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2006 United Nations. International Labour Organization. International Labour Conference. Session (95; 2006; Geneva). Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations : articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations. — Report 3. Pt. 1A: General Report and observations concerning particular countries
2008 Alli, Benjamin O. Fundamental principles of occupational health and safety / Benjamin O. Alli
2007 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Our waters : joining hands across borders : first assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters / Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
2007 United Nations The work of the International Law Commission. — Vol. 1
2006 ООН. Международная организация труда. Международная конференция труда. Сессия (95; 2006). Доклад 1 (В) : Прекращение детского труда: цель близка : доклад генерального директора : глобальный доклад, представленный в соответствиии с механизмомм реализации Декларации МОТ об основополагающих принципах и правах в сфере труда ; 2006
1990 Council of Europe Arrangement for the application of the European Agreement of 17 October 1980 concerning the Provision of Medical Care to Persons during Temporary Residence, 26.V.1988 = Arrangement pour l'application de l'accord europeen du 17 octobre 1980 concernant l'octroi des soins medicaux aux personnes en sejour temporaire, 26.V.1988
???? Council of Europe European Convention to the formalities required for patent applications, 11.XII.1953, Paris = Convention europeenne relative aux formalites prescrites pour les demandes de brevets, 11.XII.1953, Paris
2004 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (59 ; 2004 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 52: Rapport du Comite special sur la portee de la protection juridique offerte par la Convention sur la securite du personnel des Nations Unies et du personnel associe, 12―16 avril 2004
2004 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (59 ; 2004 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 22: Rapport du Comite special sur les immunites juridictionnelles des Etats et de leurs biens, 1er―5 mars 2004
2000 UNESCO. World Heritage Committee. Session (24 ; 2000 ; Cairns) Report
1992 Council of Europe European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production, 2.X.1992, Strasbourg = Convention europeenne sur la coproduction cinematographique, 2.X.1992, Strasbourg
1992 Council of Europe European Conventionon on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (revised), 16.I.1992, Valletta = Convention europeenne pour la protection du patrimoine archeologique (revisee), 16.I.1992, La Valette
1990 Council of Europe Protocol to the Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia, 16.XI.1989 = Protocole a la Convention relative a l'elaboration d'une pharmacopee europeenne, 16.XI.1989
1990 Council of Europe European Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of International Non-Governmental Organisations, 24.IV.1986, Strasbourg = Convention europeenne sur la reconnaissance de la personnalite juridique des organisations internationales non gouvernementales, 24.IV.1986, Strasbourg
2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Rapport périodique et plan d'action : Europe, 2005―2006
2007 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (62 ; 2007 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 38: Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : thirty-seventh session (15 January ― 2 February 2007), thirty-eighth session (14 May ― 1 June 2007), thirty-ninth session (23 July ― 10 August 2007)
2007 United Nations. International Labour Organization Freedom of association and collective bargaining in export processing zones : role of the ILO supervisory mechanisms / Ramapriya Gopalakrisnan
2007 United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Legislative history of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. — Vol. 2
2007 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (62 ; 2007 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 10: Report of the International Law Commission : fifty-ninth session (7 May ― 5 June and 9 July ― 10 August 2007)
2007 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (62 ; 2007 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 53: Report of the Human Rights Council : second session (18 September ― 6 October and 27―29 November 2006), third session (29 November ― 8 December 2006), fourth session (12―30 March 2007), fifth session (11―18 June 2007), first organizational meeting (19―22 June 2007), third special session (15 November 2006), fourth special session (12―13 December 2006)
2007 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Road Signs and Signals of 1968; European Agreement Supplementing the Convention and Protocol on Road Markings, Additional to the European Agreement : (2006 consolidated versions) / Transport Division
2000   La lutte contre le trafic illicite des biens culturels : guide pour la mise en œuvre de la Convention de l'UNESCO de 1970 / compilé et rédigé par Pernille Askerud et Étienne Clément
2006 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Tourism, culture and sustainable development / Mike Robinson & David Picard
