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Дата Автор Заглавие
1988 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 1988 : supplements. — Suppl. 9: Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme : report on the organizational meeting for 1988, the special session and the thirty-fifth session
2006   Передовой опыт в использовании энергии биомассы : в 2 ч. / Программа развития ООН (ПРООН), Глоб. экол. фонд (ГЭФ), Ком. по энергоэффективности при Совете Министров Респ. Беларусь ; [пер. с англ. Леонов С.Д.]
2011   Праграма развіцця ААН у Беларусі / [Прадстаўніцтва ПРААН у Беларусі]
2006 Организация Объединенных Наций. Генеральная Ассамблея. Сессия (61 ; 2006 ; Нью-Йорк) Официальные отчеты : дополнения. — Доп. 5A: Программа развития Организации Объединенных Наций : финансовый доклад и проверенные финансовые ведомости за двухгодичный период, закончившийся 31 декабря 2005 года, и Доклад Комиссии ревизоров
2004 Арганізацыя Аб'яднаных Нацый. Праграма развіцця Даклад аб чалавечым развіцці, 2004 : Культурная свабода ў сучасным разнастайным свеце / [Дырэктар]: Сакіко Фукуда-Пар
2010 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2010 : supplements. — Suppl. 15: Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Population Fund : report of the Executive Board on its work during 2010
2012 United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus United Nations Development Programme in Belarus
2006 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (61 ; 2006 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 5A: Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement : rapport financier et états financiers vérifiés de l'exercice biennal clos le 31 décembre 2005 et Rapport du Comité des commissaires aux comptes
2008 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (63 ; 2008 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 5A: United Nations Development Programme : financial report and audited financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2007 and Report of the Board of Auditors
2008 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2008 : supplements. — Suppl. 15: Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Population Fund : report of the Executive Board on its work during 2008
2009 United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus Annual report, 2009 / production editor: Vladislav Khilkevich
2011 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2011 : supplements. — Suppl. 15: Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund and the United Nations Office for Project Services : report of the Executive Board on its work during 2011
2012   Праграма развіцця ААН у Беларусі, 2012 / [Прадстаўніцтва ПРААН у Беларусі]
1999 United Nations Development Programme Compendium of ongoing interventions as of 31 December 1998 / Div. of Inform. Management and Analysis, Bureau for Planning and Resource Management
2009   Працуем для Беларусі [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : горад Браслаў : [2010 : насценны перакакідны каляндар] / Прадстаўніцтва Праграмы развіцця ААН у Рэспубліцы Беларусь ; фота Сяргей Плыткевіч
2020   Project "Strengthening Capacity of the State border Committee of the Republic of Belarus in Combatting illicit Trafficking of Weapons and Ammunition" [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [буклет]
2006 United Nations. General Assembly. Session (61 ; 2006 ; New York) Official records : supplements. — Suppl. 5A: United Nations Development Programme : financial report and audited financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2005 and Report of the Board of Auditors
2008   Menschliche Sicherheit : globale Herausforderungen und regionale Perspektiven / Herausgebers: Cornelia Ulbert, Sascha Werthes
1995 Арганізацыя Аб'яднаных Нацый. Праграма развіцця Беларусь: тварам да чалавека : Нацыянальная справаздача аб чалавечым развіцці, 1995 / Падрыхт.: Аддз-не гуманітарных навук АН Рэсп. Беларусь, Прадстаўніцтва ААН / ПРААН ў Рэсп. Беларусь ; Аўт. калектыў: Г.Лыч (кіраўн.), І.Абрамаў, В.Арцёмава, А.Бажанаў
2008 United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus UNDP-GEF Project Biomass Energy for Heating and Hot Water Supply in Belarus (Biomass Energy) / Global Environment Facility ; Department for Energy Efficiency of the the State Committee for Standardization of Belarus ; RUP "Belinvestenergosberezhenie"
2009 United Nations. Economic and Social Council Official records, 2009 : supplements. — Suppl. 15: Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Population Fund : report of the Executive Board on its work during 2009
2015 Организация Объединенных Наций. Глобальный экологический фонд. Программа малых грантов Participation of GEF Small Grants Programme Belarus in combating climate change / United Nations Development Programme
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