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2008 Avnery, Uri (нар. 1923) Israel's vicious circle : ten years of writings on Israel and Palestine / Uri Avnery ; edited by Sara R. Powell
1978 Wańkowicz, Melchior (пісьменнік ; 1892―1974) Wojna i pióro / Melchior Wańkowicz ; przy współpracy Aleksandra Horodyskiego
2020   A cultural history of peace / general editor: Ronald Edsforth. — Vol. 1: A cultural history of peace in antiquity / edited by Sheila L. Ager
2020   A cultural history of peace / general editor: Ronald Edsforth. — Vol. 3: A cultural history of peace in the Renaissanse / edited by Isabella Lazzarini
2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Prix UNESCO de l'Éducation pour la Paix, 2006 : lauréat ― M. Christopher Gregory Weeramantry (Sri Lanka); mention spéciale ― Fundación para la Reconciliación (Colombie)
2000   Ненасилие как мировоззрение и образ жизни (исторический ракурс) = Non-violence as weltanschauung and way of life (historical aspect) : Сб. ст. / Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т всеобщ. истории ; [Редкол.: Т.А.Павлова (отв. ред.), О.А.Шалимов]
1998   Пацифизм в истории. Идеи и движения мира = Pacifism in history : Сб. ст. / Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т всеобщ. истории ; [Отв. ред. А.О.Чубарьян]
1928 Stöcker, Helene (1869―1943) Verkünder und Verwirklicher : Beiträge zum Gewaltproblem nebst einem zum ersten Male in deutscher Sprache veröffentlichen Briefe Tolstois / Helene Stöcker
1939 Joad, C.E.M Why war? / C.E.M.Joad
1992 Илюхина, Рузанна Михайловна Российский пацифизм вчера и сегодня : Рос.АН,Ин-т всеобщ.истории
2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. International Bureau of Education Thinking and building peace through innovative textbook design : report of the inter-regional experts' meeting on developing guidelines for promoting peace and intercultural understanding through curricula, textbooks and learning materials, Paris, 14―15 June 2007 / Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
2002 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Prix UNESCO de l'éducation pour la paix, 2002 : lauréat: City Montessori School, Lucknow (Inde)
2006 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Dialogue among civilizations : regional summit on inter-religious and inter-ethnic dialogue, Tirana, Albania, 9 and 10 December 2004 / co-organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Presidency of Albania
2003 Boesch, Ina Biografie und soziale Bewegung : die Lebensgeschichte Margarethe Hardeggers (1882―1963) im Kontext von Sozialismus, Lebensreform und Pazifismus : Dissertation / vorgelegt von Ina Boesch
1933 Spalt, Karl Heinz Kultur oder Vernichtung? : Ein Handbuch ueber den Pazifismus / Karl Heinz Spalt
1924 Saitschick, Robert Die geistige Krise der europäischen Menschheit : eine in die Zeit hineinleuchtende Betrachtung / Robert Saitschick
1927 Dubois, Raphael Lettres sur le pacifisme scientifique et l'anticinese / Raphael Dubois
1912   Le Mouvement pacifiste : organe du Bureau international de la paix
2020   A cultural history of peace / general editor: Ronald Edsforth. — Vol. 6: A cultural history of peace in the modern age / edited by Ronald Edsforth
2006 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (Seoul) Annual report, 2006
1999   Воспитание в духе культуры мира : из опыта работы : [практические материалы участников совместного российско-белорусского проекта "Учимся и учим культуре мира"] / Белорусский фонд социальной поддержки детей и подростков "Мы ― детям", Академия последипломного образования ; под редакцией В. Т. Кабуша и В. Г. Литвиновича
1966   Nonviolence in America : A documentary history / Ed.: S.Lynd
1925 Demarquette, J. C. Pour creer la paix : Conferences faites aux Camps d'Amitie Intern. de Chevreuse de 1924 et 1925 / J.C.Demarquette
1985 Адамович, Алесь (писатель ; 1927—1994) Ничего важнее : современные проблемы военной прозы / Алесь Адамович
1990   Literatur und Geschichte : 1788-1988 / Hrsg.: Gerhard Schulz, Tim Mehigan, Marion Adams
1926   La Paix : revue internationale de critique pacifiste
