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1994 Council of Europe The effects on labour relations of new forms of organisation of work in firms : Rep. of a study group 1991-92 Programme of Co-ordinated Research in the Social Field / Steering Comm. for Employment and Labour
1987 Council of Europe Conference of institutions responsible for teaching the subject "computers and law", 9-11 Oct. 1985, Rome : Proc
1996 Council of Europe Assistance to victims and prevention of victimisation : Recommendation No. R (87) 21 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 17 Sept. 1987 and explanatory memorandum
1995 Council of Europe Principles on the distribution of videograms having a violent, brutal or pornographic content : Recommendation N. R (89) 7 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 27 Apr. 1989 and explanatory memorandum
1983 Council of Europe Measures to be taken in cases of kidnapping followed by a ransom demand : Recommendation No. R (82) 14 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 24 Sept. 1982 and Explanatory memorandum
1990 Council of Europe Provisional court protection in administrative matters : Recommendation No. R (89) 8 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 13 Sept. 1989 and explanatory memorandum
1982 Council of Europe Prevention of juvenile delinquency: the role of institutions of socialisation in a changing society : Rep. pres. to the 14th Criminological Research Conf., 1980 / Europ. Comm. on Crime Problems
1991 Council of Europe Data protection and the media / Prep. : Comm. of Experts on Data Protection (CJ-PD) under the authority of the Europ. Comm. on Legal Co-op. (CDCJ)
1994 Council of Europe Conservation of freshwater fish in Europe : [In the framework of the] Convention on the Concervation of European Wildlif and Natural Habitats / Peter S.Maitland
2000   Chemically-defined flavouring substances = Substances aromatisantes chimiquement definies
1996 Council of Europe The position of the victim in the framework of criminal law and procedure : Recommendation No. R (85) 11 and explanatory report / Europ. Comm. on Crime Problems
1983 Council of Europe EDP systems for court administration : Proc. of the 3rd Colloquy on the use of computers in the administration of justice, 3-5 Nov. 1982, Strasbourg
1968 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Convention on Consular Functions and its protocols
1968 Council of Europe Explanatory report on the European Convention on the abolition of legalisation of documents executed by diplomatic agents or consular officers
1997 Council of Europe Languages for work and life : the Council of Europe and vocationally oriented language learning (VOLL) / Education Comm., Council for Cultural Coop. ; Ed. : Gerd Egloff, Anthony Fitzpatrick
1993 Nowak, Manfred U. N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights : CCPR commentary / Manfred Nowak
1937   Revue du Rhin : eine Monatsschrift für Kunst und Literatur
1867   La bibliothèque populaire = Die Volks-Bibliothek : journal des familles connaissances utiles, agriculture, instruction et récréation
1862 Block, Maurice Dictionnaire de l'administration française / Maurice Block ; avec la collaboration de MM. Alauzet [et al.]
1798 Horix, August-German (1774—1831) Bernadotte in Wien, oder Beleuchtung Der sogenannten Getreuen Darstellung des Auflaufes, welchen die französische Bothschaft durch Aushändigung einer dreifarbigen Fahne den 13ten April 1798 in Wien veranlast hat... / von August-German Horix
2016 Demouy, Patrick Le Sacre du Roi [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : histoire, symbolique, cérémonial / Patrick Demouy
2016 Matt-Willmatt, Hubert Die gute Küche am Oberrhein [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : eine kulinarische Reise über die Grenzen : Baden, Schwarzwald, Elsass, Vogesen / Hubert Matt-Willmatt ; Fotos von Heinz Linke ; Übersetzung der Rezepte von Irène Kuhn
2006   Le monde fraternel d'Albert & d'Adolphe Matthis [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : Strasbourg et l'Alsace de 1890 à 1940 : [ce catalogue accompagne l'exposition du même nom présentée à la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg du 6 avril au 17 juin 2006] / catalogue réalisé sous la direction de François Pétry
2010 Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire (Страсбург) La revue de la BNU / Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg
1998 Council of Europe Cultural policies in Europe : A comparative approach / [Auth.] : Mario d'Angelo, Paul Vesperini
1997 Council of Europe Vis-a-vis primary schools / Council for Cultural for Co-op., Network for School Links and Exchange ; Ed.: Aline Hauck, Gerard Brasseur
1982 Council of Europe European Convention on Compulsory Insurance against Civil Liability in Respect of Motor Vehicles, 20.IV.1959, Strabourg = Convention europeenne relative a l'assurance obligatoire de la responsabilite civile en matiere de vehicules automoteurs, 20.IV.1959, Strabourg
