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1948 United Nations Reports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales
2006 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Applicability of monitored natural attenuation at radioactively contaminated sites / United Nations
2006 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Development and review of plant specific emergency operating procedures / United Nations
2006 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Redevelopment of nuclear facilities after decommissioning / United Nations / International Atomic Energy Agency
2006 International Atomic Energy Agency. Economic performance indicators for nuclear power plants / United Nations
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Dismantling of contaminated stacks at nuclear facilities / United Nations
2006 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Decommissioning of underground structures, systems and components / United Nations
2002 Nations Unies Rapport du Sommet mondial pour le developpement durable, Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud), 26 aout - 4 sept. 2002
2000 Организация Объединенных Наций Права лиц, подвергающихся задержанию или заключению
2002 United Nations. World Bank Gender in transition / Pierella Paci
2002 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Scientific and technical basis for the near surface disposal of low and intermediate level waste / United Nations
2004 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Youth of the XXI century: realities and perspectives = Молодежь XXI века: реалии и перспективы
2000 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Economic evaluation of bids for nuclear power plants - 1999 edition
2003 United Nations. International Narcotics Control Board Narcotic drugs = Stupefiants : Estimated world requirements for 2003. Statistics for 2001
2007 United Nations Statement of treaties and international agreements : registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat during the month of February 2007 = Relevé des traités et accords internationaux : enregistrés ou classés et inscrits au répertoire au Secrétariat pendant le mois de février 2007
2007 United Nations Statement of treaties and international agreements : registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat during the month of March 2007 = Relevé des traités et accords internationaux : enregistrés ou classés et inscrits au répertoire au Secrétariat pendant le mois de mars 2007
2001 Nations Unies. Organisation internationale du travail. Vie au travail et economie de l'information : Rapp. sur l'emploi dans le monde, 2001 / Dep. de la Communication BIT
2000 ООН. Всемирный банк Образование в странах с переходной экономикой : Задачи развития / [Пер. с англ.]: Анна Литман ; Сектор соц. развития
2003 United Nations. International Monetary Fund Economic policy in a highly dollarized economy : The case of Cambodia / Mario de Zamaroczy, Sopanha Sa ; United Nations
2004 International Atomic Energy Agency. Status of the decommissioning of nuclear facilities around the world / United Nations
2004 United Nations. International Monetary Fund China's growth and integration into the world economy : Prospects and challenges / Ed.: Eswar Prasad ; United Nations
2003 Nations Unies. Bureau de la Conseillere speciale pour la parite entre les sexes et la promotion de la femme. La prise en compte des perspectives sexospecifiques : Apercu
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Methods for maintaining a record of waste packages during waste processing and storage / United Nations
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Radiological conditions at the former French nuclear test sites in Algeria : preliminary assessment and recommendations / United Nations
2002   Гуманитарные последствия аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС. Стратегия реабилитации : Отчет, подгот. по поручению ПРООН и ЮНИСЕФ при поддержке УКГД ООН и ВОЗ / ООН. Программа развития. Детский фонд ; Управление ООН по координации гуманитарной деятельности ; Всемир. организация здравоохранения
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. Meteorological events in site evaluation for nuclear power plants : safety guide / United Nations
2004 International Atomic Energy Agency. Operating experience with nuclear power stations in member states in 2003 / United Nations
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций. Международное агентство по атомной энергии Обращение с радиоактивными отходами перед их захоронением, включая снятие с эксплуатации : требования безопасности / ООН
2004 International Atomic Energy Agency. Regulatory control of radiation sources : Safety guide / United Nations
2000 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Fire safety in the operation of nuclear power plants : Safety guide
2005 United Nations. International Monetary Fund Turkey at the crossroads from crisis resolution to EU accession / prepared by a team led by Reza Moghadam ; United Nations
2000 United Nations. International Monetary Fund Adopting inflation targeting: Practical issues for emerging market countries / Andrea Schaechter, Mark R.Stone, Mark Zelmer
2000 United Nations. International Monetary Fund Pension reform in the Baltics : Issues and porspects / Jerald Schiff, Niko Hobdari, Axel Schimmelpfenning, Roman Zytek
2000 United Nations. International Monetary Fund Developments and challenges in the Caribbean region / Samuel Itam, Simon Cueva, Erik Lundback et al
2003 United Nations. International Monetary Fund Fiscal vulnerability and financial crises in emerging market economies / Richard Hemming, Michael Kell, Axel Schimmelpfennig
2004 International Atomic Energy Agency. Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material : Safety requirements / United Nations
2000 United Nations. International Atomic Energy Agency Lessons learned from accidental exposures in radiotherapy
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Международное агентство по атомной энергии Управление активной зоной и обращение с топливом на атомных электростанциях : Руководство по безопасности / ООН
2004 Организация Объединенных Наций. Международное агентство по атомной энергии Организация и укомплектование персоналом регулирующего органа для ядерных установок : Руководство по безопасности / ООН
1999 United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women / Dep. of Publ. Infrom
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций. Международное агентство по атомной энергии Доклад о техническом сотрудничестве за 2002 год : Докл. генерального директора / ООН
2000 ООН. Международный валютный фонд Research activities of the International Monetary Fund, January 1991 - December 1999 / Prep.: Interdepartmental Working Group on Fund Research
2006 United Nations. International Monetary Fund Official Foreign Exchange Intervention / Ishii Shogo [et al.] ; United Nations
2001 United Nations Competent national authorities under the international drug control treaties = Autorites nationales competentes au titre des traites internationaux concernant le controle des drogues
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency. Safety culture in the maintenance of nuclear power plants / United Nations
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. National competent authorities responsible for approvals and authorizations in respect of the transport of radioactive material = Autorites nationales competentes pour la delivrance d'approbations et d'attestations concernant le transport des matieres radioactives : List N 34
2004 United Nations. World Bank World development indicators, 2004
2001 United Nations United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, 7th, 22-26 Jan. 2001 : Rep. of the Conf
2004 International Atomic Energy Agency. Occupational radiation protection in the mining and processing of raw materials : Safety guide / United Nations. The Intern. Labour Office
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. Flood hazard for nuclear power plants on coastal and river sites : Safety guide / United Nations
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