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1990 Council of Europe The impact of the completion of the internal market on local and regional autonomy / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1988 Council of Europe Conference of Saarbruecken [on] Youth employment, [2-3 June 1986, Saarbruecken] : Proceedings / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
2001 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Sess. 2001, ordinary (22-26 January;2001;Strasbourg). Pt. 1 Texts adopted at the First of the 2001 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly : Recommendations 1489 to 1502. Resolutions 1236 to 1242. Orders Nos. 568 and 569. References to committees Nos. 2562 to 2575
1993 Council of Europe Conference on the European Charter of Local Self-Government, 1992, Barcelona : What have you done with the European Charter of local self-government? : Legislation and jurisprudence : Proceedings / Standing Conference of local and regional authorities of Europe / Council of Europe*Standing Conference of local and regional authorities of Europe
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры European perspectives on cultural policy : Cultural policy reviews. Requirements for a sustainable cultural policy / Christopher Gordon, Simon Mundy
1974 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly Texts adopted by the Assembly / Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly = Textes adoptés par l'Assemblée / Conseil de l'Europe, Assemblée parlementaire
1986 Council of Europe Declarations adopted at European Conferences organised by the CLRAE (or with its participation), 1970-1985
1992 Council of Europe The incidence of "crack" in North American and European cities : Working doc. and conclusions of the Hearing on the incidence of "crack" in North Amer. and Europ. cities, 14 Nov. 1990, Strasbourg / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1992 Council of Europe Europe, 1990-2000: Multiculturalism in the city the intagration of immigrants : Working documents and Frankfurt Declaration towards a new municipal policy for multicultural integration in Europe, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1991 / Standing Conference of local and regional authorities of Europe
1993 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions XII-2, 1989-90 / Comm. of Independent Experts
1990 Council of Europe Seminar on "The effects of 1992 on the training of European local and regional authority staff", 30 Nov. - 1 Dec. 1989, Montpellier (France) : Working documents and conclusions / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe ; Centre nat. de la fonction publ. territoriale, Action intern
1990 Council of Europe Conference on improving traffic and quality of life in metropolitan areas, Goteborg, 12-14 June 1990 : Working documents and conclusions
1993 Council of Europe Public ethics and staff training : Working doc. of the 5th seminar of the Europ. Network of Training Centres for Local and Regional Authorities Staff, Santiago de Compostela, 26-27 Apr. 1993 / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1993 Council of Europe The European Urban Charter
1992 Council of Europe Conference of European Island Regions, 3rd, 16-17 June 1991, Mariehamn, Aland Islands, Finland : Working documents and conclusions / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1992 Council of Europe Training functions in Europe : Working documents of the seminar, Grenaa, Denmark, 14-15 Nov. 1991 / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1988 Council of Europe Local and regional authorities and the challenge of unemployment : Action of the Standing Conference of local and regional authorities of Europe (CLRAE), 1983-88
1991 Council of Europe International Conference on: "European Towns: Strategies and Programmes", Strasbourg, 6-8 June 1990 : Working documents and conclusions
1949 Council of Europe. Consultative Assembly Texts adopted by the Assembly / Council of Europe, Consultative Assembly = Textes adoptés par l'Assemblée / Conseil de l'Europe, Assemblée consultative
1986 Council of Europe Twinnings of European towns and regions = Jumelages de communes et regions europeennes / Standing conference of local and regional authorities of Europe
1989 Council of Europe Conference on "Free local government: deregulation, efficiency, democracy", 1988, Ostersund : Working documents and conclusions
1994 Council of Europe Social housing, the homeless and the poorly-housed in Europe : Proceedings [of the] Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, Nottingham, 28-30 Oct. 1992
1987 Council of Europe The Council of Europe and regionalism : The regional dimension in the work of the Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE), 1957-85 / Pierre Kukawaka, Jean Tournon
1989 Council of Europe The reduction of urban insecurity in Europe : Proceedings of the International conference at Barcelona, 17-20 Nov. 1987 / Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1992 Council of Europe School exchanges the role of local and regional authorities : Study / Roger Savage ; Council for Cultural Co-operation ; Standing Conf. of local and regional authorities of Europe
1996 Council of Europe Profiles and training for senior officials of local and regional authorities : Working doc. and conclusions of the seminar on "Which profiles and what training are required for senior administrative staff of local and regional authorities in an evolving European context?", Barcelona, 29-30 Nov. 1990 / Standing Conf. of local and regional authorities of Europe
1993 Council of Europe Local and regional authorities and HIV/AIDS : Working doc. and conclusions of the hearing held on 29 Jan. 1993 in Strasbourg / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1990 Council of Europe International conference on: "Managing urban development: North-South solidarity", Lisbon, 1989 : Proceedings / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1992 Council of Europe Environment in Europe: co-operation between local and regional authorities : Working documents and conclusions of the Colloquy on Environment in Europe: co-operation between local and regional authorities, Siofok, 1991 / Standing Conference of local and regional authorities of Europe
1994 Council of Europe Regionalisation in Europe : evaluation and perspectives : Proceedings [of the] Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, Geneva, 3-5 June 1993
1992 Council of Europe Advanced information technologies: the impact on training : Working doc. of the 4th Seminar of the Europ. network of training centres for local and regional authorities staff / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1994 Council of Europe Declarations adopted at the series of European Symposia of Historic Towns, 1971-1992 / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE)
1989 Council of Europe Conference on regional transport, 1989, Cologne : Working documents and conclusions / Standing Conf. of local and regional authorities of Europe
1988 Council of Europe European Conference of Regional Representatives responsible for Regional Planning and Development, 28-30 April 1987, Valencia : Rep. pres. at the Valencia Conf. (or summaries) / Standing Conf. of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
1991 Council of Europe "Revitalisation of the countryside: local and regional government action": Proc. of the Vila Real Conf., 1989, Portugal / Standing Conf. of local and regional authorities of Europe
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