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Дата Автор Заглавие
2008   Gestión fiscal / editado por Anwar Shah
2000 Csáki, Csaba (экономист ; род. 1940) Rural development strategy : Eastern Europe and Central Asia / Csaba Csaki, Laura Tuck
2004 Zhen-Wei Qiang, Christine (эканаміст) Contribution of information and communication technologies to growth / Christine Zhen-Wei Qiang, Alexander Pitt with Seth Ayers
1999   Economic growth with equity : Ukrainian perspectives / editors: John Hansen, Vira Nanivska
2007 Ringold, Dena (эканаміст ; нар. 1970) Social assistance in the new EU member states : strengthening performance and labor market incentives / Dena Ringold, Leszek Kasek
2003   Taxation of financial intermediation : theory and practice for emerging economies / edited by Patrick Honohan
2007 United Nations. World Bank Changing the face of the waters : the promise and challenge of sustainable aquaculture
2008 Loevinsohn, Benjamin Performance-based contracting for health services in developing countries : a toolkit / Benjamin Loevinsohn
2008   Beating the odds : sustaining inclusion in Mozambique's growing economy / Louise Fox [et al.]
2004 Pusch, Christoph Preventable losses : saving lives and property through hazard risk management : a comprehensive risk management framework for Europe and Central Asia / Christoph Pusch
2007 United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs Review of national action plans on youth employment : putting commitment into action / International Labour Organization ; The World Bank ; United Nations Secretariat
2000 Nunberg, Barbara (нар. 1948) Ready for Europe : public administration reform and European Union accession in Central and Eastern Europe / Barbara Nunberg
2008   Africa development indicators, 2007 : [from the World Bank Africa database]
2008   Public sector reform: what works and why? : an IEG evaluation of World Bank support
2002   Good practices in procurement, disbursement, and financial management for competitive grant programs in ECA countries / Meeta Sehgal [et al.]
2002 United Nations. World Bank Gender in transition / Pierella Paci
2008   Rompre le cercle vicieux : une stratégie pour promouvoir la croissance dans un milieu rural sensible aux conflits au Burundi / editeurs: Ilhem Baghdadli, Bernard Harborne, Tania Rajadel
1997   Sharing rising incomes : disparities in China
2001 United Nations. World Bank Finance for growth : policy choices in a volatile world
2005 Knowledge economy forum "Business environment and knowledge for private sector growth" (4 ; 2005 ; Istanbul) Business environment and knowledge for private sector growth : knowledge economy forum IV, Istanbul, Turkey, March 22―24, 2005 : final report / organized by the World Bank and the Government of Turkey
2007 United Nations. World Bank Le secteur du coton en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre : stratégies pour accroître la compétitivité du "C4" (Bénin, Burkina Faso, Mali et Tchad) / Ilhem Baghdadli, Hela Cheikhrouhou, Gael Raballand
1997 United Nations. World Bank Foreign direct investment / Foreign Investment Advisory Service
2004 United Nations. World Bank Challenging corruption in Asia : case studies and a framework for action / Vinay Bhargava and Emil Bolongaita
2004 United Nations. World Bank Leadership and innovation in subnational government : case studies from Latin America / edited by Tim Campbell, Harald Fuhr
1998 United Nations. World Bank Priorities for environmental expenditures in industry : Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union : a report for the Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe / Mark Ambler and John Marrow ; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1999 United Nations. World Bank Nongovernmental organizations in World Bank ― supported projects : a review / Christopher Gibbs, Claudia Fumo, Thomas Kuby
2003 United Nations. World Bank The Fixed-Spread Loan
2003 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank and anticorruption in Europe and Central Asia : enhancing transparency, voice and accountability
2005 United Nations. World Bank Annual report on operations evaluation, 2004 / World Bank, Operations Evaluation Department
2006 United Nations. World Bank Assessing World Bank support for trade, 1987―2004 : an IEG evaluation / World Bank, Independent Evaluation Group
2007 United Nations. World Bank World development indicators, 2007
1995 United Nations. World Bank Bureaucrats in business : the economics and politics of government ownership
2000 United Nations. World Bank Supporting the web of life : the World Bank and biodiversity ― a portfolio update (1988―1999)
2006 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank annual report, 2006
2004 United Nations. World Bank World Bank framework for development of regional energy trade in South East Europe / David Kennedy and John Besant-Jones
1995 United Nations. World Bank The land market assessment : a new tool for urban management / David E. Dowall ; United Nations Development Programme ; United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
2003 United Nations. World Bank Annual review, 2003 : small business activities / World Bank Group, International Finance Corporation
2002 United Nations. World Bank The World Bank in action : stories of development
2005 United Nations. World Bank East Asia decentralizes : making local government work
2007 United Nations. World Bank Intergovernmental fiscal transfers : principles and practice / edited by Robin Boadway and Anwar Shah
2006 United Nations. World Bank Trade, Doha, and development : a window into the issues / editor: Richard Newfarmer
2007 United Nations. World Bank A decade of action in transport : an evaluation of World Bank assistance to the transport sector, 1995―2005 / World Bank, Independent Evaluation Group
1998 United Nations. World Bank Ukraine : ozone depleting substances phaseout project
2004 United Nations. World Bank World development report, 2005 : a better investment climate for everyone
2007 United Nations. World Bank Guía de referencia para el antilavado de activos y la lucha contra el financiamiento del terrorismo / Paul Allan Schott
2005 United Nations. World Bank Making a large irrigation scheme work : a case study from Mali / Djibril Aw and Geert Diemer
2007 United Nations. World Bank Fiscal policy and economic growth : lessons for Eastern Europe and Central Asia / edited by Cheryl Gray, Tracey Lane, Aristomene Varoudakis
2002 United Nations. World Bank Constructing knowledge societies : new challenges for tertiary education
1995 United Nations. World Bank Decentralization of the socialist state : intergovernmental finance in transition economies / edited by Richard M. Bird, Robert D. Ebel, Christine I. Wallich
1994 United Nations. World Bank Glossary on entreprise management for restructuring and privatization : English-Russian, Russian-English / Natalia Jigalova with Djordjija Petkoski, Vladimir Kreacic
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