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2005 "Nanomeeting — 2005", international conference (Мінск) Physics, chemistry and application of nanostructures : reviews and short notes to NANOMEETING-2005, Minsk, Belarus, 24―27 May 2005 / editors: V. E. Borisenko, S. V. Gaponenko, V. S. Gurin
2014 Рефахати, Нима Хашем (кандидат физико-математических наук ; род. 1978) Optical and structural characteristics of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films and radiation tolerance of nanostructural solar cells created on their basis : abstract of thesis on competition for the scientific degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences : specialty 01.04.10 ― physics of semiconductors / Refahati Nima Hashem ; scientific supervisor: Mudryi Alexander Victorovich ; State Scientific and Production Association "Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
2014   External fields processing and treatment technology and preparation of nanostructure of metals and alloys : book of the Russia-China International Workshop articles, 1―7 October, 2014, Novokuznetsk / [editor-in-chief: Victor E. Gromov] ; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education "Siberian State Industrial University" ; Advanced Materials Institute of Tsinghua University ; Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2007 "Nanomeeting — 2007", international conference (Мінск) Physics, chemistry and application of nanostructures : proceedings of the International Conference NANOMEETING-2007, Minsk, Belarus, 22―25 May 2007 : reviews and short notes / [editors:] V. E. Borisenko, S. V. Gaponenko, V. S. Gurin
2011 "Nanomeeting — 2011", International Conference (Мінск) Physics, chemistry and applications of nanostructures : proceedings of International Conference NANOMEETING-2011, Minsk, Belarus, 24―27 May 2011 : reviews and short notes / editors: V. E. Borisenko [et al.]
2001 "Nanomeeting — 2001", international conference (Мінск) Physics, chemistry and application of nanostructures : reviews and short notes to NANOMEETING―2001, Minsk, Belarus, 22—25 May 2001 / editors: V. E. Borisenko, S. V. Gaponenko, V. S. Gurin
2020 Бейранванд, Бехрох Разработка массивов оптических и терагерцовых детекторов на основе метаматериалов : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук : специальность 01.04.04 Физическая электроника / Бейранванд Бехрох ; Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Московский физико-технический институт (национальный исследовательский университет), Физтех-школа Электроники, Фотоники и Молекулярной физики
2021 Rusul Alabada, Yahya Jasim Coordination compounds of some metals with hydroxy and hydrazine derivatives of benzoic acid as precursors of nanosized oxide catalysts : abstract [of the] dissertation for a scientific degree candidate of chemical sciences : [speciality] 02.00.01 ― inorganic chemistry / Alabada Rusul Yahya Jasim ; supervisor: O. V. Kovalchukova ; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of General Chemistry
2013 "Nanomeeting — 2013", International Conference (Мінск) Physics, chemistry and applications of nanostructures : proceedings of International Conference NANOMEETING-2013, Minsk, Belarus, 28―31 May 2013 : reviews and short notes / editors: V. E. Borisenko [et al.]
2009 "Nanomeeting — 2009", International Conference (Мінск) Physics, chemistry and application of nanostructures : proceedings of the International Conference NANOMEETING-2009, Minsk, Belarus, 26―29 May 2009 : reviews and short notes / editors: V. E. Borisenko, S. V. Gaponenko, V. S. Gurin
2016   Self-assembled organic-inorganic nanostructures : optics and dynamics / edited by Eduard Zenkevich, Christian von Borczyskowski
1996 Хачатуров, Рубен Владимирович Математическое моделирование процессов взаимодействия рентгеновского излучения с плазмой и многослойными наноструктурами : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. физ.-мат. наук : 05.13.16 / ВЦ РАН
2007 Samoylovich, M. I. A foundation for the theory of symmetry of ordered nanostructures / M. Samoylovich, A. Talis ; Central Research Technological Institute "Technomash"
2003 "Nanomeeting — 2003", international conference (Мінск) Physics, chemistry and application of nanostructures : reviews and short notes to NANOMEETING―2003, Minsk, Belarus, 20―23 May 2003 / editors: V. E. Borisenko, S. V. Gaponenko, V. S. Gurin
2009 "Nanostructures: physics and technology", international symposium (17 ; 2009 ; Minsk) Nanostructures: physics and technology : 17th international symposium, Minsk, Belarus, June 22―26, 2009 : proceedings / co-chairs: Zh. Alferov, L. Esaki ; B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Akademy of Sciences of Belarus ; Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
1999 "Nanomeeting — 1999", International Conference (Мінск) Physics, chemistry and application of nanostructures : reviews and short notes to NANOMEETING '99, Minsk, Belarus, 17—21 May 1999 / editors: V. E. Borisenko [et al.]
1995 "Nanomeeting — 1995", international conference (Мінск) Physics, chemistry, and application of nanostructures : [notes on the International Conference NANOMEETING-95, Minsk, 15―19 May 1995] / edited by V. E. Borisenko [et al.] ; Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
2003 Комиссаров, Иван Владимирович (кандидат физико-математических наук) Własności strukturalne, transportowe i magnetyczne wielowarstw o strukturze perowskitu : praca doktorska wykonana w Oddziale Fizyki Magnetyków Instytutu Fizyki PAN / Ivan Komissarov ; pod kierunkiem Piotra Przysłupskiego
2014 Рефахати, Нима Хашем (кандидат физико-математических наук ; род. 1978) Optical and structural characteristics of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films and radiation tolerance of nanostructural solar cells created on their basis : thesis on competition for the scientific degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences : specialty 01.04.10 ― physics of semiconductors / Refahati Nima Hashem ; scientific supervisor: Mudryi Alexander Victorovich ; State Scientific and Production Association "Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
2015 "Nanomeeting — 2015", international conference (20 ; Мінск) Physics, chemistry and applications of nanostructures : proceedings of International Conference NANOMEETING-2015, Minsk, Belarus, 26―29 May 2015 : reviews and short notes / editors: V. E. Borisenko [et al.]
2018 "Наноструктуры: физика и технология", международный симпозиум (26 ; 2018 ; Минск) Nanostructures: physics and technology : proceedings [of the] 26th International Symposium, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, June 18—22, 2018 / [organizing committee: Zh. Alferov, L. Esaki (co-chairs) [et al.] ; B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Akademy of Sciences of Belarus ; Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute ; Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center of the RAS ; Saint Petersburg National Research Academic University of the RAS
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