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1990 Васильев, Леонард Леонидович (доктор технических наук ; род. 1937) Heat pipe research and development in the USSR / L. L. Vasiliev
2012 Минский международный форум по тепло- и массообмену (14 ; 2012) Abstracts of papers and communications submitted to the XIV Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, September 10—13, 2012 / National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute
2005   Physics of shock waves, combustion, detonation and non-equilibrium processes [Electronic resource] : Soloukhin memorial / ed. by Nikita Fomin, Oleg Penyazkov, Siarhei Zhdanok ; Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, A.V.Luikov Heat. a. Mass Transfer Inst
1975   Реология полимерных и дисперсных систем и реофизика : материалы VIII Всесоюзного симпозиума по реологии (Гомель, 27―31 мая 1974 года) / под редакцией Г. В. Виноградова, З. П. Шульмана
1972 The All-Union Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (4; 1972; Minsk). Abstracts of papers and communications presented at the fourth All-Union heat and mass transfer conference / Heat and Mass Transfer Inst. of the BSSR Acad. of Sciences ; Minsk. ; 1972
2008   Nonequilibrium processes in combustion and plasma based technologies : international workshop, August 23―28, 2008, Minsk, Belarus : contributed papers / [редакционная коллегия: Е. А. Матвейчик, А. Н. Мигун] ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute ; Belarussian Section of the Combustion Institute ; Open Joint Stock Company "Beltransgas" ; Open Joint Stock Company "Priorbank"
1984 All-Union Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (7; 1984; Minsk). Abstracts of the papers and communications submitted to the VIIth All-Union Heat and Mass Transfer Conference / The Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the B. S. S. R. Academy of Sciences ; [translators: G. G. Ryskal [et al.]
2014 Хеммасиан Кашани, Мохаммад Мехди (род. 1980) Numerical study of the interaction between heat and mass transfer and aerodynamics in the natural draft cooling tower in condition of vortex generation : a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) in physics and mathematics in specialty 01.04.14 "Thermophysics and theoretical fundamental of thermal engineering" / Hemmasian Kashani Mohammad Mehdi ; scientific supervisor: Dobrego K. V. ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, State Scientific Institution "A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute"
2005   Physics of shock waves, combustion, detonation and non-equilibrium processes : Soloukhin memorial : [proceedings of the Minsk International Colloquium,] 12-17 November 2005 / editors: Nikita Fomin, Oleg Penyazkov, Siarhei Zhdanok ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, A.V.Luikov Heat & Mass Transfer Institute
2008 Stepanov, Konstantin L. Hydrodynamics of the initial phase of explosion : models and software for modeling explosions and estimation of their consequences / K. L. Stepanov and Yu. A. Stankevich ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute
2005   Physics of shock waves, combustion, detonation and non- equilibrium processes : Soloukhin memorial, 12-17 Nov., 2005 : [Minsk intern. colloquium, 14-19 Nov. 2005] / Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, A.V. Luikov Heat & Mass Transfer Inst. ; ed. by Nikita Fomin, Oleg Penyazkov, Siarhei Zhdanok
2012 Международный симпозиум по визуализации течений (15 ; 2012 ; Минск) 15th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Minsk, Belarus, June 25—28, 2012 : program and book of abstracts / [editorial board: Nikita Fomin (chairman) [et al.] ; Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
1976 Всесоюзная конференция по тепломассообмену (5 ; 1976 ; Минск) Abstracts of papers and communications submitted to the 5th All-Union Heat and Mass Transfer Conference : [translated into English] / The Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the BSSR Academy of Sciences
1995 "Superadiabatic combustion and its applications", міжнародная школа-семінар (1995 ; Мінск) International School-Seminar "Superadiabatic combustion and its applications", Minsk, Belarus, August 28 ― September 1, 1995 : contributed papers / Belarus Academy of Sciences, A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute ; International Centre for Advanced Study in Heat and Mass Transfer ; Research and Development Enterprise "Chemical Physics Technologies"
1975 Kemblowski, Zdzisław The resistance to flow of non-Newtonian fluids through granular beds / Zdzisław Kemblowski ; Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the BSSR Academy of Sciences ; Internatonal Centre of the Academies of Sciences of Socialist Countries for Advanced Training in Heat and Mass Transfer
2011 "Тепловые трубы, тепловые насосы, холодильники, источники энергии", минский международный семинар (8 ; 2011) Heat pipes, heat pumps, refrigerators, power sources : рroceedings of the VIII Minsk International Seminar, held in Minsk, Belarus, 12—15 September 2011 / [редакционная коллегия: Л. Л. Васильев, А. С. Журавлeв, Л. В. Драгун] ; NIS Scientific Association "Heat Pipes" ; National Academy of Science of Belarus, Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute ; Belarussian National Technical University
