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Дата Автор Заглавие
2016 Glantz, David M. (гісторык ; нар. 1942) Battle for Belorussia : the Red Army's forgotten campaign of October 1943 — April 1944 / David M. Glantz with Mary Elizabeth Glantz
1995 Glantz, David M. (гісторык ; нар. 1942) When titans clashed : how the Red Army stopped Hitler / David M. Glantz, Jonathan M. House ; maps by Darin Grauberger and George F. McCleary
1923   Kansas studies in education
2017 Frost, Jennifer Producer of controversy : Stanley Kramer, Hollywood liberalism, and the Cold War / Jennifer Frost
2008 Clymer, Adam Drawing the line at the big ditch : the Panama Canal Treaties and the rise of the Right / Adam Clymer
2009 Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan (нар. 1966) Allies against the rising sun : the United States, the British nations, and the defeat of imperial Japan / Nicholas Evan Sarantakes
2015   Liberty and equality : the American conversation / edited by S. Adam Seagrave
2016 Hale, Dennis The jury in America : triumph and decline / Dennis Hale
2015 Chamberlin, Brewster The Hemingway log : a chronology of his life and times / Brewster Chamberlin
2015 Fatovic, Clement (палітолаг ; нар. 1973) America's founding and the struggle over economic inequality / Clement Fatovic
2017 Walker, Michael M. The 1929 Sino-Soviet war : the war nobody knew / Michael M. Walker
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