1986 Council of Europe Case-law on Article 5 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms / [Auth.]: Marc-Andre Eissen ; Europ. Court of Human Rights
1998 Council of Europe Manual on information technology applications in correctional administration
1999 Council of Europe Adopted texts on education for democratic citizenship = Textes adoptes sul l'education a la citoyennete democratique
1986 Council of Europe The protection of the individual with reagard to the acts of the tax and customs administrations : Proc. of the colloquy, 25-27 March 1986, Messina / Council of Europe in co-op. with the Intern. Centre of Sociol. and Penitentiary Research and Studies
1994 Council of Europe Teaching, research and training in the field of law and information technology : Recommendation No. R (92) 15 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 19 Oct. 1992 and explanatory memorandum
1993 Council of Europe European Convention on the Place of Payment of Money Liabilities, 16.V.1972, Basle = Convention europeenne relative au lieu de paiement des obligations monetaires, 16.V.1972, Bale
1995 Council of Europe Guidelines for safety evaluation of thermal process flavourings / Prep.: J.Gry
1996 Council of Europe European Agreement relating to persons participating in proceedings of the European Court of Human Rights and Sixth Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe and explanatory reports
1995 European Audiovisual Observatory Statistisches Jahrbuch, 1996 : Filmindustrie, Fernsehen, Video und neue Medien in Europa
2007 Council of Europe Reconciling labour flexibility with social cohesion ― the experiences and specificities of Central and Eastern Europe = Concilier flexibilité du travail et cohésion sociale ― les expériences et les enjeux spécifiques en Europe centrale et orientale
1921   Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses / publiée par la Faculté de théologie protestante de l'Université de Strasbourg
1974 Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly Texts adopted by the Assembly / Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly = Textes adoptés par l'Assemblée / Conseil de l'Europe, Assemblée parlementaire
1473 Astesanus de Ast (—каля 1330) Summa de casibus conscientia
2001 European Communities. European Commission Living together : living together in Europe in the 21st century: the challenge of plurilingual and multicultural communication and dialogue : proceedings of the 3rd Colloquy of the European Centre for Modern Languages, Graz (Austria), 9―11 December 1998 = Vivre ensemble : vivre ensemble en Europe au XX-e siècle: le défi de la communication et du dialogue plurilingues et multiculturels : actes du 3-me colloque du Centre européen pour les langues vivantes, Graz (Autriche), 9―11 décembre 1998
2012   Source(s) : cahiers de l'équipe de recherche Arts, civilisation et histoire de l'Europe
1976   Ktèma : civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques : revue annuelle
2020   Європейська хартія регіональних мов або мов меншин : та пояснювальна доповідь = European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages = Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires / Рамачная праграма супрацоўніцтва для Арменіі, Азербайджана, Грузіі, Рэспублікі Малдова і Беларусі, European Union ― Council of Europe Project "Promoting the standards of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in Belarus"
1995 Council of Europe Eurofit for adults : Assessment of health-related fitness / Publ. : Comm. for the Development of Sport, UKK Inst. for Health Promotion Research (Tampere, Finland ) ; Ed. : Pekka Oja, Bill Tuxworth
1982 Council of Europe Certificate of the Secretary General = Proces-verbal du Secretaire General : Containing the rev. text of the Protocol to the Europ. Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin of 15 Dec. 1958 and Annexes to the said Protocol
1980 Council of Europe European Convention on Foreign Money Liabilities, 11.XII.1967, Paris = Convention europeenne relative aux obligations en monnaie etrangere, 11.XII.1967, Paris
1982 Council of Europe Study of the methods and means necessary for the introduction and the promotion of the teaching of nutrition in schools / [Europ. Publ. Health Comm.], Co-ordinated Medical Research Programme (1981)
1999 European Audiovisual Observatory Statistical yearbook, 1999 : film, television, video and new media in Europe = Annuaire statistique, 1999 : cinéma, télévision, vidéo et nouveaux médias en Europe = Statistisches Jahrbuch, 1999 : Film, Fernsehen, Video und neue Medien in Europa
2010 Совет Европы Смертная казнь под прицелом : Совет Европы и смертная казнь / Генеральный директорат по правам человека и юридическим вопросам
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