2015   Basic principles of membrane gas separation / K. Alhussan [et al.]
2011 "Тепловые трубы, тепловые насосы, холодильники, источники энергии", минский международный семинар (8 ; 2011) Heat pipes, heat pumps, refrigerators, power sources : рroceedings of the VIII Minsk International Seminar, held in Minsk, Belarus, 12—15 September 2011 / NIS Scientific Association "Heat Pipes" ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus ; Luikov Heat & Mass Transfer Institute ; Belarusian National Technical University
2014   Calculation of equilibrium properties of air and products of hydrogen combustion in the problem of hypersonic motion of bodies in the Earth's atmosphere / Kh. Alhussan [et al.]
2015 "Тепловые трубы, тепловые насосы, холодильники, источники энергии", минский международный семинар (9 ; 2015) Heat pipes, heat pumps, refrigerators, power sources : рroceedings of the IX Minsk International Seminar, Belarus, 7―10 September 2015 / [редакционная коллегия: Л. Л. Васильев, А. С. Журавлeв] ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute ; NIS Scientific Association "Heat Pipes" ; Belarussian National Technical University
1981 Международная конференция по явлениям в ионизованных газах (15 ; 1981 ; Минск) Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Minsk, USSR, July 14―18, 1981 / [scientific committee: E. P. Velikhov (chairman) [et al.] ; USSR Academy of Sciences, Scientific Council on Plasma Physics Complex Problem ; BSSR Academy of Sciences, Scientific Council on Plasma Physics and Technique ; Institute of Physics of the BSSR Academy of Sciences ; A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the BSSR Academy of Sciences ; V. I. Lenin Byelorussian State University
2005 Конева, Наталия Сергеевна (кандидат технических наук ; род. 1972) Survey of surface temperature measurement techniques and calibrating devices / N.S. Koneva, U.L. Drahun ; National academy of sciences of republic Belarus. A.V. Luikov heat and mass transfer institute
2006   Nonequilibrium processes in combustion and plasma based technologies : international workshop, August 26-31, 2006, Minsk, Belarus : contributed papers / редакционная коллегия: Е.А.Матвейчик, А.Н.Мигун, А.П.Чернухо ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute ; Belarussian Section of the Combustion Institute ; Open Joint Stock Company "Beltransgas" ; Open Joint Stock Company "Priorbank"
1995 "Electric arc plasma in technology processes", міжнародная школа-семінар (1995 ; Мінск) International School-Seminar "Electric arc plasma in technology processes", Minsk, Belarus, 2―6 October, 1995 : book of abstracts / [international scientific committee: A. L. Mosse (chairman) et al.] ; Academy of Sciences of Republic of Belarus, A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute ; International Centre for Advanced Study in Heat and Mass Transfer ; Foundation of Fundamental Researches of the Republic of Belarus
2008 "Тепловые трубы, тепловые насосы, холодильники, источники энергии", минский международный семинар (7 ; 2008) Heat pipes, heat pumps, refrigerators, power sources : рroceedings of the VII Minsk International Seminar, held in Minsk, Belarus, 8—11 September 2008 / NIS Scientific Association "Heat Pipes" ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus ; Luikov Heat & Mass Transfer Institute ; Belarusian National Technical University
2008 Минский международный форум по тепло- и массообмену (6 ; 2008) Abstracts of papers and communications submitted to the VI Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, May 19―23, 2008 / A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
1999   The peculiarity of design and modeling of the low-power cryogenic (80-140 K) heat pipe-diodes for space applications / [Auth.] : S. Konev, L. Domorod, N. Koneva, N. Kuzmina
1992 International school seminar "Nonequilibrium processes in gases and low temperature plasma (1992; Minsk). International School Seminar "Nonequilibrium processes in gases and low temperature plasma", Minsk, Belarus, August 30 ― September 4, 1992 : contributed papers / editors: S. Zhdanok, S. Pogrebnya ; International Center for Advanced Study in Heat and Mass Transfer
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