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Дата Автор Заглавие
2000 Council of Europe Guidelines for the protection of the architectural heritage = Directives sur la protection du patrimoine architectural
2001 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Sess. 2001, ordinary (22-26 January;2001;Strasbourg). Pt. 1 Texts adopted at the First of the 2001 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly : Recommendations 1489 to 1502. Resolutions 1236 to 1242. Orders Nos. 568 and 569. References to committees Nos. 2562 to 2575
2000 Council of Europe Guidance on the development of legislation and administration systems in the field of cultural heritage / Prep.: Legislative Support Task Force, Techn. Co-op. a. Consultancy Programme, Cultural Heritage Dep., Directorate of Culture and Cultural Heritage, Directorate Gen. IV: Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Environment
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры European perspectives on cultural policy : Cultural policy reviews. Requirements for a sustainable cultural policy / Christopher Gordon, Simon Mundy
1974 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly Texts adopted by the Assembly / Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly = Textes adoptés par l'Assemblée / Conseil de l'Europe, Assemblée parlementaire
1993 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions XII-2, 1989-90 / Comm. of Independent Experts
2000 Council of Europe Guidelines for the protection of the archaeological heritage = Directives sur la protection du patrimoine archeologique
1949 Council of Europe. Consultative Assembly Texts adopted by the Assembly / Council of Europe, Consultative Assembly = Textes adoptés par l'Assemblée / Conseil de l'Europe, Assemblée consultative
2000 Council of Europe Guidelines for the protection of the movable heritage = Directives sur la protection du patrimoine mobilier
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