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1825-1870 Mill, John Stuart (1806—1873) The article Government, reprinted from the Supplement to the Encyclopædia Britannica, [et al. : зборнік артыкулаў / J. Mill et al.]
1854 Scott, Walter (пісьменнік ; 1771—1832) The lay of the last minstrel : with all his introductions, and the editor's notes / by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. ; illustrated by 100 engravings on wood from from drawings by B. Foster, J. Gilbert
1768 Thomson, James (паэт ; 1700—1748) The Works of James Thomson : with his last corrections and improvements : in 4 vol
1810 Mackenzie, William (писатель ; 1772—1852) The rector and his pupils: being a sequel to the academy, or a picture of youth / [Mackenzie William]
1819 Scott, Walter (пісьменнік ; 1771—1832) Tales of my landlord : in four volumes / collected and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham. — Vol. 2
1808 Mackenzie, William (писатель ; 1772—1852) The academy; or a picture of youth / [Mackenzie William]
1822 Croly, George (писатель ; священник ; 1780—1860) Catiline : a tragedy, in five acts, with other poems / by the rev. George Croly
1867 Spencer, Herbert (1820—1903) The principles of biology / by Herbert Spencer
1865 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807―1882) The poetical works : with prefatory notice / by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
1824 Quin, Michael Joseph (журналист ; 1796—1843) A visit to Spain; : detailing the transactions which occurred during a residence in that country, in the latter part of 1822, and the first four months of 1823. With General Notices of the manners, customs, costume, and music of the country / by Michael J. Quinn
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