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1876   Mind : a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy
2014 Staten, Henry Spirit becomes matter : the Brontës, George Eliot, Nietzsche / Henry Staten
1911   Nelson's encyclopædia : [in 25 volumes]
1908-1926   Encyclopædia of religion and ethics : [13 vol.] / edited by James Hastings ; with the assistance of John A. Selbie and Louis H. Gray
1883 Poe, Edgar Allan (1809—1849) The works : [in 4 vol.] / of Edgar Allan Poe ; edited by John H. Ingram
1844 Де Куинси, Томас (1785—1859) The logic of political economy / Thomas De Quincey
1905 Маршалл, Генриетта Элизабет (писательница ; 1867—1941) Our island story : a history of England for boys and girls / H. E. Marshall ; with pictures by A. S. Forrest
1990   Morals, motives & markets : Adam Smith 1723―90 : an exhibition organised by The Adam Smith Bicentenary Committee : Royal Museum of Scotland, Chambers St, Edinburgh 17 July ― 2 Sept 1990 / catalogue written by Jean Jones
1990-1999   Edinburgh City cycle ways Innertube Map [Карты] : student edition
1909 Уэллс, Герберт Джордж (писатель ; 1866—1946) The food of the Gods and how it came to Earth / H. G. Wells
1928 Woolf, Virginia (1882—1941) Orlando : a biography / Virginia Woolf
1851 Krasiński, Walerian (гісторык ; 1795―1855) Sketch of the religious history of the Slavonic nations / by Valerian Krasinski
1819-1832 Scott, Walter (пісьменнік ; 1771—1832) Novels and tales of the author of Waverley : [in 62 vol.] / [Walter Scott]
1907 Rosebery, Archibald Philip (дзяржаўны дзеяч ; 1847―1929) Pitt / by Lord Rosebery
2020 Johnson, Todd M. World Christian encyclopedia / Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo
1992   Cornucopia : Turkey for connoisseurs
1966 Barber, Charles Linguistic change in present-day English / Charles Barber
1969   Encyclopaedia of linguistics, information and control / edotor-in-chief: A. R. Meetham ; associate editor: R. A. Hudson
1924 Shaw, Bernard (пісьменнік ; 1856—1950) Saint Joan : a Chronicle Play in Six Scenes and an Epilogue / by Bernard Shaw
1818 Murray, Hugh (1779―1846) Historical account of discoveries and travels in Africa, from the earliest ages to the present time : including the substance of the late Dr. Leyden's work on that subject / Hugh Murray
1863 Фрыдрых II (кароль прускі ; 1712—1786) Les matinées royales, ou l'art de régner : Opuscule inédit / de Frédéric II, dit le Grand, roi de Pruss
1992   Adam Smith reviewed / edited by Peter Jones, Andrew S. Skinner
1938 MacNeice, Louis (пісьменнік ; 1907—1963) Modern poetry : a personal essay / Louis MacNeice
1867 Смит, Чарлз Пиацци (астроном ; 1819—1900) Life and work at the Great Pyramid : during the months of January, February, March, and April, A. D. 1865; with a discussion of the facts ascertained : in three volumes / C. Piazzi Smyth
1788 Royal Society of Edinburgh Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
1810-1811 Smollett, Tobias (пісьменнік ; 1721—1771) The history of England, from the revolution in 1688, to the death of George II. : designed as a continuation of Hume : embellished with engravings on copper and wood, from Thurston's designs / T. Smollett
2015 Sherry, Samantha Discourses of regulation and resistance : censoring translation in the Stalin and Khrushchev era Soviet Union / Samantha Sherry
1941   The Times handy atlas [Карты] / The Edinburgh Geographical Institute
1913 Томпсон, Фрэнсис (поэт ; 1859—1907) The collected poetry of Francis Thompson / by Francis Thompson
1804   The spectator : with sketches of the lives of the authors : in eight volumes
1822 Scott, Walter (пісьменнік ; 1771—1832) The fortunes of Nigel : [in 3 vol.] / by the author of "Waverley, Kenilworth," & c
1908   The illustrated Chambers's encyclopædia : a dictionary of universal knowledge
1938 East, Gordon The geography behind history / Gordon East
2012 Smith, Jeremy J. Older Scots : a linguistic reader / Jeremy J. Smith
1924 Buchan, John Prester John / John Buchan
2015   The Decadent short story : an annotated anthology / edited by Kostas Boyiopoulos, Yoonjoung Choi and Matthew Brinton Tildesley
1903 Balfour, Andrew (1873―1931) The golden kingdom : being an account of the quest for the same as described in the remarkable narrative of Doctor Henry Mortimer, contained in the manuscript found within the boards of a Boer Bible during the late war / Andrew Balfour
1913 Strauss, Rita The parents' book : a book which answers children's questions / Rita Strauss
1995 Барака, Амири (писатель ; 1934—2014) Blues people : [the Negro experience in White America and the music that developed from it] / LeRoi Jones
1877 Spencer, Herbert (1820—1903) The principles of sociology / Herbert Spencer
1964 Peel, E. A. The psychological basis of education / E. A. Peel
2006 National Library of Scotland (Эдынбург) Welcome to the National Library of Scotland : an introduction to our services
2015 Soules, Marshall Media, persuasion and propaganda / Marshall Soules
1867 Jones, Ernest Charles (палітычны дзеяч ; пісьменнік ; 1819—1868) Democracy vindicated : a lecture delivered to the Edinburgh Working Men's Institute on the 4th January 1867, in reply to Professor Blackie's lecture on democracy, delivered on the previous evening / by Ernest Jones
1894 Spencer, Herbert (1820—1903) The man versus the state : The new Toryism, The coming slavery, The sins of legislators and The great political superstition / by Herbert Spencer
1932 Ogden, Charles Kay (1889—1957) Bentham's theory of fictions / by C. K. Ogden
2014   The Russian language outside the nation / edited by Lara Ryazanova-Clarke
2018 May, Timothy The Mongol Empire / Timothy May
1880 Eliot, George (1819—1880) Novels of George Eliot
1964 Cross, Kenneth Gustav Walter Scott Fitzgerald / K. G. W. Cross
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