2015 Гандзі, Махандас Карамчанд (палітычны дзеяч ; 1869—1948) The selected works of Mahatma Gandhi : [set of 5 volumes] / general editor: Shriman Narayan. — Vol. 2: Satyagraha in South Africa / translated from the original in Gujarati by Valji Govindji Desai
2020   A cultural history of peace / general editor: Ronald Edsforth. — Vol. 4: A cultural history of peace in the age of Enlightenment / edited by Stella Ghervas and David Armitage
2005 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Education for shared values for intercultural and interfaith understanding : education towards preventing extremism and terrorism, curriculum design : innovative and effective strategies, 28 November - 3 December 2004, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. Religion in peace and conflict : responding to military and fundamentalism, 12-14 April 2005, Outlook International, Melbourne, Australia
1993   Мир/Peace: альтернативы войне от античности до конца второй мировой войны : Антология / Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т всеобщ. истории, Совет по исслед. проблем мира в истории (США) ; Отв. ред.: Ч.Чэтфилд, Р.М.Илюхина
1937 Ленін, Уладзімір Ільіч (палітычны дзеяч ; дзяржаўны дзеяч ; 1870—1924) Пацыфізм буржуазны і пацыфізм сацыялістычны / В.І.Ленін
1998 Council of Europe The Holocaust in the school curriculum : A European perspective / [Auth.] : Geoffrey Short, Carrie Supple, Katherine Klinger ; Council for Cultural Co-op
1922 Congres International de la Paix (1922; La Haye) Compte-rendu du Congres International de la Paix, 10-15 dec. 1922, La Haye / sous les auspices de la Federation Syndicale Intern. ; La Haye
1987 Адамович, Алесь (писатель ; 1927—1994) Ничего важнее : современные проблемы военной прозы / Алесь Адамович ; [редактор В. А. Коваленко ; художник В. А. Бойко] ; Академия наук Белоруской ССР, Институт литературы им. Я. Купалы
1927 Deutsch, Julius Wehrmacht und Sozialdemokratie / Julius Deutsch
1936 Fessard, Gaston (1897—1978) "Pax Nostra": examen de conscience international / Gaston Fessard
1932 Hiller, Kurt (1885—1975) Der Sprung ins Helle : Reden, offne Briefe, Zwiegespräche, Essays, Thesen, Pamphlete gegen Krieg, Klerus und Kapitalismus / Kurt Hiller
2020   A cultural history of peace / general editor: Ronald Edsforth. — Vol. 5: A cultural history of peace in the age of Empire / edited by Ingrid Sharp
2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (Seoul) Plan of activities for 2007
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры L'education pour une culture de la paix : La prise en compte du genre / Betty A.Reardon
2002 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры The art of living in peace : Guide to education for a culture of peace / Pierre Weil
1917 Schücking, Walther (1875―1935) Der Dauerfriede : Kriegsaufsätze eines Pazifisten / Walther Schücking
2002 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Prix UNESCO de l'Education pour la Paix 2001 : Laureats: Nelson Onono-Onweng (Ouganda), Le Centre judeo-arabe pour la paix a Givat Haviva (Israel)
2003 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Chair on Peace, Human Rights and Democracy UNESCO chairs on human rights, democracy, peace and tolerance : bulletin / European University Center for Peace Studies (EPU). — Iss. 5
2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, 2006 : prize laureate ― Mr. Christopher Gregory Weeramantry (Sri Lanka); special mention ― Fundación para la Reconciliación (Colombia)
2006 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Fostering peaceful co-existence through analysis and revision of history curricula and textbooks in Southeast Europe : preliminary stocktaking report, 2006
2009 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, 2008 : prize laureate ― Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (South Africa)
2008 Middlebrooks, William C. Beyond pacifism : why Japan must become a "normal" nation / William C. Middlebrooks
1913 Нацыянальны кангрэс свету (1 ; 1913 ; Брусель) Compte rendu officiel du Premier Congrès National Belge de la Paix, réuni à Bruxelles, les 8 et 9 juin 1913
1911   Ludzkość : organ Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Przyjaciółl Pokoju
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