2008 United Nations. International Labour Organization. Sectoral Activities Programme Meeting of Experts to Examine Instruments, Knowledge, Advocacy, Technical Cooperation and International Collaboration as Tools with a view to Developing a Policy Framework for Hazardous Substances, Geneva, 10―13 December 2007 : final report
2005 Садовская, Алеся Николаевна (кандидат исторических наук) Политика Европейского Союза в отношении развивающихся государств в 1990-е―2000-е годы : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук : 07.00.15 : 25.11.2005 / Садовская Алеся Николаевна ; Белорусский государственный университет
2006 Шамаев, Арсений Владимирович Конституционно-правовые вопросы защиты прав и свобод человека в Российской Федерации в контексте принципов и норм Совета Европы : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук : 12.00.02 / Шамаев Арсений Владимирович ; [Научно-педагогический институт прав человека Российского государственного социального университета]
1969 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Convention for the protection of animals during international transport
2001 ООН. Международная организация труда. Международная конференция труда. Сессия (89; 2001) Доклад IV (2А): Безопасность и гигиена труда в сельском хозяйстве : Пункт 4 повестки дня ; 2001
1995 Council of Europe European Convention on Human rights : Collected texts
1999 Эрделевский, Александр Маркович Обращение в Европейский Суд
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Human rights = Droits de l'homme : Major intern. instruments=Les principaux instruments intern.: Status as at 31 May 2001 / Prep.: Vladimir Volodin
2000 United Nations. International Labour Organization Social security pensions : Development and reform / Ed.: Colin Gillion et al
2000 Council of Europe Implementation of the Bern Convention nordic countries: Sweden / Cyrille de Klemm ; Convention on the Conservation of Europ. Wildlife and Nat. Habitats (Bern Convention)
1984 Council of Europe Stock-taking on the European Convention on Human Rights : A periodic note on the concrete results achieved under the convention : The first thirty years: 1954 until 1984
1996 Council of Europe Sixth protocol to the general agreement on privileges and immunities of the Council of Europe = Sixieme protocole additionnel a l'accord general sur les privileges et immunites du Conseil de l'Europe : Strasbourg, 5.III.1996
1980 Council of Europe European convention of mutual assistance in criminal matters, 20.IV.1959 = Convention Europeenne d'entraide judiciaire en matiere penale, 20.IV.1959 : Declarations and reservations as at 1 August 1980 = Declarations et reserves: Etat au 1-er aout 1980
1990 Council of Europe European Cultural Convention, 19.XII.1954, Paris = Convention culturelle europeenne, 19.XII.1954, Paris
2003   Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining
1999   Конвенция о защите прав человека и основных свобод = Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms : С поправками, внес. протоколом N 11 : Вступил в силу 1 нояб. 1998 г
2005 UNESCO. World Heritage Centre. World heritage information kit
1992 Council of Europe The situation, conservation needs and reintroduction of lynx in Europe : [Proc. of the seminar], 17-19 Oct. 1990, Neuchatel, Switzerland, Fac. des Lettres, Univ. of Neuchatel: Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
2004   Конвенция о равном обращении и равных возможностях для трудящихся мужчин и женщин: трудящиеся с семейными обязанностями = Convention concerning equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women workers: workers with family responsibilities : конвенция от 23 июня 1981 г. N 156 : ратифицирована Федеральным законом Российской Федерацией от 30 октября 1997 г. N 137-ФЗ : вступила в силу для Российской Федерации 14 февраля 1999 г
1997   Сборник нормативных документов по вопросам охраны окружающей среды : основан в 1992 году / Министерство природных ресурсов и охраны окружающей среды Республики Беларусь, [Белорусский научно-исследовательский центр "Экология"]. — Вып. 16, ч. 1: Международные конвенции по окружающей среде / [составители: Р. К. Кожевникова и др.]
1998 Council of Europe Short guide to the European Convention on Human rights / Donna Gomien
1995 Council of Europe Critical perspectives on the scope and interpretation of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights / Dirk Voorhoof
2003 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Guidelines for estimating and reporting : Emission data under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution / Prep.: Convention`s Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections and the secretariat
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Migrant workers and xenophobia in the Middle East / Ray Jureidini
2001   Polska droga do Schengen : Opinie ekspertow / Inst. Spraw Publ
1999 United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women / Dep. of Publ. Infrom
2003 ООН. Управление Верховного Комиссара ООН по делам беженцев. Сексуальное и гендерное насилие над беженцами, возвращающимися лицами и внутренне перемещенными лицами : Руководство по предотвращению и реагированию, май 2003
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