Commissions for UNESCO of the Europe Region (13; 2001; Montreal). Creating a knowledge society in the information age : the role of national commissions = Creation d'une societe du savoir a l'ere de l'information : le role des commissions nationales : 13th Quadrennial and Statutory Regional Conference of the 50 National Commissions for UNESCO of the Europe Region, 4-8 July, 2001, Montreal, Canada : discussion papers
1961   Korea journal
2006 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission (Bonn) Promouvoir la diversité, préserver le patrimoine, façonner l'avenir
2004 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Répertoire des 192 Commissions nationales pour l'UNESCO : (dans l'ordre alphabétique français) = Directory of the 192 National Commissions for UNESCO : (in French alphabetical order) / Section des Commissions nationales, Division des relations avec les commissions nationales et des nouveaux partenariats, Secteur des relations extérieurs et de la coopération
2004 UNESCO. Austrian Commission for UNESCO. Annual [report], 2004 = Jahrbuch, 2004
2015 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Austrian Commission for UNESCO (Vienna) Annual, 2015 = Jahrbuch, 2015
2000 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Meeting of the Secretaries-General of the National Commissions for UNESCO, Europe Region, 14th, 9-10 June 2000, Bled = Rencontre des Secretaires Generaux des Commissions Nationales pour l'UNESCO de la Region Europe, 14eme, 9-10 juin 2000, Bled
2008 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Canadian Commission for UNESCO (Ottawa) Youth component [of the] 32nd session of the World Heritage Committee, 21 June to 10 July 2008, Canada : final report
2010 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Austrian Commission for UNESCO (Vienna) Annual, 2010 = Jahrbuch, 2010
2013 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO (Лондон) Wider value of UNESCO to the UK, 2012―2013
1994 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры 11th meeting of Secretaries-General of the National Commissions for UNESCO of the European Region, Warsaw, 12-15 June 1994 = 11eme Reunion des Secretaires generaux des Commissions nationales pour l`UNESCO de la Region Europe, Varsovie, 12-15 juin 1994 : Final report / Pol. Komitet do Spraw UNESCO
2009 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Architecture des commissions nationales pour l'UNESCO : information de base sur leur statut, leur composition et leurs ressources
2002 Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture. Commission Nationale Andorrane pour l'UNESCO (Andorra la Vella) Memòria, 2002 = Mémoire, 2002
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Rapport annuel du secretaire general [de la Commission canadienne pour l'UNESCO], 2003 = Annual report of the Secretary-General [Canadian Commission for UNESCO], 2003 / David A.Walden
2003 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Architecture of National Commissions for UNESCO : selected information on their status, composition and resources
2005 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Canadian Commission for UNESCO (Ottawa) Annual report of the Secretary-General, 2005 = Rapport annuel du Secrétaire général, 2005
2007 Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture. Commission suisse pour l'UNESCO (Berne) Rapport annuel, 2006 = Jahresbericht, 2006 = Rapporto annuale, 2006
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Israel National Commission for UNESCO : bi-annual report, 2002-2003 / Israel National Commission for UNESCO
2008 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. French National Commission for UNESCO (Париж) Workshop on educational cooperation in Europe : the role of UNESCO national commissions, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 13―15 February 2008 = Atelier sur la coopération éducative en Europe : le rôle des commissions nationales, Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe, 13―15 février 2008
2004-9999   Curier UNESCO : Buletin al Coмisiei Nationale a Republicii Moldova
2012 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO (Гаага) Annual report, 2012 = Jaarverslag, 2012
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