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2001   Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems : Fractals, chaos, phase transitions, self-organization: Proc. of the Tenth Annual Seminar NPCS'2001, 15-18 May 2001, Minsk / B.I.Stepanov Inst. of Physics. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, Belarusian State Univ., Joint Inst. of Nuclear Research etc. ; Ed.: L.Babichev, V.Kuvshinov
1998   Induction of aberrations in human lymphocytes by y-rays and fast heavy ions / R. D. Govorun [et al.]
1997 Гетманов, Борис Сергеевич (кандидат физико-математических наук ; музыкант ; 1945—2007) Yang-Mills-Higgs solitons dynamics in (2+1)-dimensions : submitted to "Теоретическая и математическая физика" / B. S. Getmanov, Paul M. Sutcliffe
1999 Кузьмин, В. А. (физик) Properties of isovector 1⁺ states in A=28 nuclear muon capture : submitted to "Ядерная физика" / V. A. Kuz'min, T. V. Tetereva
1999 Гуламов, Тимур Ильярович (кандидат физико-математических наук) Rho-meson self-energy in rotating matter : submitted to "Physics Letters B" / T. I. Gulamov
2002   Электронные информационные ресурсы ОИЯИ: концепция и технологические решения / В.Ф.Борисовский, Л.А.Калмыкова, М.Г.Кекелидзе и др
2002 Кузьмин, Владимир Александрович (доктор физико-математических наук) Partial widths of nonmesonic weak decays of Λ-hypernuclei / V. A. Kuz'min, L. Majling
2000 Piragino, G. Over 30 years of successful collaboration between JINR and INFN / G.Piragino, G.B.Pontecorvo
1996 Herrera, A. Exact solutions to the interacting spinor and scalar field equations in the Gödel Universe / A. Herrera, G. N. Shikin
2005 Russian Particle Accelerator Conference (19 ; 2004 ; Dubna) XIX Russian Particle Accelerator Conference, Dubna, October 4―8, 2004 : proceedings of the conference : oral and invited contributions / [organizing committee: V. G. Kadyshevsky (chairman) [et al.] ; Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
2005   Hot points in astrophysics and cosmology : Helmholtz International School and Workshop, Dubna, August 2―13, 2004 : proceedings / [organizing committee: V. Belyaev, D. Blaschke (chairmans) [et al.] ; Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
2008 International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (18 ; 2006 ; Dubna) Relativistic nuclear physics and quantum chromodynamics : proceedings of the XVIII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Dubna, September 25―30, 2006 / editors: A. N. Sissakian, V. V. Burov, A. I. Malakhov ; Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
2013 Будагов, Юлиан Арамович (доктор физико-математических наук ; 1932—2021) The search for and registration of superweak angular ground motions : submitted to "Письма в ЭЧАЯ" / J. Budagov, M. Lyablin, G. Shirkov
1985 Gielerak, R. Vacuum energy density in ℘(φ)₂ theories. Independence of (nonclassical) boundary conditions : submitted to "Left. on Math. Phys." / R. Gielerak
1992 Гудима, Константин Кириллович (доктор физико-математичексих наук ; 1942—2018) On the problem of bound states of pions and neutrons : submitted to "Zeitschrift für Physik" / K. K. Gudima, V. A. Karnaukhov
1992 Голоскоков, Сергей Витальевич (кандидат физико-математических наук) Quark-loop effects in high energy spin-flip processes : submitted to "Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics" / S. V. Goloskokov
1991 Бедняков, Вадим Александрович (доктор физико-математических наук ; род. 1957) Strangeness-changing vector currents in τ-lepton decays / V. A. Bednyakov, A. A. Osipov
1985   Entropy of the system formed in heavy ion collision : submitted to "ЯФ" / K. K. Gudima [et al.]
1985   Eguchi-Hanson type metrics from harmonic superspace / A. Galperin [et al.]
1986 Горишний, С. Г. On the construction of operator expansions and effective theories in the MS-scheme. General Formalism / S. G. Gorishny
1985   Effective radii of light composites produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions / K. K. Gudima [et al.]
1986 Fischer, E. Dielectric and thermal properties of relaxation ferroelectrics at low temperatures : submitted to "physica status solidi (a)" / E. Fischer
1986 Fischer, E. Thermal conductivity and dielectric properties of polycrystalline (PbₓSr₁₋ₓ)Tio₃ at low temperatures : submitted to "physica status solidi (a)" / E. Fischer
1986 Fischer, E. A new approach to the glassy behaviour of disordered solids : submitted to "Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics" / E. Fischer
1986 Физиев, Пламен Петков (кандидат физико-математических наук) Completely integrable case in the three- particle problems with homogeneous potentials : submitted to "Letters in Mathematical Physics" / P. P. Fiziev
1986 Šeba, Petr The Dirac eigenvalues near upper and lower continuum / P. Šeba
1986 Funke, H. An approximate two- soliton solution of a generalized Schrödinger equation in nuclear hydrodynamics : submitted to "ТМФ" / H. Funke
1986 Ebert, Dietmar (ядзерная фізіка) Effective meson Lagrangians and Skyrmion physics from quark dynamics : invited talk presented at the seminar "Quarks-86" (Tbilisi, USSR, April 1986) / D. Ebert, H. Reinhardt
2017 Изосимов, Игорь Николаевич (доктор физико-математических наук) Multistep excitation schemes in laser spectroscopy and detection of actinides and lanthanides in solutions : submitted to the International Conference "Actinides 2017", 9―14 July 2017, Sendai, Japan / I. N. Izosimov
2017   Qualitative and quantitative analysis of arsenic and mercury in human remains of the XVI—XVII centuries from the Moscow Kremlin necropolises by neutron activation analysis at the IREN facility and the IBR-2 reactor of FLNP JINR : submitted to "Particles and nuclei, letters" / T. D. Panova [et al.]
