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2004 Организация Объединенных Наций Towards a two-state solution : An Israeli-Palestinian dialogue: Proc. of the Intern. Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East organized by the United Nations Dep. of Public Inform. in cooperation with the Regional Autonomous Gov. of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucia), 21-22 Oct. 2003, Seville, Spain / UN Dep. of Public Inform. ; The Regional Autonomous Gov. of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucia)
2001 Rotter, Gernot Nahostlexikon : der israelisch-palästinensische Konflikt von A―Z / Gernot Rotter, Schirin Fathi ; Vorwort von Abdallah Frangi
1925 Corcos, Fernand A travers la Palestine juive / Fernand Corcos
2009 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (64 ; 2009 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 35: Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
1926 Corcos, Fernand Le foyer national juif / Fernand Corcos ; préface de Justin Godart ; lettre introductive de William Oualid
2008 Feldman, Ilana Governing Gaza : bureaucracy, authority, and the work of rule, 1917—1967 / Ilana Feldman
2008 Avnery, Uri (нар. 1923) Israel's vicious circle : ten years of writings on Israel and Palestine / Uri Avnery ; edited by Sara R. Powell
2010 El-Helah, Ahmed The suffering of the Palestinian child under the Israeli occupation / Ahmed el-Helah, Mariam A. Itani ; translated by Iman A. Itani ; revised by Salma al-Houry
2001   100 years of Palestinian history : a 20th century chronology / Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs
2013   The Arab-Israeli Six-Day War / editor: Jeff Hay
2014 Аларадж Бішер, М. А. Палестино-ізраїльські відносини в контексті близькосхідного врегулювання : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата політичних наук : спеціальність 23.00.04 Теорія і методика професійної освіти / Аларадж Бішер М. А. ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Київський національний університет ім. Т. Шевченка, Інститут міжнародних відносин
2014 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Palestinian fiscal revenue leakage to Israel under the Paris Protocol on Economic Relations / Mahmoud Elkhafif, Misyef Misyef and Mutasim Elagraa
1999 United Nations. World Bank Development under adversity : the Palestinian economy in transition / edited by Ishac Diwan and Radwan A. Shaban ; Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute
2016 Мярчук, Вольга Мікалаеўна (кандыдат гістарычных навук ; нар. 1984) Эміграцыя насельніцтва з Заходняй Беларусі (1921—1939 гг.) : дысертацыя на саісканне вучонай ступені кандыдата гістарычных навук : спецыяльнасць 07.00.02 Айчынная гісторыя / Мярчук Вольга Мікалаеўна ; навуковы кіраўнік Вабішчэвіч А. М. ; Установа адукацыі "Брэсцкі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт ім. А. С. Пушкіна"
2007 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (62 ; 2007 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 35: Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
2005 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Peace in the Middle East : P2P and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict / Adel Atieh, Gilad Ben-Nun, Gasser El Shahed et al
2001 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development The Palestinian economy: achievements of the interim period and tasks for the future
1905   Die Stimme der Wahrheit : Jahrbuch fuer wissenschaftlichen Zionismus: 1er Jahrgang / herausgegeben: Lazar Schoen
2012   Our harsh logic : Israeli soldiers' testimonies from the occupied territories, 2000―2010 / compiled by Breaking the Silence
1903 Curtiss, Samuel Ives Ursemitische Religion im Volksleben des heutigen Orients : Forschungen und Funde aus Syrien und Palästina / Samuel Ives Curtiss ; deutsche Ausg. nebst einem Vorwort von Wolf Wilhelm Grafen Baudissin
2015 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development The besieged Palestinian agricultural sector
???? Zionisten-Kongress (12) Berichte der Executive der Zionistischen Organisation an den XII. Zionisten-Kongress. — T. 3: Organisations-Bericht
1900-1999   Der Keren Hajessod (Palästina - Grundfonds) : ein Leitfaden für die praktische Arbeit
1999 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (54) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 35: Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
1999 United Nations United Nations International Meeting on the Convening of the Conference on Measures to Enforce the Fourth Geneva Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, 14 - 15 June 1999, Cairo
2000-2012   Palestine [Карты] : tourist map
2012 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development The Palestinian economy : macroeconomic and trade policymaking under occupation
2014 Biller, Ulrike Zur Frage der völkerrechtlichen Zulässigkeit der gezielten Tötung von palästinensischen Terroristen durch den Staat Israel : Hintergründe und Rezension des Urteils HCJ 769/02 : [die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Wintersemester 2013/2014 von der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Regensburg als Dissertation angenommen] / Ulrike Biller
2015 Gren, Nina Occupied lives : maintaining integrity in a Palestinian refugee camp in the West Bank / Nina Gren
2015 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development The 2013 World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Facilitation: Israel's obligations towards Palestinian Trade
2020 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development The economic costs of the Israeli occupation for the Palestinian people : the impoverishment of Gaza under blockade
2007 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (62 ; 2007 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 35: Rapport du Comité pour l'exercice des droits inaliénables du peuple palestinien
2006 Хомейни, Рухолла Мусави (политический деятель ; 1900—1989) Palestine from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini : (may God grant him peace) / translated by Juliana Shaw & Behrooz Arezoo
2002 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (57) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 35: Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
2003 United Nations General Assembly. Session (58) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 35: Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
1925 Binah, B. S. Industrial Palestine : a survey of recent undertakings and future possibilities / B. S. Binah
1928 Druck, David L'œuvre du Baron Edmond de Rothschild / David Druck
2000 Segev, Tom (гісторык ; нар. 1945) One Palestine, complete : Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate / Tom Segev ; translated by Haim Watzman
2011 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Rebuilding the Palestinian tradable goods sector : towards economic recovery and state formation
1998 United Nations. World Bank Identification of joint management structures for shared aquifers : a cooperative Palestinian-Israeli effort / Eran Feitelson, Marwan Haddad
1971   Journal of Palestine studies : a quarterly on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict
2015 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Trade facilitation in the occupied Palestinian territory : restrictions and limitations / Mutasim Elagraa, Randa Jamal and Mahmoud Elkhafif
2017 Amar-Dahl, Tamar Zionist Israel and the question of Palestine : Jewish statehood and the history of the Middle East conflict / Tamar Amar-Dahl
2019 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development The economic costs of the Israeli occupation for the Palestinian people : the unrealized oil and natural gas potential
2003   Disputed territories : Forgotten facts about the West Bank and Gaza Strip / Israel Inform. Center
2004 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Palestinian small and medium-sized enterprises : Dynamics and contribution to development
2003   The West, christians and jews in Saudi Arabian schoolbooks / Ed.: Arnon Groiss ; Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace ; The Amer. Jewish Comm
1992 Essid, Hamadi Questions aux Arabes...et aux Autres / Hamadi Essid ; Pref.: M.Jobert
1913 Kaminka, Armand (1866―1950) Meine Reise nach Jerusalem : Skizzen aus Ägypten und Palästina / Rabbiner Armand Kaminka
2002 Организация Объединенных Наций The search for peace in the Middle East: a Palestinian-Israeli dialogue : Proc. of the Intern. Media Encounter on the Question of Palestine, 18-19 June 2001, Paris / Dep. of Public Inform
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