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   Запрос: a001="BY-NLB-ar26942"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
2004 International Atomic Energy Agency. Regulatory control of radiation sources : Safety guide / United Nations
2002 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency The radiological accident in Samut Prakarn
2002 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Report on the improvement of the management of radiation protection aspects in the recycling of metal scrap / Europ. Comm., Intern. Atomic Energy Agency
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. Security of radioactive sources : proceedings of an international conference, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 March 2003 / United Nations
1999   Новый метод измерения энергий v-лучей в режиме внутренней калибровки исследуемого радиоактивного источника / В.А.Морозов, В.Б.Злоказов, А.И.Калинин и др
2000 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Safety of radioactive waste management : Proc. of an Intern. conf. on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, Cordoba, 13-17 March 2000 / Organized by the Intern. Atomic Energy Agency in co-op. with the Europ. Commiss., the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the World Health Organization
2000 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency The radiological accident in Istanbul / United Nations
2007 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Identification of radioactive sources and devices : reference manual
2006 Организация Объединенных Наций. Международное агентство по атомной энергии Категоризация радиоактивных источников : руководство по безопасности / ООН / МАГАТЭ
2006 International Atomic Energy Agency. Nuclear forensics support : reference manual / United Nations / International Atomic Energy Agency
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Nuclear security: global directions for the future : proceedings of an international conference, 16-18 March 2005, London / United Nations
1994   Формирование позитронного пучка от протяженного в+-радиоактивного источника в статистических магнитном и электрическом полях / В.В.Горев, К.О.Качалов, К.С.Серебренников, С.Д.Столбецов
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Environmental and source monitoring for purposes of radiation protection : safety guide / United Nations
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Disposal options for disused radioactive sources / United Nations
2002 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency The radiological accident in Gilan
2004 International Atomic Energy Agency. The radiological accident in Cochabamba / United Nations
2000 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency The radiological accident in Yanango / United Nations
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Categorization of radioactive sources / United Nations
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. Decommissioning of small medical, industrial and research facilities / United Nations
2000 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Indirect methods for assessing intakes of radionuclides causing occupational exposure
1997   Radioactive sources for ATLAS hadron tile calorimeter calibration / [Auth.]:J.Budagov,M.Cavalli-Sforza,Yu.Ivanioushenkov a.o
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций. Международное агентство по атомной энергии Юридическая и государственная инфраструктура ядерной безопасности, радиационной безопасности, безопасности радиоактивных отходов и безопасности перевозки : требования безопасности / ООН
2000 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Legal and governmental infrastructure for nuclear, radiation, radioactive waste and transport safety : Safety requirements / United Nations
2000 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency The radiological accident in Lilo / United Nations
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