2017   Slow control of variable-energy positron beam's power supply : submitted to "Particles and nuclei, letters" / A. Szpakiewicz-Szatan [et al.]
1988   In-beam study of low-lying levels in the ¹⁴⁹Sm nucleus : submitted to "Zeitschrifr für Physik" / P. Šimeček [et al.]
1986 Голоскоков, Сергей Витальевич (кандидат физико-математических наук) Elastic hadron scattering and nucleon structure : submitted to "Ядерная физика" / S. V. Goloskokov, S. P. Kuleshov, O. V. Selyugin
1989 Горделий, Валентин Иванович (кандидат физико-математических наук) Studies of a lipid membrane structure with the neutron diffractometer of JINR / V. I. Gordeliy, G. Klose
1989   Decay of oriented ¹⁴⁹Nd and low-lyng levels in the N=88 ¹⁴⁹Pm nucleus : submitted to "Journal of Physics G, Nuclear Physics" / P. Šimeček [et al.]
1989 Катхат, Ч. Л. On the influence of second class currents on the spin asymmetries in Gamow-Teller β-transitions : submitted to International conference on electromagnetic transitions in atomic nuclei, April 18-21, 1989, Tashkent, USSR / C. L. Kathat, M. A. Ousmane
1989 Катхат, Ч. Л. Second class currents and the β-particle asymmetry at the decay of oriented ²⁴mNa nuclei : submitted to International conference on electromagnetic transitions in atomic nuclei, April 18-21, 1989, Tashkent, USSR / C. L. Cathat, A. A. Solnyshkin, M. A. Ousmane
1989 Голохвастов, Александр Иванович (доктор физико-математических наук ; 1948—2017) Accurate multiplicity scaling in isotopically conjugate reactions : submitted to "Zeitschrift für Physik C" / A. I. Golokhvastov
1989 Galbaatar, T. Superconductivity in the metastable phases of transition metal hydrides : submitted to "Zeitschrift für Physik B" / T. Galbaatar, N. M. Plakida, S.-L. Drechsler
1989 Грозин, А. Г. The algebraic manipulation program DIRAC on IBM personal computers / A. G. Grozin, H. Perlt
1990   The comparative study of irreversibility effects in Nb foil and high temperature superconducting ceramics by μSR : submitted to "V international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance", Oxford, UK, 9-12 April, 1990 / V. G. Grebinnik [et al.]
1990 Говорков, А. Б. Embedding of leptons and quarks in octonionic structures : submitted to Fifth International conference on hadronic mechanics and nonpotential interaction, USA / A. B. Govorkov
1989 Гетманов, Борис Сергеевич (кандидат физико-математических наук ; музыкант ; 1945—2007) N-monopole-soliton-type solutions of the self-dual equations for an SU(2) gauge theory in Minkowski space-time : submitted to "Physics Letters" / B. S. Getmanov
2001 Игнатович, Владимир Казимирович (доктор физико-математических наук ; род. 1937) Apocrypha of Standard Scattering Theory (SST) and quantum mechanics of the de Broglie wave packet / V. K. Ignatovich
1998 Акопян, Е. М. On interbasis expansion for isotropic oscillator on two-dimensional sphere : submitted to II international workshop "Lie theory and its applications in physics", August 17-20, 1997, Clausthal, Germany / Ye. M. Hakobyan, G. S. Pogosyan
1998 Игнатович, Владимир Казимирович (доктор физико-математических наук ; род. 1937) Review of inelastic losses of UCN and quantum mechanics of the de Broglie wave packet / V. K. Ignatovich, M. Utsuro
1993 International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions at Low and Intermediate Energies (1992 ; Дубна) International conference on nuclear structure and nuclear reactions at low and intermediate energies, September 15-19, 1992, Dubna, Russia : proceedings / Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
2001 Гончаров, Игорь Николаевич (кандидат физико-математических наук) Computation of effective electron-phonon relaxation times in a high Tc superconductor using the measured track radii : submitted to "Physics Letters A" / I. N. Goncharov, B. F. Kostenko, V. P. Philinova
2001 Грицай, К. И. A trial of distributed portable data acquisition and processing system implementation: The qdpb - data processing with branchpoints / K. I. Gritsai, A. Yu. Isupov
2000 Hnatich, M. Dynamo in helical MHD turbulence / M. Hnatich, M. Jurcisin, M. Stehlik
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