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2006   List of participants : Inform. received by Thursday, 21 September 2006 at 3:00 p.m. / United Nations
1998 Council of Europe Objective 1998 : The Council of Europe's Intergovernmental Programme of Activities
1993 Council of Europe Activities of the Council of Europe : 1991 report
2003   Global governance und die G8 : Gipfelimpulse für Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik / herausgegeben von Sieglinde Gstöhl
1995 Межгосударственный экологический совет. Сессия (6 ; 1995 ; Минск) Материалы VI сессии Межгосударственного экологического совета, 22-23 июня 1995 г., [Минск]
1994 Межгосударственный экологический совет. Сессия (5 ; 1994 ; Москва) Материалы V сессии Межгосударственного экологического совета, 9-10 сент. 1994 г. ; Москва. ; 1994
2003   Энциклопедия международных организаций : В 3 т. / С-Петерб. гос. ун-т, Юрид. фак. ; [Под ред. Л.Н.Галенской, С.А.Малинина]. — T.1: Международные межправительственные организации
1996 Council of Europe The challenges of a greater Europe : The Council of Europe and democratic security
1999 Совет Европы Activites du Conseil de l'Europe : Rapport 1998
1996 Council of Europe Law and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter / [Auth.] : Donna Gomien, David Harris, Leo Zwaak
1995 Council of Europe 1972-1974
2003 International Atomic Energy Agency. General Conference. Session (47; 2003; Vienna). Forty-seventh regular session, 15-19 September 2003, Vienna: List of participants : Information received by 5:00 p.m. on 17 Sept. 2003 / United Nations ; Vienna. ; 2003
1997 Council of Europe Voices of Europe, 1949-96 : A selection of speeches delivered before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe / Ed. co-ordination : Sophie Jeleff ; Phot. : Tadeusz Paczula
2009 Klabbers, Jan An introduction to international institutional law / Jan Klabbers
2013 Сусветная мытная арганізацыя Annual report, 2012―2013
2001 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Sess. 2001, ordinary (22-26 January;2001;Strasbourg). Pt. 1 Texts adopted at the First of the 2001 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly : Recommendations 1489 to 1502. Resolutions 1236 to 1242. Orders Nos. 568 and 569. References to committees Nos. 2562 to 2575
2017   Yearbook of international organizations, 2017―2018 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by the Union of International Associations. — Vol. 1A: Organization descriptions and cross-references : (A to Ins)
1999 Council of Europe European Social Charter : 14th report (I), 14th report (II) [of the] Governmental Committee
1934 Scelle, Georges (1878―1961) Théorie du gouvernement international : rapport / présenté par Georges Scelle ; Institut international de droit public
1995 Council of Europe Activities of the Council for Cultural Co-operation : 1992-93 report
1995 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions IV, 1975 / Comm. of Independent Experts
2006   China's development and prospect of Asean-China relations / Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, Centre for Asean and China Studies
1996 Council of Europe European Agreement relating to persons participating in proceedings of the European Court of Human Rights and Sixth Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe and explanatory reports
1999 Council of Europe 1995-1998
2015   Yearbook of international organizations, 2015―2016 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 4: International organization : bibliography and resources
1987   The international year book and statesmen's who's who. / European Association of Directory Publishers ; Association of British Directory Publishers. — 1987 / research: Mervyn O. Pragnell (countries section), Ann Patricia Rogers (biographies section)
2005 Миронова, Ирина Валерьевна Универсальные и региональные межгосударственные финансовые организации развития: сравнительный анализ функционирования : на примере Международного и Европейского банков реконструкции и развития : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук : 12.00.10 / Миронова Ирина Валерьевна ; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
1995 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions VI, 1979 / Comm. of Independent Experts
1998 Council of Europe Activities of the Council of Europe : 1997 report
1995 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions VIII, 1984 / Comm. of Independent Experts
1995 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions V, 1977 / Comm. of Independent Experts
2006   Yearbook of international organizations, 2006―2007 : guide to global and civil society networks / edited by Union of International Associations. — Vol. 3: Subject volume : global action networks : classified directory and index
1992 Council of Europe The Council of Europe's work on sport, 1967-91. — Vol. 2: General works
1983 Council of Europe 1975-1982
1996 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Addendum to conclusions XIII-3 : Luxembourg's first report / Comm. of Independent Experts
1996 Council of Europe All different - all equal : A sum of experience
2014 Stratenschulte, Eckart D. Europa : Fakten und Zusammenhänge / Eckart D. Stratenschulte
2001 Содружество Независимых Государств. Экономический суд Доклад Экономического Суда / Содружество Независимых Государств
2014   The European Union encyclopedia and directory, 2015 / [editor: Imogen Gladman] ; [senior editor: Juliet Love] ; [senior editor, directory: Iain Frame]
1962   The international year book and statesmen's who's who. / European Association of Directory Publishers ; Association of British Directory Publishers. — 1962 / editors: H. T. F. Rhodes, C. J. Smith
2017   Yearbook of international organizations, 2017―2018 : guide to global civil society networks / edited by the Union of International Associations. — Vol. 1B: Organization descriptions and cross-references : (Int to Z)
2005 Глазкова, Наталья Георгиевна (кандидат экономических наук) Совершенствование механизма платежного союза на территории СНГ : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата экономических наук : 08.00.10 / Глазкова Наталья Георгиевна ; [Волгоградский государственный университет]
1995 Council of Europe Objective 1995 : The intergovernmental programme of the activities of the Council of Europe
1992 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions X-2: on the application of the Europ. Social Charter by Austria, Cyprus, the Federal Rep. of Germany, France, Ireland, Italy and Spain during the period from 1 Jan. 1985 to 31 Dec. 1986 / Comm. of Independent Experts of the Europ. Social Charter
1997 Межгосударственный экологический совет. Сессия (8 ; 1997 ; Кишинев) Материалы VIII сессии Межгосударственного экологического совета, 15 окт. 1997 г., Респ. Молдова, г. Кишинев / Сост.: А.А.Савастенко, Т.И.Будник ; Кишинев. ; 1997
1995 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions VII, 1981 / Comm. of Independent Experts
1999 Council of Europe Activities of the Council of Europe : 1998 report
1993 Council of Europe Intergovernmental co-operation in the Council of Europe : 1993 objectives
1995 Council of Europe European Social Charter : Conclusions IX-2, 1986 / Comm. of Independent Experts
2005 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development International agreement on olive oil and table olives, 2005
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