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2005 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (60 ; 2005 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 3: Report of the Economic and Social Council for 2005
2005 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (60 ; 2005 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 3: Rapport du Conseil économique et social pour 2005
2010 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2010 : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues : report on the ninth session (19―30 April 2010)
2011 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (65 ; 2010 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 3: Report of the Economic and Social Council for 2010
2011 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2011 : supplements. — Suppl. 11: Commission on Science and Technology for Development : report on the fourteenth session (23―27 May 2011)
2006 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (59 ; 2004 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 3: Report of the Economic and Social Council for 2004
2006 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2005 : supplements. — Suppl. 1: Résolutions et décisions du Conseil économique et social : session d'organisation pour 2005, New York, 19 janvier, 4 février et 1er et 31 mars 2005; reprise de la session d'organisation pour 2005, New York, 27 et 28 avril et 9 juin 2005; session de fond de 2005, New York, 29 juin au 27 juillet 2005; reprise de la session de fond de 2005, New York, 21 octobre 2005
2011 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2011 : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues : report on the tenth session (16―27 May 2011)
2011 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2010 : supplements. — Suppl. 1: Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session for 2010, New York, 19 January and 9 and 12 February 2010; resumed organizational session for 2010, New York, 28 April and 21 May 2010; substantive session of 2010, New York, 28 June ― 23 July 2010; resumed substantive session of 2010, New York, 9 September, 25 October, 10 November and 14 and 15 December 2010
1990 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 1988 : supplements. — Suppl. 5: Commission on the Status of Women : report on the thirty-second session (14―23 March 1988)
2000 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2000 : supplements. — Suppl. 13: Committee for Development Policy : report on the 2nd session, 3―7 April 2000
1999 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 1999 : supplements. — Suppl. 16: Executive Board of the World Food Programme : report on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd regular sessions and annual session of 1998
2010 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2009 : supplements. — Suppl. 1: Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session for 2009, New York, 15 January, 10 February, 26 March and 20 April 2009; resumed organizational session for 2009, New York, 18 May 2009; substantive session of 2009, Geneva, 6―31 July 2009; resumed substantive session of 2009, New York, 8 October and 15 December 2009
2006 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (59 ; 2004 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 3: Rapport du Conseil économique et social pour 2004
2007 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2007 : supplements. — Suppl. 7: Commission de la condition de la femme : rapport sur les travaux de la cinquante et unième session (26 février ― 9 mars 2007)
2007 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2006 : supplements. — Suppl. 1: Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session for 2006, New York, 17 January, 7 and 10 February,14 and 22 March and 8 May 2006; resumed organizational session for 2006, New York, 10 and 12 May 2006; substantive session of 2006, Geneva, 3―28 July 2006, resumed substantive session of 2006, New York, 11 October, 30 November and 11 and 15 December 2006
2000 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2000 : supplements. — Suppl. 19: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific : annual report, 29 April 1999 ― 7 June 2000
2000 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2000 : supplements. — Suppl. 2: Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights : report on the 20th and 21st sessions, 26 April ― 14 May, 15 November ― 3 December 1999
2011 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Index to the proceedings of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session ― 2010; substantive session ― 2010
2007 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2007 : supplements. — Suppl. 6: Commission for Social Development : report on the forty-fifth session (22 March 2006 and 7―16 February 2007)
2007 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2007 : supplements. — Suppl. 7: Commission on the Status of Women : report on the fifty-first session (26 February ― 9 March 2007)
2007 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2007 : supplements. — Suppl. 16: Executive Board of the World Food Programme : report on the first and second regular sessions and annual session of 2006
1999 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 1999 : supplements. — Suppl. 14: Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund : report on the 1st and 2nd regular sessions and annual session of 1999
2000 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (54) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 3: Report of the Economic and Social Council for 1999
2010 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2010 : supplements. — Suppl. 7: Commission on the Status of Women : report on the fifty-fourth session (13 March and 14 October 2009 and 1―12 March 2010)
2007 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2007 : supplements. — Suppl. 22: United Nations Forum on Forests : report on the seventh session (24 February 2006 and 16 to 27 April 2007)
2007 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2007 : supplements. — Suppl. 11: Commission on Science and Technology for Development : report on the tenth session, 21―25 May 2007
2009 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 3: Report of the Economic and Social Council for 2008
2012 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (66 ; 2011 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 3: Report of the Economic and Social Council for 2011
1987 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 1986 : supplements. — Vol. 2. Summary records of the plenary meetings held during the second regular session of 1986
1990 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 1989 : supplements. — Suppl. 1A: Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council : second regular session of 1989, Geneva, 5―28 July 1989
2006 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2006 : supplements. — Suppl. 2: Comité des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels : rapport sur les trente-quatrième et trente-cinquième sessions (25 avril ― 13 mai 2005, 7―25 novembre 2005)
2000 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2000 : supplements. — Suppl. 17: Economic Commission for Europe : annual report, 7 May 1999 ― 5 May 2000
2009 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2009 : supplements. — Suppl. 22: United Nations Forum on Forests : report of the eighth session (27 April 2007 and 20 April to 1 May 2009)
2009 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Index to proceedings of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session ― 2006; substantive session ― 2006
2009 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2009 : supplements. — Suppl. 23: Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues : report on the eighth session (18―29 May 2009)
2009 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2008 : supplements. — Suppl. 1: Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session for 2008, New York, 14 January, 5 and 8 February and 14 April 2008; resumed organizational session for 2008, New York, 29 April, 20―22 May and 12 and 20 June 2008; substantive session of 2008, New York, 30 June ― 25 July 2008; resumed substantive session of 2008, New York, 12 September and 19 December 2008
2011 United Nations. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Reference guide, 2011 : normative developments on the coordination of humanitarian assistance in the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council since the adoption of General Assembly resolution 46/182
1987 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 1987 : supplements. — Suppl. 1A: Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council : second regular session of 1987, Geneva, 23 June ― 9 July 1987
2000 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2000 : supplements. — Suppl. 7: Commission de la condition de la femme : rapport sur les travaux de la quarante-quatrième session (28 février — 2 mars 2000)
2000 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2000 : supplements. — Suppl. 3A: Commission on Human Rights : report on the 56th session, 20 March ― 28 April 2000
1999 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 1999 : supplements. — Suppl. 12: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for Development : report on the 1st session, 5―6 April 1999
2008 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Index to proceedings of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session ― 2007; substantive session ― 2007
2009 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2009 : supplements. — Suppl. 16: Executive Board of the World Food Programme : report on the first and second regular sessions and annual session of 2008
2009 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Index to proceedings of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session ― 2008; substantive session ― 2008
2011 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2011 : supplements. — Suppl. 22: United Nations Forum on Forests : report on the ninth session (1 May 2009 and 24 January to 4 February 2011)
2010 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Index to the proceedings of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session ― 2009; substantive session ― 2009
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