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Дата Автор Заглавие
2008 United Nations Environment Programme UNEP year book, 2008 : an overview of our changing environment
2010 Gutbrod, Max Trading in air : mitigating climate change through the carbon markets / Max Gutbrod, Sergej Sitnikov, Edith Pike-Biegunska
2010 United Nations. World Bank Adapting to climate change in Eastern Europe and Central Asia / editors: Marianne Fay, Rachel I. Block, Jane Ebinger
2012 "Global warming and the human-nature dimension in Siberia: social adaptation to the changes of the terrestrial ecosystem, with an emphasis on water environments", International Conference (1 ; 2012 ; Kyoto) 1st International Conference "Global warming and the human-nature dimension in Siberia" : social adaptation to the changes of the terrestrial ecosystem, with an emphasis on water environments : to be held and co-organized with the 6th Annual International Workshop "C/H2O/Energy balance and climate over boreal and arctic regions with special emphasis on Eastern Eurasia", 7―9 March, 2012 / organized by Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
2010 Zbinden, Geoffrey L'Internet des objets : une réponse au réchauffement climatique / Geoffrey Zbinden ; [préface de Corinne Lepage]
2013   Climate change, 2013 : the physical science basis : Working Group I contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change : summary for policymakers, technical summary and frequently asked questions / edited by Thomas F. Stocker [et al.] ; World Meteorological Organization ; United Nations Environment Programme
2015 United Nations Association-UK Climate 2020 : facing the future
2012   Adaptation strategy to climate change in Taiwan / Republic of China, Executive Yuan, Council for Economic Planning and Development
2019 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Commodity dependence, climate change and the Paris Agreement : commodities and development report, 2019
2009 United Nations. World Bank Low carbon, high growth : Latin American responses to climate change : an overview / Augusto de la Torre, Pablo Fajnzylber, John Nash
2007 Blüchel, Kurt G. (нар. 1934) Der Klimaschwindel : Erderwärmung, Treibhauseffekt, Klimawandel — die Fakten / Kurt G. Blüchel
2014   Climate change, 2014 : impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability : Working Group II contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change : summaries, frequently asked questions, and cross-chapter boxes / edited by Christopher B. Field [et al.] ; World Meteorological Organization ; United Nations Environment Programme
2014   Climate change, 2014 : impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability : Working Group II contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / World Meteorological Organization ; United Nations Environment Programme. — Pt. B: Regional aspects / edited by Vicente R. Barros [et al.]
2016   У планеты высокая тэмпература: хто вінаваты і што рабіць? : кніжка ў малюнках для дзяцей і іх бацькоў / [МГА "Экапартнёрства" ; аўтары-складальнікі: А. А. Чумакова, Ю. В. Яблонская, М. А. Хаванская ; ілюстрацыі В. Кузьміч]
2007 Latif, Mojib Herausforderung Klimawandel : was wir jetzt tun müssen / Mojib Latif
2009 Braasch, Gary Earth under fire : how global warming is changing the world / Gary Braasch ; with an afterword by Bill McKibben
2012   Low-carbon development / supervised by State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China
2014   Climate change, 2013 : the physical science basis : Working Group I contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / edited by Thomas F. Stocker [et al.] ; World Meteorological Organization ; United Nations Environment Programme
2014   Climate change, 2014 : mitigation of climate change : Working Group III contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / edited by Ottmar Edenhofer [et al.] ; World Meteorological Organization ; United Nations Environmental Programme
2014   Climate change, 2014 : impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability : Working Group II contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / World Meteorological Organization ; United Nations Environment Programme. — Pt. A: Global and sectoral aspects / edited by Christopher B. Field [et al.]
2019   У планеты высокая тэмпература: хто вінаваты і што рабіць? : кніжка ў малюнках для дзяцей і іх бацькоў / [МГА "Экапартнёрства" ; складальнікі: А. А. Чумакова, Ю. В. Яблонская, М. А. Хаванская ; ілюстрацыі: В. Кузьміч]
2011 Fu Jing Jumping to reach clear sky : frontline narratives of China's green dream / Fu Jing
2015   Climate change, 2014 : mitigation of climate change : Working Group III contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change : summary for policymakers, technical summary / edited by Ottmar Edenhofer [et al.] ; World Meteorological Organization ; United Nations Environment Programme
2016   У планеты высокая тэмпература: хто вінаваты і што рабіць? : кніжка ў малюнках для дзяцей і іх бацькоў / [МГА "Экапартнёрства" ; складальнікі: А. А. Чумакова, Ю. В. Яблонская, М. А. Хаванская]
2010 United Nations. World Bank Social dimensions of climate change : equity and vulnerability in a warming world / editors: Robin Mearns, Andrew Norton
2009 Ackerman, Frank Financing the climate mitigation and adaptation measures in developing countries / Frank Ackerman
2014 Jänsch, Janina Die Berücksichtigung von Waldkohlenstoffspeichern im internationalen Klimaschutzsystem : ordnungspolitische Analyse der Mechanismen CDM A/R und REDD+ sowie Implikationen für ein Post-Kyoto-Abkommen / Janina Jänsch
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