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2014 Бейзаи, Захра Махмуд (биофизика) Role of nitrate reductase in development of salt tolerance in barley plants induced with nitrate and 5-aminolevulinic acid : dissertation abstract for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology : speciality 03.01.02 Biophysics / Beyzaei Zahra Mahmood ; supervisor: Averina Natalia Georgivna ; State Scientific Organization "Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering", National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
2014 Бейзаи, Захра Махмуд (биофизика) Role of nitrate reductase in development of salt tolerance in barley seedlings induced by nitrate and 5-aminolevulinic acid : dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology : speciality 03.01.02 Biophysics / Beyzaei Zahra Mahmood ; scientific supervisor: Averina N. G. ; State Scientific Organization "Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering", National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
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